R2R 10k

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by keyone1a, Aug 31, 2021.

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  1. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    [​IMG] :hillbilly:
  2. muaB

    muaB Producer

    Nov 17, 2012
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    sending some love to R2R !
  3. bravesounds

    bravesounds Producer

    Sep 4, 2017
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    I've demoed both and can feel the difference in sound. ibanez also feels the difference in sound between the renewed version and the previous version. I also do not agree that studio d was developed by arturia. false rumor
  4. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    Sorry but, what you "feel" is not a fact, pretty easy to null-check.

    I'm a UAD user since UAD-1. These are facts:

    1. There was cracked UAD-1 plugins available (internal release AFAIR), of course you needed UAD-1 PCI card to use it. I might even have that release somewhere laying around..
    EDIT: I still got those plugins but apperently they weren't cracked, UAD just goofed up and released a version that could be run on "unregistered" cards? It says it's an AiR release, but I would not be so sure and I can't verify with any dupechecks that includes things from that time period.

    2. UAD rarely (almost never) updates the plugins they release, I've used the same plugins and versions for 10 years and NO one has ever been updated. Only new plugins are developed (and the old one gets legacy status).

    3. I can run my UAD-2 cards without any Internet connection. Just add a license. I also have used two DAWs with the same licensed plugins, just with different cards. This is not something I've tried recently so UAD may have changed the process of registering plugins to a card and how they handle license files. It would probably be no problem to mix originals with cracked ones on UAD, but I would only do that if the crackers says it works. AiR releases always worked 100% with original releases, and 99,9% of R2R's releases as well (actually I don't know any R2R releases that can't be mixed with original version, correct me if I am wrong).

    4. It is indeed possible to crack UAD-plugins, but of course you will still need UAD-cards (developing a SHARC emulator is not really an option, would take too much CPU to be worth it).

    5. I still use Roland Dimension D etc sometimes. You do not have to update to "new version" not marked with Roland. It's very easy to compare the two versions - and I doubt UAD wen't back and re-coded the plugin from scratch. If they had, they indeed would have said so in marketing because "new equals better" in the mind of a salesman.

    6. (this is my opinion though, not a fact) UAD platform was great 10-15+ years ago, but now there's other developers running native that has the same quality (or better). UAD prices are WAY to high, even with discounts. I still use some UAD plugins like Studer A800, haven't found any replacement for that one.
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2021
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  5. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    It looks as if Eric only hires those shorter than he or maybe he is just really tall.
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  6. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    You can *feel* what you like, but that has often nothing to do with the actual reality because, smart as we humans are, we also incredibly easy to be fooled (even more so because we often think we're so smart we can't be fooled, which just makes it easier to fool ourselves.)

    I really can't be bothered (and nor do I care really) to go and do null tests, but I'm confident that they will show the only thing that was changed was the GUI and the plugin name.

    You might *feel* the one with the spiffy Roland logo is somehow more legit sounding, but we all know how that works (and if you don't, google confirmation bias.)
  7. Ayahuasca

    Ayahuasca Rock Star

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I completely disagree, a Sharc emulator would run fine on today’s processors, even more so if you implement a JIT, I’m talking from experience here
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  8. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    From what I recall (so, disclaimer, fuzzy memory), there was one specific release, something like 4.2.1, that had a flaw in it that made it possible to be modified use the plugins without authorisation. UA swiftly pulled that version and never again made it available on their legacy downloads page - so it's probably this you're thinking of.

    It *may* be possible, but because there's hardware involved, doing this without modifying the hardware is probably very hard. What most people do is replace the keys with known keys to avoid the problems with deriving the keys - but you can't do that with the hardware, so it becomes a much harder problem. UA have really designed their system with this stuff in mind, and you need keys for the hardware, keys for the user account, and keys for each plugin to all authorise everything to work - and the keys built in to the hardware can't be changed in software alone.

    If someone is going to the effort of completely implementing the Sharc hardware *and* the UA os/platform that's running on it, then that's possible but the performance might not be great and they'd have to be pretty damn committed to spend months or years working on it, versus just buying one...

