Using Studio One and VLC player together

Discussion in 'Software' started by Omnislash7777, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. Omnislash7777

    Omnislash7777 Noisemaker

    Mar 30, 2019
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    I have a Windows 10 64 bit tablet and use Studio One 5 on it, mostly to play melodies (USB midi controller).
    My problem is that I'm unable to hear the sound of Studio One and VLC together.

    A while ago I tried it with some AudioBanana program (forgot its real name), but after several trials I gave up.
    After then I just bought a USB-C to 3,5mm cable (with sound chip).

    So I need to do:
    - 3,5 mm cable to Y-Splitter (Studio One)
    - USB-C/3,5 mm cable to Y-Splitter (VLC)
    - Y-Splitter to Music box (Studio One + VLC)
    to get it working.

    Do you know if it could also be solved with software only?
    If yes, can you please share your settings?

    Thank you and best regards!
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  4. kh_minusone

    kh_minusone Guest

    Go to the sound control panel, open the properties of your output device and go to the advanced tab. Check to make sure that exclusive mode is disabled ("Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" must be unchecked).

    I'm unfamiliar with S1, but in REAPER - regardless of whether exclusive mode is enabled or not - you can set it up such that it shares the output device with other programs. Check in S1 to see if there's a similar option as well.

    As for the program you're referring to (VoiceMeeter Banana), if I recall correctly you need a virtual audio cable that you can route the output of either program to, so that it then sends it to the output device if exclusive mode is enabled (someone correct me if this is wrong, I haven't used VMB in a while).