When someone actually says this unironically. I always check to see if it's April 1st to see if aProl Fools came early for those Pro Fool Tools.
We can even invent the development tool for the people who want to make own RE and use it without the Reason Server PLEEEEEESE R2R - THATS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOW!!! NO COMMENTS!
Not at all!! I said that because the by the tease R2R gave us last week, With all the clues, the GONG and the 8TB Drive, it doesn't make sense if this is all what he was planning. Just my theory though..
Hi @Stevie Dude " Vengeance - Avenger VSTi " used Codemeter. I bought it so I can give you the answer.
I was going to say I'm sure we'll have more research in this thread. And we already have You can say that again. They also ignored my request of cracking my wealthy neighbor's safe... wasted talent indeed...
No words for these guys (or gals), same as with H2O and AiR, it goes beyond cracking, it’s exceptional attention to detail AND the explanation of just how they do it.
What I'm thinking is that now we can just go to the Reason site, get a trial version of any Rack Extention we want and then are able to keep it forever. Is that correct?
OMG So I see three possibilities here: 1. Kiss my ass: Most likely, since, you know, I get that a lot. But man, if every time was in this nice fasshion I would be the luckiest man on earth 2. ICock my ass: to good to be true. I think we all agree here 3. Insert coin: a bit disturbing, this probably means I forgot my to take my meds... back in a min Shut up!!! Don't give me up you snitch... I thought we were friends... So true. Holy cow I'd so gladly insert my True-peak unlimiter plugin in her master bass. I mean bus Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
Once every ten years, comes a group of engineers who actually understand machine code /assembly who will never be content with basic C++ cracking. They ensure the application runs smoothly without unwanted glitches and pride themselves on their reverse engineering. So they discover the inner workings of the application and only remove or change that which does not interfere and sometimes, makes the application run better than the developer could. Last century these were H20 and AiR. This century R2R. It was even rumoured that Steinberg paid H20 to never crack another of their products. Whether that is true or not I have no idea but it was a hefty rumour. What everyone did know was that Cubase3,4 and 5 ran better without crashing and was stable whereas Steinberg's was not. R2R is not done yet. I reckon to watch this space and be grateful for whatever they provide. Moaning about no Falcon, UAD or other products could just as easily make them give everyone the middle finger. Be grateful for small mercies because I cannot do what they can and nobody else on this forum can either, otherwise they already would have.
@Xupito I wrote this with friendly love ... So please understand me! didn't mean something bad) I thought you'd like it! ^ --- ^
I downloaded Reason 12 as there seemed to be a lot of excitement about it but.... nargh... not for me.
The rumour of H2O being paid off was replied to in the Air C5 nfo, just a myth sadly, but the rest, yes, they are the ones that go above and beyond.
It had everyone almost believing it because the truth was, their cracked versions were more stable than the official releases. Thanks for clarifying, I never saw that info but good to know. I feel old saying 'last century' but the truth is it was
Okay, but it was already released long time ago. It is a powerful synth but I never liked it. More interested in their other stuff but no to dongle. Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
i don’t think so. You need to log into an account to download rack extension demos from the Reason site, and it doesn’t allow you to download them unless you have a version of reason to connected to that account. I wanted to download the acoustic drums rack extension but wasn’t able to, unless I’m doing something wrong and there’s a way around it.