Software Modulars

Discussion in 'Software' started by phumb-reh, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    There was an interest earlier on a general software modular synth thread, so here goes...

    So this will be a place to discuss these beasties, share tips & tricks and patches and so on.

    This will be a lengthy intro post, people in the know can probably skip most of this though. But this thread should be for beginners and pros alike. Later on perhaps we need to split this into several threads, like "using a modular synth" and "programming a module" or somesuch, we'll see.

    I'll use spoiler sections not to clutter too much.

    1. What is a modular synth / what is modular synthesis?

    An ultraquick history recap

    When electronic music/sound laboratories and studios started popping up in the late 50's and early 60's the concept of an integrated synthesizer didn't exist, instead the sound was created using rudimentary things like oscillators, filters, tube amps and tape machines, all hooked together with wires. So a sound engineer would take an oscillator, plug it into a filter and then to tape. Later on maybe they were lucky enough to get a second oscillator so they would take the oscillators, plug them into a small mixer and then to a filter and so on.

    Then maybe someone figured that they'd like to do things like pitch sweeps and vibrato, so an electric engineer would take the oscillator apart and add an input to control the oscillators pitch, enabling the pitch to be controlled electrically. Then the wiring would be from another oscillator to that input, then to the filter. Someone figured out that, hey, we can hook up this organ to send signals so we can play the oscillator with a keyboard... you see where this is going.

    Eventually this way was formalized (though not standardized, that would come way later) that a system could be created with modules that could be interconnected any which way. Like this tasty Moog system here:


    Incidentally, the connections were patched with short cables that we still call "patch cables", and a certain configuration for a certain sound, say, a whistling lead, came to be known as a patch, a term we still use. Similarly, as it all operates on voltages, the filters become known as "voltage controlled filters", VCFs, oscillators VCOs, amplifiers VCAs and so on. This terminology was picked up by the integrated synthesizers like the MiniMoog and has carried on to this day in many cases.

    The Basics

    First off, modular synthesis is not a distinct type of synthesis but rather a way of doing things. You start with a blank slate, add modules as you go along. "I'll start with a wavetable oscillator module, then add a sawtooth one and have the sawtooth modulate the wavetable at audio rate, then feed the wavetable to a lowpass filter, and the sawtooth to a bandpass...".

    So in this day and age, a modular synthesizer, software or not, is a system where the signal flow is not preconfigured but rather created by the user and any signal can go anywhere creating a bewildering amount of possibilities. Of course with software we have the luxury to save a set of modules, and then the patchings, and recall them when we want. Also if we need just one more filter we can just conjure one up and not have to pay for another expensive module :)

    Now, it can be argued that a lot of modern synths are modular these days, as in, you can reprogram the signal flow, but in this thread we're not concerned with things like Kontakt, Odin2, or Zebra2 even though they do offer a lot of flexibility.

    2. Why modular synths?

    Because why not, of course! :yes:

    Modulars offer almost infinite flexibility, and are a great way to experiment. Also, just fiddling about randomly can lead to many happy accidents and spawn inspiration out of the blue. Though you have to account for some time wastage, there's no denying that...

    For beginners:

    It's a great way to learn! While a bit scary at first, eventually you can pick up a lot of knowledge on how synths actually work, while expanding your audio palette and creating totally new sounds that are distinctly you!

    For a bit more seasoned synthesists:

    Ever imagine a sound and then reach for your favourite axe, only to realize that it lacks that one feature you'd need to actually create the sound in your mind? Or maybe you've been dicking about and noodling a guitar through an autofilter but wanting a second filter in parallel to thicken the sound?

    Well, here's your chance.

    For us audio nerds:

    We just like fucking about with stuff, and what's a better way than to program and patch your own gear, amirite? For some the big hurdle of learning programming can be intimidating and this offers us a great way to concoct some audio wizardry and share it with the world.

    3. Types of software modular synths

    This is a rough division and there are overlap with some things.
    1. Patchable Modulars
    2. Visual Programming Environments / Dataflow Languages
    3. Interactive Audio Programming Languages
    Let's have a look what these mean with some examples:

    These come in two flavors, first the self-contained and pre-patched, and second the full-blown types.

    The first kind has a preconfigured set of modules, and they may emulate existing synths like Korg MS-20 or provide a similar "feel" like u-he ACE. The big idea here being that you get a playable synth out of the box, but you can configure the signal flow to your liking so things aren't hardwired. Probably the easiest way to get your feet wet and get patching. The UI mimics the hardware, so you create the patches by clicking and dragging virtual cords between outputs and inputs.

    Examples: u-he ACE, Korg MS-20, Arturia ARP2600V, Togu Audio Line TAL-Mod

    The second kind is a software version of a "real" modular, so you add modules you want, organize them and patch as you like. Some of these have a set of predefined modules, others can add new modules, by purchase or otherwise, or allow new modules to be created. Complex topic but I'm sure we'll get to that. These also work as their analog counterparts, you use the mouse to create cables/patches.

    Examples: Cherry Audio Voltage Modular, Reaktor Racks/Blocks, VCV Rack

    Now we dive a level deeper, these are actual programming languages, but they function visually. Often called data-flow languages in general (especially those not concerned with audio) they're easier than "normal" programming as you can visualise the relationships of objects, but they still require knowledge of programming concepts (arrays, iteration etc.) at lowest level. However, they come with a library of premade modules so at first there's no requirement of those just yet.

    Compared to the patchable synths in previous category these allow things like circuit modelling, creation of reverb matrices and all wacky stuff like this, but there's nothing stopping from going hog wild for some crazy shit. Most also allow creation of sane user interfaces, and ease of sharing these creations, be them synths or FX or whatever.

