I tried this yesterday, on an idea from the missus (who, not being an engineer, was very focused on the actual pictures themselves). Reverse image search to bring up the same Seagate model on multiple sites -- I cropped a QR code from an original source and scanned it. The payloads were the same =/ So unless the original payload actually has data in it Code: Format: QR Code Type: Text Content: 032132165436213546131613203265160321654606516565 The result contains not printable characters. Hex values: 30 33 32 31 33 32 31 36 35 34 33 36 32 31 33 35 34 36 31 33 31 36 31 33 32 30 33 32 36 35 31 36 30 33 32 31 36 35 34 36 30 36 35 31 36 35 36 35 0a It sounds like maybe it's all a wild goose chase?
its a german word, which is used in english. Could be there just for the lulz. I am pretty sure all these pictures were 10 mins work, longer than we all are trying to interpret something into that.
After many bubbles of speculation about Team R2R, I notice that dreams and magic as well as just playing and nonsense are neglected. You also want to solve a task with non-scientific instruments. Some live according to the motto "Everything is only felt and not known", they are opinions and not knowledge. After all, you are still talking and communicating that way. The moderator could also invent a stamp with: "opinion / speculation" and the other stamp with "learned knowledge". If I got too close, please forgive me I'm only human too.
Tbh i would be really happy, if i get a clean Cycling74 Max 8.1.11 release by RET! (i dont trusting my patched version, if i hit everything to make it working). I am no expect in patching stuff. Everything else which comes my way from RET is just extra and welcome.
Ok I got it: On Black Friday, R2R will sell an HDD filled with new warez ready to be installed. Sounds like a great idea to me, I'll buy it
@ThrashHead I agree We're all just trying to guess what R2R's cryptic message means. To me, it looks like the Uli Behringer style: teasing fan-base with vague promises (one week is already passed from their weird announce). R2R have to be careful: strategies like this, when not supported by real actions, can make them lose credibility
You don't have any idea how badly I want to go cow tipping with you. But I call dibs on pushing from the front, I know what happens in the back now that you showed me.
Moses - Old Testament - New Forum Law: At the end of life, on their deathbed, everyone involved will get your nonsense from this forum read out again, in full length. Since God has mercy, he leaves out the smileys. Amen
NFO: Idk dudes. Shit's getting shittier, yo. AS: ??? Also AS: Cows dude-ranching on the windmilled shitter, no? AS Next Week: R2R's cult watched me buy another hard drive thru cctv at my local electronics store, lets start a thread about it.
Yea, it's leaning towards this . Makes me feel a bit stupid... On the other hand, I've come to know and handle a couple of new tool-sets and methods. Haven't had the time to compare jpg vs originals. I haven't found exact copies of the jpg's yet (katze-05 is in webp-format for instance).
LMAO I was actually thinking of exactly that when I read your post. Chris Farley was the shit, miss his on-screen shenanigans.
well there is a thing called built quality this screwdriver for example made me wish i bought a more expensive one my point was that not every synth is the same, free or not was not the point, if i could afford to buy falcon i would but in my situation it's not possible
As a paid pianist for most of my life, I must spit my tea out in mock surprise, purely on principle! hehe. But seriously, huh?! I think it's you from PMs, yeah?, so I will tell you personally in PM what I believe you need to know! haha. At one point, a very long time ago, your statement was temporarily true, I think...
Don't forget "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!". Even older 1978. Someone passed my sister and I a VHS copy I think. Still laughing.
that movie was hilarious, i knew there was a sequel called return of the killer tomatoes but i didnt know there are 2 more, killer tomatoes strike back and killer tomatoes eat france. time to search for the final 2