Matrix 4 Soon - A bit off topic but anyway!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by phloopy, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    In today's Hollywood, when it comes to franchises, there can be projects that are a mix of reboot and sequel. When that happens, often a part of the franchise is forgotten in favor of a straight, “clean” continuation of the original canon (see the latest DC films releases). It could be that Warner is creating a soft reboot with Matrix Resurrections to bring a new trilogy to theaters/streaming platforms. Film industry is broken due to the COVID crisis, so any way to monetize is valid, which is worrying, considering the quality that the products may have (or not)!
  2. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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  3. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    How did I know YOU would respond to my post?

    Keep on snorting that wokeness, Mr. Triggered. :winker:
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  4. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    That alley fight scene is the best example of the frustration with the sleepwalking, brainwashed, cell phone zombies.

    Plus Carpenters soundtracks are always cool.
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  5. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    You do realize that both Wachowskis are trans and the entire series is an extended transgender allegory?

    I find it funny when people use terms like "redpilled" without realizing what it actually means.

    As for this film, it might be alright but I'm not expecting much. The first one was excellent self-contained flick, the sequels were ok but nothing special. They should do a new Animatrix though, that one had potential.
  6. orbitbooster

    orbitbooster Audiosexual

    Jan 8, 2018
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    John Wick VS. Matrix.
    They didn't bother to bring him to the barbershop, maybe Wick 4 is on production.
    But I'm still curious about Matrix 4.
    Will it be another layer of software/dimension a la Inception?
  7. Soul1975

    Soul1975 Platinum Record

    May 13, 2015
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    This looks terrible.
    I'm more excited about John Wick 4.
  8. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    They can say whatever. The Matrix wasn't. At least the first, I barely remember the two next turds. There was a little bit of Jewish marketing, nothing over-the-top considering how Hollywood stands.

    But yes, after that they did extreme over-inclusiveness in trans, race and so on in their next films and when they went to shit even more in their shows.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2021
  9. Fnörgl

    Fnörgl Noisemaker

    Aug 9, 2021
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    It genuinely looks like trash.
    Also, all I could think of while watching the trailer was "Why?"
    And of course the answer is obvious but I still can't help but ask why...

    But whatever, if you scroll down into the comments section and see people saying "It's because he was shooting John Wick 4 at the same time" to excuse the horrible costume design (there is no excuse, he shouldn't look EXACTLY like the main character of another film he's starring in) you'll see that this is heap of trash is apparently good enough for a lot of these people.

    Luckily it is still possible to enjoy the first Matrix movie in isolation and just pretend that the others don't exist. I think I'll continue doing that after this one is released too.
  10. livemouse

    livemouse Producer

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Matrix part 2 and 3 were not fun for me to watch. I tried, but there was too much stuff that made me want to skip by increments of 10 minutes. Marvel has made much much better movies than matrix 2 and 3. Hopefully M4 pushes the envelope like in matrix 1. But that's hard to do after Inception and Dr. Strange, Ant Man, etc, But Keanu is always good I will watch it for him, and for my dad's memory who recently passed.

    There's something kind of kitchy and leather fetishy about the style of the matrix movies that's not in my taste. Then again, the setting appears to be San Francisco.
  11. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    lol... is this must be a parody. are you playing some sort of deranged character? do you live in a movie? that would at least explain some things.

    this is like a pastiche of the dumbest agit-prop on the internet. how would it be possible to take it seriously let alone be triggered by such profoundly brutal display of stupidity.

    there are people frothing all over themselves at a dumb movie, and i am the one who is triggered? internet outrage over stupid pop-cultural affects that do not matter.

    none of what you have claimed has any hard evidence. is any of it falsifiable? just suggestion, gossip, conjecture, hearsay. fodder for gullible people. post-hoc rationalization as an excuse for stupid behavior of your own volition. people will believe, none the less, on articles of faith once it become entwined with identity and ego. some quixotic quest of personal perdition.

