Warning: Focusrite Fast by VR

Discussion in 'Software' started by hackerz4life, Aug 19, 2021.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Where you dopwnloaded it from is a very important question to answer, as You cant say that VR material is infected, if you dont know your source, the material may have been infected after.
    BTW: VR have it's own site where you can download directly from.

    Also, how do you explain that there is no one commenting about a problem with this release?
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2021
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  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thank you for the valuable information and your expertise. They brought a little more light into the dark!
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  3. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    You comment the same words as DB. I will assume you did not read the whole thread as ;

    I have stated it came from the sister site, page 2, message 10.
    "I thought things trough and how i got it and i excluded the Russian source because it was in a destination that is reserved for direct downloads, not torrents, so i got it from the sister site."

    Also again, two people in THIS thread have come forward witnessing the same effect on their computers.
    Tamil Boi ;
    I had this issue a month back when i installed this Focusrite Fast and uninstalled, my computer was totally messed up. Had to reinstall my OS. I even warned right when this happended on this forum but no one noticed.

    Joe Sleaze ;
    Had the same shit happen here yesterday, same file.

    That makes at least three people only in this thread.
  4. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    It could affect your offline computer as well. It has nothing to do with it being online as it directly affects the visual c libraries, it affects your core computer functionality.
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  5. Kundalini

    Kundalini Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2013
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    I'm using this release from the day one (Windows 10) and no problem whatsoever..
  6. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    ...on my PC, the VR installer got along so well with my OS that they're now engaged to be married.


  7. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    You said: "I dont remember where i got it, usually i get my stuff from the sister site or the russians"

    You said: "Who the hell tracks and writes down all their downloads. I download a bunch of stuff and many times leave it in the folder.
    Sometimes you just forget what you have downloaded, may take weeks before you try something."

    You said you scanned it "after" installing it and encountering the problem.

    These things clearly don't fit the narrative of you knowing for certain you got it from the sister site, or that you ran any safety checks prior to installing it when you got it from somewhere you can't certainly remember. So yeah.. "Double click with a mouse, choose vst3, install" was a problem in that case. And it was on "you". I don't see how you can triple-down with statements of uncertainty, then once it appears you may have downloaded from an untrusted source you turn around and say you're certain you got it from the sister site. That ain't cool.

    Like I said, if V.R's Fast Bundle on the sister site was screwing up peoples PCs that bad it wouldn't be there right now. And I challenge anyone who uses the sister site to search "Fast Bundle" and look at the 90 upvotes, 0 downvotes, all positive comments, and zero comments about any problems related or even unrelated to yours. And then question whether this "Warning" you're giving almost 3 months after the post has been sitting there with active links to download from is to blame on V.R and the sister site, or if the blame should go somewhere else?
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2021
  8. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    I stopped messing with V.R releases because they aren't as reliable when it comes to getting it right with the software itself. It's a lot of hit & miss, rev2, rev3, and such. But V.R has done nothing that deserves a "WARNING:" like your whole PC is at risk.. like the OP is acting here. Not as as far as what's available from V.R directly on the sister site.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
  9. quadcore64

    quadcore64 Audiosexual

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I have had issues with downloads from the sister site in the past. The Fast plugin suite was behaving differently than the demo as I remember so, it was uninstalled & deleted promptly.

    Some of the downloaded software passed scanning , installed & ran perfectly when obtained from other sources. This led me to the conclusion that the Peeplink sources were the issue.

    Other software releases would not pass scanning by any Virus program & found to be real threats. Not false-positives.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
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  10. Cube Sixty-Three

    Cube Sixty-Three Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Bro like the viruses and malwares on that site is not even funny. I installed a release just to see if the product was worth an upgrade, I think a week ago and now my macbook fans are going wild once I launch Logic Pro. I'm about to do a fresh install. I will never ever ever never install anything from that site again, r2r, ret, vr, moria or whatever! I'm good, I'll rely on trials from the developers henceforth. It was nice meeting everyone, sample packs or presets will be just good enough since I buy all the plugins I use. :mates:

  11. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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  12. soundgen

    soundgen Member

    Aug 11, 2021
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    Sister site could easily fix this by making a new rule for uploaders.
    Provide a SHA512 hash from the uploaded file then when people want to make mirror downloads they must mention the identical SHA512 hash.
    If the hash is different that means they are not mirroring the same file as the uploader did, breaking the rules => BAN.
    If they mentioned a fake hash (they post the same SHA512 hash but in fact they are lying and uploaded a file where they added/removed something from the file from original uploader => BAN

    This way you can ensure that mirror posters upload the 100% identical file that has been uploaded by the original uploader.

    Free file hash software: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/hash_my_files.html

    Note: do not use MD5 checksum as MD5 can be faked!
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  13. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    This absolute mess of a thread is why I replied.
    People claiming virus but unsure where they downloaded, others confirming but providing no details...

