Yamaha HS5 vs KRK Rokit5 G4

Discussion in 'Studio' started by nmkeraj, Sep 3, 2021.

  1. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
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    Milky Way
    Three "simple" questions:
    1. Which do you recommend for mixing at the home studio?
    2. Do I need a subwoofer?
    3. Do I need an audio interface or a direct laptop connection via line-out is all right?
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  4. Rere

    Rere Member

    Oct 1, 2016
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    Yamaha HS-5, without a hint of doubt.
    I've heard some KRK's in the past, though not exactly this model, and they're "smiley" in frequency shape: lots of bass and lack of mids... they make everything sound EDM through them.
    You don't (always) need a subwoofer with the HS-5 (depending on your room), but be aware that they start going down fast at about 70Hz, so I highly recommend to check your mixes low end content on headphones from time to time in the course of a mix, just to be sure you're not overdoing the bass.
    This is what gives me the better results, but I love my HS-5's because they're really unforgiving to an unbalanced mix, much like the old NS-10 in that regard.
    I like them so much that I've bought the 8's too, those really have bass and a similar though not so mid focused tone.
    But I ended up using the 5's more.
  5. JST

    JST Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Both are good. Yamaha is industry Standard, and so, holds it value better. Yes, a sub will make them better for mixing and your own satisfaction, Technically speakingthough, a Sub is optional. Both Brands make excellent Monitors and Subs, can't go wrong with either. Yes you Need an interface. there arePlenty of excellent inexpensive interfaces available today. Preferably, you will want on with stable ASIO Drivers, and You need to consider the amount of inputs you will need. An interface makes your life, so much easier. There are alot of ways to skin a cat, while technically not required on all systems, audio interfaces are a Godsend for Windows machines, and while Mac is better with onboard I/O, an interface is worth every penny, unless of course you like to torture yourself, and spend months trying to save $50, by getting your onboard I/O to function for recording, and you will still be disappointed. Just get an interface, and don't look back. there are plenty of inexpensive monitors available today that are great. If I had my way I would've went with 5 inch monitors, and a sub. I currently have 8 inch Monitors and a sub. Sounds incredible, but it overkill in my Bedroom Studio. I regret thinking bigger would be better, I've used 5 inchers and they were great. On some small monitors, the Bass is surprisingly good. On the eights, you can easily get away with no Sub, but I prefer a sub. any of the name brands are good. Don't be fooled by Brand Snobs, they are all good today. Fives, and a small sub, is perfect for the small home studio. Eights are too Large and heavy. Moving things around is too much of a pain, so they are set it, and forget it. Fives keep you nice and modular. I am actually going to sell my monitors and switch to a Portable PA System. Once acclimated, you can mix on any Speakers and/or headphones. You're on the right track. hook it up if you are not satisfied, return them.
  6. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    I have the predecessor to the HS5s, the HS50Ms and I still use them as I am used to them. You also may want to look at the Kali LP6s, pretty close or better than the HS5s and cheaper.
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  7. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
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    Milky Way
    Thanks guys for your brilliant answers. I feel safe asking technical questions here.
    My questions were too simple for you. I will ask another one. If I opt in for buying a sub how to set up a crossover freq? And should a sub be the same make as monitors?
    I am on the brink of buying a new laptop, monitors and an audio interface that I see is necessary.
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Don't forget to buy 2 cables that are "symmetrical" 6,3 jack to XLR.

    You can use this subwoofer.
    Yamaha HS 8S (463 €) https://www.thomann.de/de/yamaha_hs_8s.htm
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2021
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  9. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
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    Milky Way
    Subwoofers are bloody expensive..,
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    You don't need to make music either. I don't have a subwoofer and I don't need a subwoofer either.
  11. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
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    Milky Way
    We all don’t need to make music, no… unless we feel that we must do it. I am not complaining about the price. I am just stating what I think just for a discussion. Every equipment for every profession is even much more expensive. I would rather expect any technical comments. I assume that long waves are more difficult to deal with them, as for reproduction and calibrating the room etc.
    Thank you, anyway, you have enlightened me with your opinions and experience.
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    We can only discuss this when you have bought and set up your speakers and have made the first audio samples.

    Loudspeaker placement long version


    Audient iD14 USB Audio Interface Review (audio performance measured)
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
  13. 9000k

    9000k Producer

    Feb 1, 2016
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  14. Ritchie

    Ritchie Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Yamahas without a doubt ! bass wise it depends what type of music you into personally i use hs8s (no subwoofer needed) and they are very accurate speakers for the price helped me level up my mixing skills. i owned krk 6 g3 in the past they ok speakers but i didnt like mixing on them at all
  15. nmkeraj

    nmkeraj Producer

    May 2, 2016
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    Milky Way
    So why subwoofer is more expensive than two monitors?

    @BEAT16 You don't need to teach me what I work for or pay for...

    Anyway, I am after Yamaha now and Scarlett. But they sell Matched Pair as well. Does it make a big difference?

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2021
  16. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Want a subwoofer? You must have a big room then, and/or well treated with bass traps.
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  17. Seckkksee

    Seckkksee Guest

  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I deleted the comment on money.

    Sounds good at first - maybe it's just a marketing ploy. I don't understand what better to hear.

    Yamaha HS 5 MP - 350 € www.thomann.de/de/yamaha_hs_5_mp.htm
    Yamaha HS 5 - 152 € x 2 = 304 EUR www.thomann.de/de/yamaha_hs_5.htm

    Matched couple
    The HS5 MP are sold as "matched pairs". The loudspeakers, which are combined into a pair, have matching serial numbers and are fitted with specially selected components during production in order to additionally reduce the already minimal influence of component tolerances. The result is coordinated loudspeakers, which should be characterized by special spatiality and depth of detail. In the sound test, the first thing we noticed was the precise directionality of the tweeters, so the perfect sweetspot is limited and the speakers should be aimed directly at the listening position. The detailed installation instructions in the manual are particularly helpful for beginners. Background noise cannot be heard at normal listening volume, very nice!

    Sober linear sound
    The sound of the HS5 lives up to its reputation, the reproduction is very linear and analytical. Overloads and errors in the mix are mercilessly revealed by the present but not overemphasized highs. Also in the area of the lower mids and basses nothing is embellished, as is often the case with other inexpensive speakers. We only don't like the area directly above the crossover frequency of 2 kHz that much; The vocals and guitars were a little lacking in details and naturalness. In terms of impulse behavior, the HS5 cannot quite keep up with more expensive speakers.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
  19. Shirvami1

    Shirvami1 Guest

    Fluid audio also good, prodipe pro 5 v3
  20. Shirvami1

    Shirvami1 Guest

    4 question where are you going to put against the wall or 1.5 or 2 meters from the wall?
  21. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    I know both monitors quite well...

    1. yamaha has a finer resolution and is more linear.... KRK sounds more harmonious, sounds more bass-heavy, which means that the mids are lost.... definitely Yamaha for mixing

    2. not necessarily


    don't forget that the recommendations here are all subjective ... the best thing is to listen to them on site and play completely different styles of music on them .... this is the only way you can find out the strengths and weaknesses of the respective monitors

    Alternatively, high-quality headphones can also be used for mixing ... more space-saving and much more mobile
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
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