    none of what you have claimed matters in any real terms. in lieu of hard evidence, just a bunch of old birds gossiping over the back fence.

    fortunately for you, anyone can be easily dehumanized and dismissed with buzz words like, 'woke' or pseudo-snob-elitist. spun into the bizarre paranoid fantasies that you claim. that is exactly to the point of why these tactics are employed in agit-prop. historically speaking it inevitably does not end well.

    cultural marxism is just a reboot of cultural bolshevism, it had to be memory holed because of its obvious ties, that is why you now believe it never existed. now there are different buzz words for the same concept. and it will go on, today what was this or that is now 'woke' and tomorrow will be something else when that gets old. gullible people will continue to lap it up like sour milk.

    you know what nobody cares about? nobody cares why you pay for movies. the solution is pretty simple -- don't watch the dumb movie. problem solved -- thank me for saving you the psychological torture of having to watch a piece of light entertainment.

    now i do hope the movie is chock full, and dripping with 'wokeness', and people are forced to hate watch it -- clockwork orange style. just as carl marx meticulously described it in "critique of the gotha programme" ;) god knows, i won't be watching the crap.

    "make moving pictures, and colour peoples hair the deepest azure. only then will the prols truly know production." -- carl marx, 1857.

    -- i probably should not joke like that. people around here just believe any old crap.
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  12. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    How can one differentiate, what's the thing between Shinto, Buddhist, Christian and Jewish marketing in Hollywood advertising? I fully understand the Zoroastric though so I'm good there, LOL:rofl:

  13. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
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  14. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    If that happens then I will just instantly walk out of the theater faster than that time I was on a date and we watched that 3D cartoon movie about food items... which ended up in some grocery food fuck fest and weird shit like that so I walked my date right out of that theater so quick even though we hopped theaters to watch it. We still wanted our money back.

    Worst movie decision we ever made. I had to look it up but it was this movie. Shit still makes me feel uncomfortable.
  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    James Bond 007 - No Time To Die (2020) September 30, 2021
  16. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    In 3, Neo reset the Matrix.

    So whatever happens in 4 will be in the new Matrix (in theory).

    That means agent Smith could be agent Liza. Or agent Kamil. Or agent Leila. Whatever the fuck they want.

    "Oh no, a fictional character from 20 years ago is not the same, I want my money back and several forums to vent about Hollyweird shoving down non-white non-male characters down my throat"

    Stfu lol.
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  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    ? Several production houses made several very different looking animations.
    Interesting you see it as one film.
    Were all canon:
    The children playing in the time-glitch.
    The sexy training programme.
    The athlete one a story of being thwarted by an agent within the matrix.
    All of these things would have been going on prior to John Anderson waking up.
    Oh, and the young lad that throws himself out of the window and calls on Neo? Either in the recalled comic book I uploaded the picture of, or one of the Animatrix, I can't remember...
    That lad makes it into the films.
    And he actually goes towards helping Zion remarkably.
    Possibly the lad that says "Neo, you saved me!"
    Neo: "You saved yourself".
    Second and third irrelevant cash grab.
    End of third was all that was needed to complete the story so far.
    The Architect told Neo of the two options but said you always come back, because of 'love'.
    (This is the entrapment within the reincarnation process.)
    What did he do?
    He came back, because of love, and we saw a new world created...
    Where was Neo/John?
    Do you think he became the sol, as in other spiritual tropes?
    Or was/is he having the experience now that befits what he chose to do...???

    And no to the last sentence: all people in the matrix were used as agents against Neo in the third film!
    Everybody was an agent.
    IF we were in the original matrix now and you were correct, in theory it would just be the same old same old, as you describe.
    IE anybody, male or female, could always have become used/taken over as an agent anyway.
    As per the tramp, the oracle (female), all male and female extras.
    But hey, there are already lots of scripting potholes in the films anyway!
    But really, your theory doesn't work. In theory!

