Why do you use cracked plugins?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by vuuru_keg, Sep 12, 2021.


Why do you use cracked plugins?

  1. It's a hobby for me. I don't make money from it - I don't spend money on it.

  2. I simply just can't afford it most of the time

  3. I'm against the company's protection method on a moral/personal level (dongle, internet only etc..)

  4. I try before I buy. If the plugin is getting into my workflow after a while - I'll probably buy it.

  5. I don't want to buy stuff. I don't care about the developers, even if its a small company

  6. I actually don't use cracks at all, and I'm against it

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  1. vuuru_keg

    vuuru_keg Platinum Record

    Oct 24, 2018
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    So, as we're all discussing issues with cracked plugins, or getting hyped about certain software getting cracked, or to-be cracked (hail R2R :bow:)
    I was really wondering about the way, and the main reason we use cracked software, each one to his own reason of course...

    But I wanted to see if there's really a one, clear main reason for it that most of the people tend to share - so I created this poll here.
    Please try to really take a minute and think about it.
    Select only 3 answers (or less) that you feel are truly the most currently relevant about you
    and your reasoning, and feel free to elaborate on what you chose in a comment!

    I'll start with my reason! -
    I'm a hardcore "try before you buy" user.
    I do make my living from music and I've spent thousands of $$ on plugins already, (and still got a way to go) but I would have NEVER in my life spend this much money (or any money really...) on a plugin/software that I didn't have access to a crack of it before hand.
    Simply because only when using a fully featured version for a long while (not demo!) these tools are actually getting into my workflow, and becoming a part of my natural 'plugin-habitat' :)
    Needless to say that Black Friday and other sales are always coming in handy, and when I know plugin companies are new or still small - they are going up in my priority list of purchasing.

    I think we're really blessed to live in this time and have all these 'toys' to play with and get creative with, and I believe that while piracy might seem bad at first - it's such a good solution to see whether you really need/want some tools or not, and not fall into marketing hype.
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  3. The cleanest prophet

    The cleanest prophet Ultrasonic

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Generally to try them out without needing demo modes. I’m not a plug-in hoarder, I don’t have a lot. I make my money from music and have ended up buying most of the stuff I use for my work, if I need them regularly.

    Also, many plugins are probably very overpriced in my opinion. The price for a DAW or something like superior drummer, that’s fine, I get it. But I think most single plugins are overpriced for the average person in terms of what you get for the money. That said, there’s no reason you can’t work with stock plugins 99% of the time.

    Like many people, I started making music on a DAW at an age where there’s almost no way an average kid has the money to pay for one. So it was basically a case of downloading cracked ones to get started.
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  4. Moleman

    Moleman Platinum Record

    Jan 11, 2013
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    -i have bought already a good number of plugins and vst synths i have loaded and tried from the sister site

    -most of cracked vst plugins and synths i download just for fun, curiosity and for the sake to have them in case.

    -for me, the sister site is the unique source of the information about vst synths and plugins, if a plugin or vst synth hasn't been cracked and released on the sister site then it doesn't exist for me. i have no time to read KVR and other websites about software instruments and plugins.

    -i would buy more plugins and vst synths if they were under 49eur price range.

    -if i was running a production company and selling my music, i would instantly buy all licences for all plugins and vst synths, sample libraries.. thats like grand max 15000-20000eur roughly. thats nothing if you manage to sell some sound for some major advertising or else for 150-200k eur/usd.

    -if you devs prefer invest dozens of thousands into some silly ass copy protection and then expect to sell about 300 licences for 299eur each instead of 2000-3000 or more licences for under 49eur each, then its your choice. dont moan because your products gets cracked.

    i hope this thread will be useful for marketing statistics to all of you greedy ass publishers and devs. (audio ease, sonnox, hello ??)

