Check out my track 'NO CH'

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Marseilles, Sep 9, 2021.

  1. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    A short music. Please tell me what you feel.:mates:
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  3. mk_96

    mk_96 Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2020
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    Your heart
    sunny day at noon, i don't know how else to explain it. Sounds very intro-ish, kind of like a happy buildup, but it does feel like there should be something after. Don't know i can say anything else without knowing what are you aiming at or without being sober.
  4. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    This sounds like a first sketch of an improvised idea that was thrown together in about five minutes flat. It might work to support some form of visual media or even as the backing to a song, but only if the arrangement were seriously developed and the whole thing then properly mixed... honestly at the moment it sounds like a trivial little idea, lacking direction or purpose... indeed, this is so obvious that i'm now curious to hear your motive for this thread.

    Harmonically I much preferred the first part** to the end block, which for me really doesn't work at all.

    ** if the tempo was halved and those corny harpsichord/organ pads were replaced with a proper orchestral arrangement, plenty arps etc.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
  5. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Why no video?
    If I could see Foster's intoxicated cat composer falling over on the keyboard I might have found it entertaining.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
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  6. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    LOL. Foster's cat, lashed on lager & working over a casio keybaord with this soundtrack would 100% go down a storm on tik tok... :)
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  7. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    What do you have against Switzerland?
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  8. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    pls don't put ideas into people's head may actually happen :woot:
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
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  9. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Thank you for the picturing. I admit it's preliminary. The fact is, making instrumental music isn't easy. By instrumental I mean not using modern dancy rhythms, vocal or anything besides. Especially in a time when only a handful is listening to this kind of music. But I'm working on the main theme to complete it.
  10. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Making sole instrumental music isn't that easy. Hence attributable to this fact, many genres of music use other materials to keep the interest in their music.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
  11. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    What does that mean in your native soil?:rofl:
  12. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I don't understand the Pauses..

    Ofc you can put Pauses when changin from one Section/Part of a track to another, and they will work.
    as they could help clearing the listener's mind and preparing for the next section..

    But If you...

    do it all the time...

    it's a bit like...

    trying to communicate...

    with someone who...

    kinda speaks....

    like this....


    not only it breaks the flow of the track,
    but becomes kinda irritating after a while..

    Also I'm not a purist you see,
    but that's not exactly the most Orthodox way to use a Harpsichord..

    Harpsi is not a Electric/Synth Bass,
    is not an Electric Guitar, where you go and play a massive distorted chord and let it resonate.. lol

    Ofc you can play a chord and let it resonate, just don't make that the Center of the track,
    and then boost/drive the hell out of it to make it fill the space..

    I think the actual opposite would be a more adequate role for the instrument,
    something that adds detail and complexity to the track, but that stays more in the background, decorating and stuff.

    They can ofc be also brought to the center for some tracks,
    but it needs to be done with much more tact than this.. you cannot just go and Yank massive chord after massive chord,
    and call it a Gregorian day.. lol

    If you notice the Harpsi here is doing the most elemental/basic stuff..
    First strumming a chord, and then Arpeggiating it on the second example.

    Nothing crazy, but this Role/Form fits more the nature of the instrument..
    And well the track is also letting the other instruments like Strings/Bass be the main leading/supporting/defining element.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2021
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  13. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    Challenge accepted. But only on condition that I can modify and improve a little on your basic composition.
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  14. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    There's no reason. I just liked them and said to give the listener a little chance, and he/she might like it but I seemingly put two and two together and made five.:bleh:
    TBH, I don't like stopping at music much myself, but sometimes we have to stop. Of course, that's absolutely right. The way I used interruption and spacing were hopelessly uninteresting.:sad:
    I love that music doesn't stop. Unfortunately, music segmentation often disrupts the flow of music. It's been made for the convenience of arrangement, but because of the shortness of the music idea in most works, compartmentalization creates an undesirable result and puts the unity of the work at risk.:sad:
    Orchestration is something I'm not successful at all (I have nothing to say in other areas too). I accept everything you say. I need to work more on this. Thank you for your helpful comments.:mates:
  15. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Do what you want. Just send something.:yes:

    My browser doesn't support the flash player anymore. If you send it somewhere else, I'd appreciate it.

  16. trutzburg

    trutzburg Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Mine too. Nevertheless I can see the link to the mp3 and d/l or open it with a player (i.e.foobar2000). It seems you have to get rid of any shockwave/flash player in your browsers plugin-pool.
  17. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well at least you're on Path..

    I mean, the Harmony is mostly Good/correct,
    and the way you're introducing/mixing the flutes and orgue is perfectly allright.

    It's just the Structure/Form of the first section that needs to be rethought..
    It's allright if you do the Pause a Couple of times in the beginning,
    to kind of declare your intentions/prepare the listener for what's coming.

    But after that it would be good if the track could Flow more naturally/seamlessly,
    and grew/evolved to something more concrete/defined..

    Besides, there could also be a Pause/preparation break where it is now, right before the second Section begins,
    just make it shorter so the listener doesn't get too distracted from the flow of the track.

    About the Harpsichord, I think you're using it more like a Piano,
    or kinda like a Bass+Guitar..

    What I would do is put a real Bass, and let it take its rightful role on the track.
    Then modify the harpsichord to play those root notes on a higher octave,
    or with a different type of chord inversion or something.. whatever makes it fit/accommodate more with the Bass..

    But by having the Bass playing/defining the Foundation,
    you will be more free as to how high/low the harpsichord notes could be, or in what octave you're playing..

    And also it will let the harpsichord do more of his own Role,
    which is playing/defining the chords ofc, but also putting all this Detail on the track,
    as if it was a mechanical trinket/clock thing made by bunch of Gnomes, that follows the track structure/direction while filling it..
    (or whatever way you imagine it to be..)

    Now as I said, I'm not a Purist, or an Academicist,
    and what I'm saying is not written on a Book or anything like that..

    I'm just expressing my Opinion in general terms, or the way I see/perceive the status of the track,
    and thus is just as valid as anyone else's opinion.

    I may be more experienced than you, I've composed +40 Orchestral tracks in the last 8 years,
    a few of them with some sort of harpsichord decorated sections, although never as prominently/continuously in the totality of the track..

    But it's not that I'm an eminence in the Harpsichord subject, so what I say is more of a listener's opinion,
    with perhaps a bit of the opinion of a composer/producer who is a little more experienced..

    So yeah I may know whatever I know, but it comes more from the natural way I see things,
    and the natural taste I may have for this kind of aesthetic resources..

    In any case, just keep on doing your stuff.. :wink:

    Take whatever you can from my point of view, but ultimately ->
    you're the one doing the track, and so only you know where is it going, or what you want to achieve.

    But yeah, sometimes it's good to think about/stake out what you're doing,
    and take a bit of distance to see what yo doing from a more global point of view..

    And hey if shit's not working out on the first try, there's no problem whatsoever!
    Sometimes it's good to rearrange and remake the stuff,
    it happened to me a few times that I needed to stake out whatever I was doing,
    and just rethink/redo it (whatever section I was doing) with the right approach, or from the right point of view/mindset..

    Pain in the ass, but the result always represented an improvement,
    and made it more than worth it in the end..
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2021
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  18. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Was hast du gegen die Schweiz, Arschloch:guru::rofl:
  19. Marseilles

    Marseilles Member

    Sep 4, 2021
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    Just messing around with some sounds:

    Ofc, this is not the final one. I will post an instrumental one at the end.
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