The R2R network is an electronic circuit made up of resistors and one of several circuit technologies to convert digital values into an analog voltage, see (Digital-to-analog conversion). R/2R resistor networks are used both in chips and for inexpensive replacement of the same. regards
r2r is a wheel and rim rental company. If you don't pay they will put your vehicle on cement blocks when they repo then
While contemplating what to write I thought perhaps R2R cracked the mystery of a word that rhymes with orange, but then realized that even they couldn't do that...unless one pronounces it like the French and then it does so with Julian Assange.
R2R is a gay escort firm that specializes in oral/anal gratification. It's an abbreviation of Rimming 2 Rectums.
It's that thing you go for when you've raped way too many Vietnamese villagers and you wanna rape some Vietnamese underage prostitutes for a change.