E-MU IV Classic How to create compatible Floppy disk from the computer?

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Haku, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. Haku

    Haku Newbie

    Apr 25, 2021
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    Hello everyone!

    I have an old computer with winXP installed with floppy disc reader and an E-MU Emulator IV Classic (Sampler hardware). I wanted to put some presets from the computer on the floppy but when i readed it with the sampler, it asked me to format. The same when i tried to read some floppy from the sampler on the computer.

    After some researches I found an update of the EOS for the sampler on this site :
    http://zine.r-massive.com/e-mu-eiv-series-factory-library/ (This site is very nice by the way)
    It's a .exe file. So when i launched it, it format the floppy disk with the EOS inside.
    And this floppy worked and it's recognized by the sampler but not anymore by the computer.

    Do you know how to "burn" floppy disk on the computer for the sampler E-MU IV Classic?
    That I know you can convert presets with the software EmulatorX3 in E-MU format (.e4b) but how to burn it on a floppy disk? Here a tutorial for the CD-ROM : http://zine.r-massive.com/e-mu-emulator-iv-eos-cd-rom-creation/

    Also if you have or if you know where to found some librairies of .img (floppy disk and not CD-ROM) compatible with Akai, Ensoniq, E-MU sampler, don't hesitate to share them :)

    Thank you,
  3. Recoil

    Recoil Guest

  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Floppy contain a LOT LESS data
    So you are not going to convert any CD ROM size bank to floppy
  5. Synclavier

    Synclavier Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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  6. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That was an example. He has said several times what he need fits in a Floppy Disk.
  7. Haku

    Haku Newbie

    Apr 25, 2021
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    Actually yes i know the difference between the size of a CD ROM and a floppy thank's :p
    I want to use the floppy for editing a preset on the computer for exemple and read it with the hardware.
    And also because i love this kind of old obsolete support.

    Thank you Recoil for the link, i'll see if the software "Constructor" is the key for writing on a floppy. I let you know of my experience.

    For the SCSI2SD, I'm afraid to realize this project for the moment. In the past i bought a poly61 for a good price, i maked some modifications to add midi on it. But after it was not the same vibe anymore. And finally i sold it. So maybe i want to keep the old fashion floppy for now and use the Emulator X3 for reading big banks and all the stuff. I'll use floppy and the hardware for specefic preset that i want to be process with.

    I am also curious to found some sounds that exist simply on floppy disk and maybe not on CD ROM. Homemade or from factory, like an archive somewhere on the web. I didn't find floppy with samples/presets on archive.org for exemple but only real floppy on ebay for sale :(
  8. Slavestate

    Slavestate Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2019
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    You cant read those floppies in Windows and the EMU is not going to read anything that Windows can. Only the Ultras can read FAT disks and thats if its running EOS 4.7. Your Classic is stuck with the EOS file system. Unless you want to waste your money on Chicken Systems Translator which only works about 2% of the time, and the other 98% just crashes and corrupts things, only another EMU is going to read those disks.

    Funny I replaced the floppies on both my E6400 Ultras with SCSI2SD drives and no "vibe" was lost heh. Its just a disk drive.
  9. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    There is an old PC cracked version of Translator. At the speed with which they (he) update that program, it's probably 90+% the same coding anyway.

    The E4 you have might be a nice historical piece to a collector. You could take advantage of the low bitrate convertors and get "That sound" by just sampling into it. It is not a sampler you want to use as your "workhorse sampler" where you need to be jockeying files and formats all over the place, because it is SO SLOW. It is a vintage item! A 1920s Duesenberg may be a wonderful vintage example car, but not one to be your daily driver!

    The best place for old ISO disk images like these is Audionews. You can register there on the 2nd day of the month without an invite.
    There are many you can find on unindexed web servers or Google Drive if you know how to look, but a lot of work/time to do that.
  10. Haku

    Haku Newbie

    Apr 25, 2021
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    Hello Clone, thank you for the audionews tip :) I'll put it on my agenda! I'll go there for sure! And yes I already use the hardware to record and edit sample. When I want to build a more complicated/layered preset, I use the software. Now I have an old computer with which I hoped to be the link between these two worlds.
    Hello Slavestate, ok if i get this one for exemple : http://amigakit.amiga.store/scsi-adapter-scsi2sd-2021-p-1314.html
    I don't understand completely. Do you need a case to fit to where the Floppy reader is? Or can you connect them to the back where the scsi connector is? Also the E-MU reconize it or you need to instal them? If you can share in more detail your experience what could be nice! (or a link to a detailed tutorial for noob :p)