    In the end it seems this is turning out to NOT be a VIRUS ...THE ORIGINAL CLAIM.
    Instead it's probably a poor installer.
    This V.R runtime issue is well-known but perhaps not with THIS release of THIS product, so no fault to claim SOMETHING is going wrong, but it is not good to claim a virus without researching or getting some confirmation.

    Many cracked packages install in odd ways and sometimes cause problems like this.
    That is a good reason for those who use cracked software to make even more frequent OS disk backups then typical users.

    I say it is no reason to lose faith in V.R..
    Again, I only know (via some thread on here) of ONE package on sister site that seemed to be verified as having some malware (or virus,etc) and it was removed quickly.

    Sorry if you are disappointed.
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  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I suggest that you write it as comment in the post at sister site, so members willing to download it will be warned.
    As until now there is no negative comments in that post.

    You should also send a pm with proof to PiRAT who is post moderator.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
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  15. VincentCool

    VincentCool Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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    i also got problem ,everytime open focusrite-fast-by-vr,and reopen the peoject file studio one will crash

    reinstall VC_redist.x86 & VC_redist.x64 still same,everytime crash...
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    Attached Files:

  16. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    You are now repeating the same thing you have already said and you are again ignoring my additional post bellow the post you are quoting.
    You are doing this on purpose to keep on dragging this into some feud that is not there.

    1. You are ignoring there are several people who have had issues with this plugin.
    2. This thread started as a genuine warning, as the main issue of the plugin was not known, at least to me.
    3. I personally didnt claim it was a virus, it looked like a hijack to though.
    4. Later we found out it can seriously mess with your visual c libraries.
    5. Is it focusrite`s way of coding, the way the plugin was cracked or something else, this we still dont know.

    This thread is moving and evolving, you can not base your opinion on the first page of comments, to understand the situation one needs to read the whole thread to see its happening to more members.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
  17. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Last but not least, when you use warez, you should use a serious antivirus and firewall.
    And do backups of your system on a regular basis.
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Ah, now comes DoubleTake, he'll explain the world to us in a few sentences, because he knows everything better.
    There is no such thing as "absolute mess" here.

    That's not true, everyone said that they had downloaded from the sister's site. People did not claim but they have evidence in the form of Windows Defender Warnings for Malicious Software. This is just an allegation and assertion from you.

    So you do not know exactly, it seems and probably, that is not knowledge, but it is suppositions that are utterly.

    They claim that this VR runtime problem is known. It would be better if you would describe what this VR runtime problem is and then substantiate it with examples. They just claim it is known to everyone. But not everyone knows it. Everyone here has investigated, except you claim they haven't investigated.

    This is phrased in such a vague way, in such a general way. Sounds like magic. What's strange way? This is software, not a package.

    Why now and why more often? In general, you should create backups or save your important data on data storage media at any time.

    But people lose trust, starting with the first defective V.R release, the more often defective software is on their own system - the less trust. Most trust Team R2R - when given the choice between a V.R download and an R2R download, many choose R2R.

    Which software - please give us a name?

    A pretty arrogant and arrogant statement!
  19. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I just install the software in VirtualBox VM Windows 7, copy all the files needed, and registry entries if they're needed. The thing is, I know Windows like the palm of my hand. :wink:

    Edit, because I'm fed up with all this nonsense being said:

    Now to clear at least one thing up 100% for everybody: This is the contents of the Focusrite Fast VR setup EXE I downloaded from Sunny's Uploaded link. I don't see one iota of anything unusual!


    All I see here are VST, VST3, and AAX plugins, registration files, and 2 runtimes, some icon files for folders, and PDF manuals. The only thing that could potentialy give you any problem are runtimes, and there are two of them. One for MS Visual C++ and one for Intel ICL. Absolutely nothing unusual. So please people, just stop all this fear mongering because it's getting really silly. :/ It's something else that caused the problems you [3 people?] had, or maybe the runtimes, but it's hard to believe that.

    Also, here's Focusrite FAST plugins bundle v1.0.3 CE.exe MD5 hash of the file I've extracted: 2041b28b5a28a3be0fb9e40e4717bf22

    Here's SHA256 hash: 9098c3b84bd6d4e32aa6c9010ffb58bde8ff995aee200f1895f2ec97be576f7a

    You can use RHash command line program to check the EXE file you have and if the checksum doesn't match mine, you have downloaded it from a wrong place, and the EXE has been tempered with.

    Cheers! :wink:
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
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  20. tanotir322

    tanotir322 Newbie

    Aug 20, 2021
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    As others have said, this is hard to track down unless OP can provide the checksum of the installer.
    For what it's worth, I installed the bundle shortly after it was released and have kept the installer around.
    I've been actively using the plugins almost every day since and have not noticed any adverse effects. My installer's checksum:

    SHA256: 9098c3b84bd6d4e32aa6c9010ffb58bde8ff995aee200f1895f2ec97be576f7a
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