    Transhumanism, transgenderism, DARPA, were always linked anyway!
    NOTHING about the writers or the film concept has changed since the beginning!
    Wake up! lol

    THIS is why I need to see what they wanna be sayin'!
    Although I don't really need to.
    But I need to know the potency my fellow slaves have been subjected to.

    You may be the only person here so far who can see beyond the veil here...
    Yes, it's this deep...

    The Matrix has been the perfect mix of truth and lies.
    The experience of awakening and seeing the real; yes.
    The experience of functioning physically without any energetic blockages; yes.
    Realisation of siddhis; yes.
    I can go on and on...
    But all the things that resonate with us have been mixed with a lie or two!
    It is almost the ultimate pyschological operation in film format.

    For the people that hadn't awoken* before the first film was made...I pity you all...

    Had the experience of the soul.
    Prior to that is when you start seeing through the veil generally.
    But in this world we also have to see to how bad the real is.
    To see the truth almost stops us from ascending, it's so horrible...
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2021
  18. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    It is called an episode-movie. Still the Animatrix shares a basic motif, therefore animatrix (Matrix motif) is a movie for me.
  19. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    It's been a while since the movies so I don't remember the details, but..

    A popular theory would be: Neo is not The One.
    Agent Smith was the One, while Neo was the Zero.. (it's more of a double Anomaly)
    and their "fusion" (so to speak) is what allows the matrix to be reset..

    So everything went more/less as planned by the Architect in the end.

    -Zion is just another layer of the Matrix,
    this one is clear when physical objects (spoon) are inexplicably brought from the matrix into Zion,
    or the fact Neo has power over the machines, etc..

    And also will explain its incoherences like, they're basically a rave-community of hippies who live in a cave system..
    Yet they have Minority Report-like super hi tech to control their fleet etc..

    Who's building the tech?
    Tech like that needs massive manufacturing processes, it's not like hand made trinkets.
    (but well it's a movie right, not everything needs to be perfectly coherent..)

    Who/where/how grows the food? etc..

    -The Oracle was just a distraction, a proxy,
    a part of the plan to misguide the rebellion + the Anomaly into the Source and reset the Matrix once again..

    And thus Morpheus was more of a false prophet, there were some supposed Ones that failed before Neo,
    so it could be that Neo just happens to casually be good enough to do the task.. or to really be part of the anomaly.

    However despite of Morpheus's good intentions, the whole point of the Oracle's plan wasn't saving humanity/destroying the
    machines, but merely resetting the matrix/cycle..

    Morpheus believed the Oracle lies/manipulation, and thus spread the wrong message..

    (And that's what could be interesting to see in Matrix 4,
    to what extent did Neo/the rest manage to change things in their favor on this new reset version of the Matrix..

    Was it a regular reset like the others, or did they manage to advance in some way?
    What happened to the Architect, Oracle/+Seraph?, Merovingian, Smith..?

    For what we've seen, Old Morpheus is gone, Neo is amnesic,
    but Trinity is possibly aware and tries to awake Neo again..

    However one of the most interesting/poweful characters imo is the Merovingian,
    who seems to be a survivor of older versions/resets of the Matrix,
    maybe an older Anomaly who somehow managed to get out of the cycle and make himself strong..
    being able to act as a third equalizing force between the Architect/programs and the Anomalies)

    -Cypher was Right,
    pretty much self explanatory..

    However there's a slight plot hole, when Cypher is alone in the matrix negotiating with Smith,
    who controls Cypher's mental connection to make him come back?

    Wouldn't it require a telephone call or something?
    Ofc it could have been automated, and anyway Smith probably knew most of the incognitas about Zion and what not,
    so it wasn't so crucial to him, and successfully bribed Cypher anyway..

    -Humans weren't used as energy sources/batteries, but as Processing Power..
    This actually was the original idea, but they changed to batteries so it could be more easily understood..

    There's ofc a lot of other popular theories, and many plot holes too,
    but yeah it's been so long I don't remember most of it.. lol
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2021
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  20. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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