Cracked software on M1 Macs

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by ensoniq, Aug 17, 2021.

  1. MusicManSix000

    MusicManSix000 Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Things are working great on my M1. Most plugins don't even have an arm version yet, so there really aren't a lot of native M1 arm plugins to crack. Things do work great in Rosetta. One cool plugin that is ARM native is MODO DRUM. I actually like this plugin a lot.

    When I bought the M1 I fully expected to lose the ability to tryout plugins. Turns out 99% of them work great.
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  2. ensoniq

    ensoniq Noisemaker

    May 10, 2014
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    what plugins do you sue that work on your M1 ?
  3. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Awesome ! even all their effects / instruments ?

    or just use logic and buy the rest of plugins you miss
  4. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Yeah bollocks..


    Gday mate. I've been running a Mac Mini 16Gig M1 for a year now and its the most trouble-free and reliable machine I've ever owned.
    I have Native M1 Logic (Stock plugins and Library are fantastic) and Bitwig 4 on it but I'm still waiting for Presonus to get studio One (my main DAW of choice) to run native, however, it runs fantastic under rosetta. FCP runs great and Davinci resolve Smokes!!!!

    Look, heads up, Rosetta works great. People complain about Studio one but I've done 2 albums and 2 big commercial scores on this rig with an i7 Nuc running Audio gridder and it works beautifully. I have 2 thunderbolt hubs and lots of removable SSD's and its a killer for AV content creation..

    I have purchased my DAW software but still, run cracks of various plugs under Rosetta that are rock solid.

    Don't listen to the BS people go on with, especially from windows and AMD Hackintosh junkies. Get what you want.. get off the dying x86 graveyard and invest in the ARM future, it's a quantum leap.

    I have a 2016 i7 MacBook pro and it's great but my mac mini is a beast and I'd love to replace the MacBook pro with an M1 but cannot justify it.
    I hope this helps.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2021
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  5. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Speaking of "talking bollocks": Always a great idea to mention commercial work being done with cracked plugins in the same sentence…
  6. Nehal

    Nehal Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Well, that's a compromise you're gonna have to make. Either you get new and latest software OR continue using cracked plugins on the current machine. You can't have both. YET.
  7. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    @ensoniq Your perception of Apps for macOS is wrong! EVERY audio production App and Plugin currently out is for Intel AND Apple Silicon! It will take like 5 more years until Intel support be will be dropped.
  8. InTheChips

    InTheChips Ultrasonic

    Nov 23, 2020
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    I think you misunderstood what I said. Neither of the apps you mention are Universal binaries.
    I'm not saying you can't run under a native HOST. I'm saying that a Universal app or plugin will always default to running under ARM on an M1 based machine. So if it is only cracked on the Intel side, you will have to force it run under Rosetta for the crack to work. The HOST can still run natively.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
  9. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Sanctimonious because you have an opinion and don't actually own an M1?:deep_facepalm: :hahaha:

    I guarantee I own more software than you mate.. been a beta tester for around 20+ years

    It's really simple to answer your question.
    Short answer..Yes, they work.

    3rd party software Plugins ..plug into host DAW's which support an OS running on a hardware platform with a migration & development path.

    Like Moterolla to intel previously, Apple is migrating to ARM, which is a massive paradigm hardware shift, and as such, all software on the Intel x86 platform works, till it doesn't.

    It works till they decide they won't support it after a reasonable take-up cycle. Rosetta 2 prolongs this cycle surprisingly efficiently. Companies producing audio software and hardware need to prioritise their support resources to remain commercially viable which is understandable. Apple is in the gun seat with Logic and FCP in respect of leading the charge in their best interest to native ARM architecture. I guess this would influence buyer choice as these products are optimised for Apple hardware as a development priority and can be bundled at a reasonable price.

    People will cry bitch and moan about it after the fact that they were told.. but hey, that's the nature of many people that use pro audio gear, they admire it, collect it like a trophy but can't actually write a track or make anything with it. They just like to bitch and moan about the software companies and why they should support their pet dinosaur. (Hello to all the windows 7 users out there).

    I have an old Atari that I used to use with my Akai sampler (fat as drums!!).. its great to use, but hey it's not supported and my workflow has moved on. Using older stuff is fine but it comes with its idiosyncratic quirks, limitations, and problems, in the end, it's all about the end result. The slow road is better than no road at all and sometimes another approach can be a great thing for inspiration.

    There are millions of Intel-based Macs out there so they will support that base for a long time with the hope of them migrating.

    If you want to use Apple in the future, you either use old software (a completely viable option for some) or move forward. I currently have an i7 MacBook Pro and it's running Sur 11.5.2 really well.

    X86 is a dead hardware architecture. Are Intel and AMD dead companies? No, they will come up with something in the future but they have a great deal of ground to cover as Apple has made a quantum leap.
    If you are considering a new machine like I tell all my clients to get the best you can afford for the job. I chose 16gig of Ram and it works fantastic for both my Video and Audio needs.

    As far as Wares go, there has never been nor will there ever be any guarantee. I'm not here to tell you to use wares or not only that they exist and yes they work both native or in Rosetta. If you use wares and like them, buy them. I found most stock plugs get the same result especially now that native DAWS are very sophisticated and designed to suit multiple jobs.