    some of you may already say that obviously i know nothing about how a plugin/vst/synth production and development works and how much it costs. well F*YOU , i dont give a fuck about this all i know is what money i should spend or not. just get away with this and try to ADJUST your own spending / profit and greed according to this, im the final user/customer i am the one who decides what and when to buy.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
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  5. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Three reasons, nicely representated in a poll (good one, OP!).
    1) DRM with its complications and inconvenience of use.
    2) Low-grade turd-world country wages.
    3) I don't make any money off my music.
    Were I ever to break out, I'll buy stuff to support certain devs (or to supply you-know-what). And then keep using cracked versions regardless.
    Aside of Audio Damage. Those guys are the first one I'll be buying everything from.
    Man I hope this day will come.
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  6. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    I own my stuff.
    - But properly cracked software is just more conveniant to use. So I most of the time install cracked software although I own my copy.
    - And of course try (a longer period of time) before I buy.
    - I HATE copyright protected software because it's a pain in the ass only for the legit customer!
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  7. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Because I'm a communist.
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  8. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    try before i buy i know ive been a bit hasty on people on this site but that's aimed towards the people you just know are looking for hand outs like all the people who beg for fl updates every sodding week. (when is such and such ever going to get cracked i want this plugin is it out yet.)
  9. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    It's a hobby for me. I don't make money from it - I don't spend money on it.:like:
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  10. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Why do people climb mountains? Because they're there, right?
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  11. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Hope Vengeance-Sound will hear you!
    I've bought VPS Avenger (as promo when launched for around 160 euros) despite I'm not a CM professional but a simple hobbyist at home (no prods, no money make with my sh1tty music), I've bought it because it's really a nice synth (a beast) and protected by challenge/response keyfile (no e-Licenser, no iLok) via user's area.

    But they've changed the rules of the game! since VPS Avenger is protected by crappy CodeMeter protection scheme - never able to install it on my Windows 10 without ton of error messages. I'm stucked on old version (using old protection scheme). It's a shame!
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
  12. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Because crackers crack stuff. And because crackers crack stuff, developers implement restrictive protections. And because developers integrate restrictive protections, crackers crack the stuff again. And as crackers re-crack the crap, developers re-implement even more restrictive protections. And because developers integrate restrictive protections, crackers crack the stuff again.
    And because I don't want to be hassled by the developers as a license owner, I prefer to use the cracked stuff... as long as it is properly cracked.
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  13. akbarz

    akbarz Kapellmeister

    Sep 28, 2017
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    Hell on Earth
    I use cracked plugins because i live in a country that is terrorist. Because of that we can't have any international transactions. And even if we able to do that, everything is super ultra never achievable expensive. For Everyone who not live in hell like me: enjoy your life. thanks to big and small cracker groups who make me happy.
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  14. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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    i tend to buy the plugins i want that i can't get from the sister site. sometimes they show up at a way later date/time after i've bought them, and sometimes not at all. i use cracks simply because i can & they're there for the using.
  15. ahjs

    ahjs Kapellmeister

    Dec 28, 2011
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    I get about 700 euros pension. From this I then pay 330 euros rent, 50 euros electricity and 50 euros internet/telephone. Furthermore, insurance and various small obligations. So I have about 200 to 250 euros a month to live on. In Germany, that is very little money. Nevertheless, I have the Presonus Sphere subscription and sometimes buy a 10 Euro plugin or similar.
    My hardware is also modest (CPU i3 etc.).
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
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  16. Hxrny Mxrcx

    Hxrny Mxrcx Newbie

    Sep 12, 2021
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    i use because i refuse to pay. i have curiosity with sounds and also,i support piracy. it's the only option for poor people and i'm one from them. btw, greetings from Brazil!
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  17. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Use cracked plugins?
    Naah, nevver!! Who gave you that idea?
  18. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    also the people that believe in piracy are pricks
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
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  19. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    these are the types of people i was talking about these people.

    so your telling me that the people who have worked on all the plugins you use and the daw shouldn't be compensated for there efforts. no ones poor enough its called balancing your funds accordingly and using what you already have . i do that ive been out of work for over a year now due to covid and stll manage to afford plugins etc
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
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  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    That's a tough one... usually for the same reason I use plugins in general. You know, to make a bit of music and stuff...
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  21. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    You're ok, man? You want some crack?