    Some, like Max/MSP and Reaktor, allow a lower level of objects to be created (gen~ and Core, respectivelly) that compile to near native code for high performance, but this is definitely not for novices. But again, these can be added to one's repertoire incrementally, there's no need to dive into the deep end immediately.

    Examples: Max/MSP, Reaktor, Pure Data

    So now we're onto actual programming writing code with certain differences from general-purpose programming languages like C++. First, these are based on prewritten audio primitives so you build your processing using these modules, second, they take care of the boilerplate (audio and MIDI interfacing for instance) so you can concentrate on the actual processing. Also what they provide for you is heavily audio optimized so you can skip quite a lot of that when coding. Some also run in real time so creating stuff is easier without normal recompile cycles.

    Examples: SuperCollider, FAUST, CSound

    4. Odds and ends

    Though here we are concerned with software here we can interact with hardware if we so wish, interfaces with multiple ins/outs can obviously be used to send/receive signals to and from the outside world. There's latency, but oftentimes this is not a big impediment. There's also software like MOTU Volta which can send CV signals from your favourite DAW.

    With all of that out of the way, let's crack on!
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  3. jojofun

    jojofun Ultrasonic

    Sep 26, 2016
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    Would u-he Bazille also be considered a part of the "first kind" of modular synths (having a preconfigured set of modules)?

    And I guess Softube Modular would be of the 2nd set.
  4. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Correct for both assumptions.
  5. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Yes, and it was not meant to be an exhaustive list, just a couple of examples from the top off my head.
  6. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    Just a reminder: Modular stuff can be a bit scary at first look yes, specially if you're used to regular synths, but there's also the semi-modular approach, like Korg's k2 or Arturia's synthi that offer a bit of modularness while still remaining fairly simple. Could be a nice and friendly "demo" into the modular world for some people, also more affordable if you ever want to go hardware.

    edit: changed stuff to keep things software.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2021
  7. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Sure, but let's keep this about software. Two different worlds.
  8. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    u-he - ACE is, in my opinion, the perfect gateway to modular for someone who's unfamiliar with how it all works.
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  9. Dalmation

    Dalmation Producer

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Madrona Labs - Aalto, Virta, Kaivo
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  10. grrrr

    grrrr Kapellmeister

    Feb 1, 2012
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    wellington, New Zealand
    As good as it gets with Bitwig “the grid”
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  11. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Ok, let's kick off some discussion.

    This is something I've had on my mind for a while and idling away yesterday started with this:


    I was thinking "minimal" as in "how many knobs would I need for live performance or quick tweaking while still having a flexible oscillator". The basic idea is 4 stacked oscillators, using sawteeth for maximum harmonic range. The first one, on top, is the base note. the following oscillators are tuned up in semitones, set with the "Add" knob, so if Add is 12 then osc2 will be up one octave from base, osc3 two octaves and so on. Detune adds gentle pitch mod for some faux-chorus to oscs 2,3,4. There's a hard sync button so the Add can be set to normally dissonant intervals but still to retain pitch for some gnarly overtones. Finally the Amt knob adds the oscillators to the mix progressively so at 0 only the base oscillator is on, 1/3rds in the second osc starts to be heard, at half a bit of the third and at full all of the oscillators at maximum.

    I used Python to calculate the curves because I was too lazy to set them up by ear, like this:


    And you know what? It kind of works nicely, a lot of different and weird, but usable waves are created with just three knobs.

    I've got a filter (as you can see from the UI section above) set up in a similar fashion, a low pass base filter, then 3 tuned by semitones except they're BP filters to add some overtones if the LP tames the sound too much.

    If I get this bastard working to my liking (and doing some cleanup, the patch is ugly as fuck) I'll share it.

    What are y'all working on?
  12. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Fully agreed, it's a brilliant synth. It carries just the right amount of features, not too little, not too much.

    And being u-he it sounds, well, ace.
  13. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    I freaking love Bitwig, and am familiar with modular synthesis, but somehow couldn't manage to get into the grid as much as I'm into VCV.
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    KarmaFX Synth Advanced Simulated Analog Modular Synthesizer


    I made a free soundset.
    The Sonic Sirius Soundset For The KarmaFX - KarmaFX Synth Modular
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
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  15. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I have probably used BX Knifonium in about every project I have done since I got it. I think it sounds very good, but what I think they really nailed was the actual feeling of operating a physical modular device. 300$ idk about, but it was more than fair for 30 something on sale.

  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    It's free and sounds pretty good.

    is a modular polyphonic software synthesizer for Microsoft Windows (VST) and Apple macOS (VST/AU) written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. ModulAir is a work in progress and as of now with only a bunch of quirky presets and a lousy documentation. I am constantly adding modules and stuff to it. :)

    The main features of ModulAir are:
    • Fully modular architecture
    • Up to 18 modules per patch
    • 55 module types available
    • Polyphonic Voice and monophonic Master modules
    • Up to 64 voices polyphony
    • External signal processing possibleWatch the YouTube video!
    • Supports MTS-ESP by ODDSound dynamic micro-tuning
    • TUN/SCL micro-tuning file import
    • MIDI Learn – all parameters can be controlled by MIDI CC
    • Double precision audio processing
    • Plug-in supports Windows and macOS (32 bit and 64 bit)
  17. BuntyMcCunty

    BuntyMcCunty Rock Star

    Nov 13, 2019
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    It was ACE that got me interested in modular. For the Reason heads out there, Complex-1 has just gone up on the sister site and although I've only played with it for a little while, it looks to be about as good as any of the "single synth" (type 1) modulars out there -- and sounds fantastic.