Why do you use cracked plugins?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by vuuru_keg, Sep 12, 2021.


Why do you use cracked plugins?

  1. It's a hobby for me. I don't make money from it - I don't spend money on it.

  2. I simply just can't afford it most of the time

  3. I'm against the company's protection method on a moral/personal level (dongle, internet only etc..)

  4. I try before I buy. If the plugin is getting into my workflow after a while - I'll probably buy it.

  5. I don't want to buy stuff. I don't care about the developers, even if its a small company

  6. I actually don't use cracks at all, and I'm against it

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  1. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    for all the times I have seen it said in the warez scene to " support the developer"; I don't think I have ever seen any suggestion for the developers to support the musicians who use their "product". maybe I just don't visit kvr enough.

    in any other field, it would take a pretty big pair to ask someone with 10 or 20 years experience to pay you to check out your 3/4 of the way correctly coded idea for you. (for free). "but, I'm calling it canoe". the snake oil button doesn't even work right. it's greyed out until you subscribe.

    used hardware is the best tangible value for your money.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
  2. ahjs

    ahjs Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2011
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    But there are these manufacturers, such as Solemn Tones. The plugins are not really cheap, but the guy does everything to support his users. For example, via video, you can write to him personally, he has a Facebook group, and so on.
  3. thepie

    thepie Ultrasonic

    Aug 5, 2017
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    Of the 1000's i've tried, 90 percent of them are garbage. 5 percent that are quite good add artifacts or mess with dynamics in some way. The remaining 5 i will buy if they aren't priced extortionatley and they actually get used.
  4. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Call me crazy but I could swear they sound more analog-vintage-mojo-warm
    But I heard if you say that loud a Steven Slate-looking ghost appears and takes your life and soul... oh, wait, it's the opposite. It's only when you buy his stuff...
  5. The cleanest prophet

    The cleanest prophet Ultrasonic

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Only the older ones. The coding on the old plugins just add a vintage vibe that modern plugins can’t.

    You know this is actually going to be a real conversation people have one day ha :yes:

    In 10 years, the old waves SSL channel will be going used for $1800
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  6. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Given how Soundtoys is still popular, that day might not be so far away.
  7. jon.dough.1991

    jon.dough.1991 Producer

    Feb 16, 2021
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    I use cracked pluginz because for a decent amount of time i was in hiding , it was a Big-No to use any email,mobile,cc card,prepaid or anything linked to my real identity , see i am also a ghost producer and even implying this or that track was actually my creation and since it became a big hit could mean for me a lifetime in debt paying to avoid imprisonment due to fracturing a signed agreement of disclosure by the US court, i dont know the exact namez i aint no lawyer , but these record labels got lawyers that simply don't lose a case , and bigmouths like me that might say it was just a moment i mentioned during a casual hangout cause i was intoxicated to my girffriend and party juzz dont cut it and you end up ruined for life, i do not like this kind of life however till this moment it has offered me decent means (plenty of $$$) to live happily ever after , aint no fairy tale or hollywood theatre picture but at least i make by,feel free to pm me if u need a decent mockup of a beat ,i can build in a matter of minutes, if you have a voice recording of yours rhyming or rapping , i am known as the instant-fastest Top10 ghost producer, ask around , for you around here ill do it for free as i've done for plenty of friends for the last decades from rap hiphop and chick rnb and India's goa dance scene till today in Korea's Pop scene, i make music blockbusters , both a curse and a wishcometrue, i prefer to work with female vocals however , cant be inspired by men singing like chicks, juzz sayin
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  8. The cleanest prophet

    The cleanest prophet Ultrasonic

    Sep 9, 2021
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    I think the only real answer for 99.9% of us is if it’s a choice between getting it for free or paying, there’s only one winner. We can all try to justify it one way or another but that’s basically all it comes down to.
  9. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I would tick all the boxes (why can't I? :no:), my reasoning changes with every plugin, not to mention my daily mood.
  10. D____R

    D____R Kapellmeister

    Feb 24, 2021
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    God I wish there was a way to filter out all the sample packs, ahem. Why do you use cracked sample packs? How many 808 samples can one human own?
  11. jon.dough.1991

    jon.dough.1991 Producer

    Feb 16, 2021
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    I use cracked pluginz because i got 5 mouths to feed ,a wife who recently lost her job because of redundancy and cost-effect a girl working since she was 12 in warehouses and jobs grownup men with suits and ties would rather suicide than work a week there-she is no sissie , one baby boy and girl , myself , an almost grown man goin to high school already made his mind up to join the armed forces ,particularly US marines , i wish him the best, did my best to make my kids love martial arts and gymnastings , growing strong , in a world that would rather you be weak so they can walk over you