    Yes, exactly.
  9. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Well, first of all it was just a thought what i think it could mean, if this was really about UAD. I personally dont believe that its gonna be uad, but if it was, I think it would kinda make sense if the dsp itself really is impossible to Emulate and if it was emulated, it still would kill the Benefit of uad plugins being Light on the cpu.

    But yeah i think its up to each of its own. It Depends on which uad device you choose, but you can get the solo and duos as well as the satellite for very cheap, you can also buy them second Hand.
    I get your point and you are kinda right but yeah i would, cause thats the price you pay for payin nothing. Dont forget uad plugins are not in a 1.0 state. I'd guess they probably are stable on the current versions. And as I Said, I'm a pro tools User. I did not get an update for the last 5 years. I'd be happy to have one, no doubt but I also dont care about the newest Version as long as my System works stable. Im still on win 7, waves v10, my last fl studio update was like more than a year ago because I prefer sources i trust like r2r, I used the pa release from 2k15 until we were blessed with updates in 2k19. Same goes for softube and still for soundtoys.
    But back to uad, we'll always have the choice to go legit and pay for it to get every update, or we choose to wait for what we get. If I buy let's say an apollo now, no matter which Version and i get all the plugins for free and they work. What would be the problem, even if I get no updates? If it works, it works and if I decide i dont need it or i cant live with my older versions i can still go legit or sell my hardware. So whats the problem?

    And 1. I really dont think that uad would stop selling their hardware just because someone cracked their plugins and 2. It would not make any difference cause there's so many of their Devices on the market, you'll probably find one from before 2k21/2k22 even in 20 years (second Hand of course)
    I get your point and you are not wrong about it but at the end of the Day its just about what are you ready to invest to save money. I invested well over 1k €/$ just in my ssd space. A good amount of money but it saved me a lot on the long run compared to what I would have had to pay if I bought everything i have on them. And no, I could never afford them :)
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2021
  10. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Holy cow, yet again? That makes two digits of the number of times R2R has quit :rofl:
    Nooo way!!!! First Dj I'm gonna listen in my life.
    Oh, didn't know this Shady Sunny fact. I'm sure Cashmere is sending him a lot of love :rofl::rofl:
  11. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    Yes, I might be totally wrong on this. I trust your opinion, since I know you have the experience with the incredible Motorola DSP Emu...
    I was thinking that it's only possible to run a few instances of UAD plugins on a modern CPU with an emulator, but I have no knowledge about the capacity of SHARC vs Motorola DSP's and what an emulator would have to do to work for SHARC processing.
  12. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Yeah this is accurate. I run offline with offline activation. You get a file that shows which software you own to the device, and it 'flashes' all of your devices to use your licensed stuff...

    With the mix of different plugins, if you run something that R2R smashed along with even a legit version of the plugins from years ago, before R2R smashed them, the plugins see the same non-R2R version and disable the version inside of the DAW and it causes all kinds of crashing stuff...

    The solution I found was to move all of the non-owned stuff out of every directory (might be enough to just hit one directory, I don't know) into a 'Removed' folder, so that your DAW can't scan those plugins and I even took them out of the UAD folders into 'Removed' folders, so that they can't initialise there either. There's a process to go through as well after installing, because UAD somehow reinstalls everything I just removed. Might be booting into the Apollo or whatever before launching the DAW. I forget every time and have to redo all of the folders again and it takes ages. Its something you have to do with UAD anyway because the cocks stick everything into your DAW so that you have hundreds of unusable plugins to sort through. Removing them just makes them easier to work with.... Its about time they made it possible not to have to do that. Its also more effective than the 'Hide' option inside your Console - should be an option within the DAW (I think Cubase might allow this, but Ableton doesn't, which is why its a pain).

    I'd also agree on the plugins in general not being that special without the hardware. The best use is on zero latency recording, which just can't be replaced anywhere else (Apogee etc of course) and the plugins are a game changer for recording things like Vocals, where delay just messes with the emotions.