    rent comin , electricity water bills , goddamn Honda Civic 1994 needs new belts and tires for sho ,cold is coming , icy roadz , goddamn bro i wish i could write that superHit and at least be able to give my girl and children all the happines they ever needed , gimme a rifle fully loaded and ill say my goodbyes , i've had enough of this life, but just dis , to know i left my ppl happy behind, is all ,its all i ever cared bout,music was my life i thank it

    music and if i ever made a top hit would be my chance to get my ppl outside the ghetto outside the poverty outside the hopeless dreamworld the rich built around billions of us, i'd do good for friends and strangers too , maybe build a palace for homeless instead of them makin diy shelters underground Vegas , instead of me showin off on Youtube my private island palace and a load of Italian red sportscars, maybe sponsor some cancer research instead of flyin cars, humans, men and women , then we got a bunch of funny creatures animals, we are so funny in front of a universe,so little after all ,even if some go all high n mighty

    dun go be asking why i use some goddamn cracked pluginz , ok mon ?
  12. Michael Myers

    Michael Myers Ultrasonic

    Feb 14, 2021
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    I buy plugins I use. If I can't afford some, I use the cracked versions. As soon as I can afford them, I buy the legit versions. The one thing I despise about legit plugins is their slow loading times (Softube and Soundtoys give me a headache).

    I think if you are making money off cracked plugins it's only right that you buy the legit version.
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  13. jon.dough.1991

    jon.dough.1991 Producer

    Feb 16, 2021
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    I use cracked pluginz cause i rather give my sweet hard-earned dollar to a hoe or a drugpimp ,,or both ,for my daily fixation instead of buying virtual pictures of what i can already lay down on my tape recorder using my viny record collection my mpc my guitar and my tape recorder, nuff said bro,,i'll pay rent twomonths next week together no harm , seen ?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
  14. jon.dough.1991

    jon.dough.1991 Producer

    Feb 16, 2021
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    I use cracked pluginz cause its too boring to insert all your cc card and personal info each and every f*ckin time you wanna purchase sumthin, i juzz wanna download,install,,load it up in my daw of preference and create some instahits , nuff said
  15. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Keep trying man, I'm sure your 2500th attempt will be funny.
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  16. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Make it 5000th
  17. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    If we did that, it would be just that - our own money which nobody else will accept.
    Money is not the problem, it's its fair distribution = justice.
  18. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    So which is it, please? I was interested...
  19. ziked

    ziked Producer

    Nov 30, 2019
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    I'm very against paying for digital goods and cloud shit. Stuff you can't actually "own". I'd rather settle for listening to 128kbps MP3 than pay over $9 for digital download albums. I only buy games if they're really good and under $5 on Steam, otherwise 99.9% pirated. I won't even buy a movie EVER again due to YIFY and mooching off other's Netflix accounts.

    Professional audio and professional software in general is no different. In fact I'm even more passionate and less guilty about pirating pro software.

    For one reason, the prices are just ridiculous and are aimed at industry professionals. If I was fortunate enough to make a sustainable career off music, I would probably be fine with it, but I've made basically nothing on music, and known signed musicians who made less than $5,000 in 10 years.

    Next is DRM. Even if Cherry Audio is reducing the price of plugins, their DRM is unacceptable. I would have rejected Vital too if it kept the "forced login" screen. Synths shouldn't have online requirements.

    Another thing is support. Some synths are impossible to buy. I like vintage synth plugins. I've signed NDAs just to get free access to discontinued plugins. Linplug is dead, FMHeaven is dead, you can't buy DUNE 1 or Junglist. Pirated releases are the only source for these synths.

    In addition to support, stipulations and such place limitations on licenses. Many software vendors make you repurchase license to get the newer version. Some software vendors update license files, and you may have to contact customer service, just to be able to get a new license key for a new version of something you already own. Fuck that shit.

    Also, free alternatives are becoming increasingly competitive. Especially when you don't have extreme demands for the latest stuff. There are literally hundreds of completely usable free plugins. That really reduces the incentive to pay.

    And I'd much rather not waste limited money on software that can be spent on physical equipment. Who the fuck can afford a real synth if they want one when they're spending their cash on virtual ones? It can be expensive to get good speakers and headphones, I've probably spent $1000 just to be able to confidently settle with my current gear setup.

    So I am proud of my pirated liberated plugins.
  20. greyli

    greyli Newbie

    Sep 23, 2021
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    I earn $8 on hours. If I wanted to purchase Melodyne, I would have to clean toilets for 106 hours of my life. Instead, I spend 30 minutes finding a crack, because that a much better use of my time.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2021