    Do you have the UAD1 files still and do they work inside UAD2 Apollo USB? I don't know if I even would use them honestly, I don't have enough Sharcs, but it would be nice to have the option.
  13. reziduchamp

    reziduchamp Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    It would probably be possible to create a UAD crack that can give you endless Demo Resets. If you sell one you can get the unlock codes to remove all licenses and turn it back to factory type condition, which has to be done online afaik, so that must be totally feasible to keep doing the Demo Reset. On the same lines it must be possible to add a license to your legit device with like a keygen. Has to effectively what UAD do at their end, its automated and instant iirc.
  14. Anil Maharana

    Anil Maharana Newbie

    Jun 14, 2021
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  15. glassybrick

    glassybrick Producer

    Jan 13, 2020
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    check this https://gearspace.com/board/showpost.php?p=15125058&postcount=118
    yes, agree now its more clear
    BTW it was Admin on UAD Forum
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  16. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    I know exactly what R2R is about to release.

    Now fight in the comments about how I don't know... go!
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  17. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Thanks R2R, so many good memories! Almost too much to fathom! <3

    Why does @faustop use a one-eyed snake pic in all his posts? Is he a perverted Carpenter fan? :P

    Anyway, I've decoded the R2R puzzle using my idiot-level cryptic crossword ability. It's contained in the clues at the end of the nfo - here's the results:

    A big game is | waiting for you = Life| Biding -> Biden = A Dad
    Are you ready | to join to win everything = Are you ready -> As you age = Assuage | to (2) Join(t)win = fatt tree won

    Life A Dad
    Assuage fatt tree won

    So, putting together the clues using your own prejudices, rearranging them and adding and subtracting random letters, you get:


    I can also confirm that UAD will not be in any release unless @Ayahuasca does it?
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  18. babuk

    babuk Producer

    Apr 27, 2018
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    reply #220. robot has another glitch
  19. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I heard it was their own program that is going to take the world by storm. It’s a combined audience noise / hip-hop style music generator that will emulate Cardi B vocals and a built-in incognito browser that streams X-Tube. Its called the ClapTrapWapFap

    I’m sooooooo sorry
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
  20. starkid84

    starkid84 Platinum Record

    Mar 29, 2015
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    I litterally run perfectly emulated PS3 games on my computer, which emulates various chips, processors, and other hardware components that are much more complex than a sharc chip, and yet you guys think a 12+ year old sharc chip is in the realm impossbility to emulate?

    let that sink in...

    Anyone who thinks a sharc chip cant be emulated in 2021 just doesnt know what they are talking about. The reality is this, the sharc chips used in UAD devices are OVER a decade old, and even by decade old standards, UAD cards and devices were (and still are) underpowered for what you pay for. There is nothing particularly special about sharc chips when it comes to the prospect being emulated, but some one has to do the work of creating the emulation. Up to this point very few people with the talent probaly care enough to do it. It would definitely be considered a niche or obscure project, not a project that has a huge following which would attract droves of coders who are passionate about such a project (like game console emulation projects). So in short, nobody has cared enough to do it, or release any private efforts publicly, but dont get that confused with 't can't be done". I'm sure if you put out a cash prize $$$$ for such a project, you would see it completed in record time.

    With regards to modern CPU power vs old ass sharc cards: Any modern cpu would absoluetly smoke any UAD sharc card device in terms of processing power. Now where having a dedicated dsp device comes into play, is the ability to do "real-time" processing. This is something that is much more dependant on the setup and configuration of a device and system, (which apollo devices are specifically designed to do in conjunction with sharc chips). But with regards to just mixing and running plugins in conjunction with a sharc dsp emulation, modern cpus would be able to run uad plugins essentially the same as any other native plugin with minimal overhead caused by the emulation.

    Also, another thing many don't realize about UAD plugins and their devices: The plugins that are developed for UAD are developed to work as native plugins first, and then are PORTED over to work with sharc dsp devices. So every UAD plugin has a native counterpart that exists somewhere, but is not availabe to the public.

    So in short. let's stop all the "UAD is magically unbeatable" talk. There are many ways UAD could be cracked, (and has already been done at least two ways that I know of) but it hasn't been done on a wide scale for a number of reasons, but from a purely techincal stanpoint it certainly CAN be done.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2021
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