    Most people use the old H2o adage "try before you buy". This has sold so much software (especially to myself)

    If you purchase Logic with your new Mac you will get an awesome native DAW that you could do almost everything audio. Composition, mixing, scoring, sound design, etc with Logic strait out of the box with the standard plugs and feature set. Much the same for Bitwig 4 and Studio one.
    Much the same

    Logic :like: :thanks:
    Bitwig :like: :thanks:
    Reaper :like: :thanks:
    Studio One ( Close but no cigar yet) :wink:
    Ableton are getting pressure from their user base and will be there at some point

    Protools ... well seriously who fxcking cares anyway
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2021
  10. MusicManSix000

    MusicManSix000 Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Great question brother. Here goes :)

    M1 native:
    - Modo Drums (sounds great and now native M1 - very fast and latency free which is important to me as I play live drums on an ekit)
    - Literally all fab-filter plugins are M1 native
    - Reaper runs great ARM native
    - Valhalla stuff works great ARM native

    Purchased M1 native:
    - Bought True Iron legit after trying it out. Runs great native M1.
    - TH-U - bought this legit. Runs amazing Native M1.

    Rosetta (not M1 yet):
    - all IK multimedia from sister site (all plugins)
    - Guitar Rig
    - Kontakt works great - Moria has M1 logo on it but its not native M1
    - Aucostica Nebula 4
    - All waves plugins
    - A bunch of Plugin Alliance stuff
    - Izotope stuff

    A bunch of other misc. stuff. Overall, Rosetta 2 works way better than folks anticipated.
  11. MusicManSix000

    MusicManSix000 Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Seriously. The native logic plugins are amazing. Their drumset vst is criminally under-rated. For example - the stock EQ in logic is just as good as the Fabfilter one. The only reason I mess with all these plugins is purely for fun alone. They are absolutely not needed.
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  12. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Audiogridder is a really good option for you. Run logic on your M1 Laptop and use Audio gridder to access your Windows plugins as an audio server sharing your DSP. I use this all the time and works really well.
  13. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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  14. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    ahhhhhhh got it :) :bow:
  15. ensoniq

    ensoniq Noisemaker

    May 10, 2014
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    What about for non-Logic users ? , I’m using Cubase as my DAW,
  16. lowsat

    lowsat Member

    Dec 29, 2019
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    Personally I'm waiting for M1X machines. Hopefully by then there will be many more native ARM plugins & DAWs. That said I've heard from many people running Ableton and Pro Tools through Rosetta (making all plugins hosted in them also run in Rosetta) who are having a great experience.

    It's a bit off topic but I'm curious to hear more from people successfully running Audiogridder. I tried the latest 1.2.0 beta 4 and it was super buggy for me.
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  17. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Who are you and do I care?

    Yeah I'm at 1.1 as well
    M1 at the bottom and an Intel i7 Nuc running the server. I run a top screen and a separate mouse as it's more stable. I have a Logitech Bluetooth switching mouse but having a separate mouse is faster. I share the Mech KB via a usb switcher. 1.1 is pretty stable for me. Apparently, Arm support is coming for the M1 but it's stable for me under rosetta.
  18. semilla

    semilla Ultrasonic

    Dec 29, 2017
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    Los Angeles
    Most if not all cracked plugins for Mac work really well on the M1 chips. However there are a few hurdles to jump through.

    First of all, you need to be familiar with the hosts file on your computer and be able to tweak it accordingly.

    Next you need a firewall sorta thing, Little Snitch is really good for me. Works really well, and they also let you deny certain services that come pre-approved only on the M1’s , that basically log everything you do and other stuff as well. It seems like a security risk but Here’s a video of someone who breaks down this exact problem.

    Then you have keygens , most will run but you will have to give special permissions and tweak the resource file ONLY using home brew, and I believe you must have X Code installed as well to be able to give the files permissions. This is probably the hardest part since it requires you to download and run extra stuff on your computer. This can be difficult if you’re not familiar with Mac OS file structure.

    Lastly , there’s more permissions to worry about. I’ve found this terminal command to be really useful in most situations when the app can’t be opened or it says “damaged “

    in the terminal enter: sudo codesign —force —deep —sign - / “path to resource file”. Then hit Return and the terminal should ask you for a password. This is how I usually fixed the keygen problems. Along with the homebrew solutions that can be found on YouTube.

    While it is tedious I can confirm that the following cracked software is working with no issues at all inside Ableton Live 11 (cracked)

    iZotope Ozone 9 . Trash 2 , RX8, Insight, Nectar 3, Stutter Edit
    Audio Damage
    Audio Realism
    Black Rooster
    Cable guys
    Caelum Audio
    DMG Audio
    Good hertz
    IK Multimedia
    Reaktor 6 with all libraries
    Nugen Audio
    Plug-in Boutique Scaler 2,
    TBPro Audio
    Tokyo Dawn Labs
    u-He all instruments
    XFer serum, Cthulhu
    XLN Audio , XO, Retro Color
    Adobe CC 2021 , Photoshop , Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects

    Legit Acustica Audio plugins run really good at low latencies. The M1 is a powerhouse for small to medium sized projects.

    If you plan on working on bigger projects wait for the new line of macs. While this is one is powerful it won’t beat a 18 core Intel and 64GB of Ram running 200 tracks at 96K.

    So think about how you will be using it and what your needs are.
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  19. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Thanks, mate, good to know. Even though I purchased a copy, I don't run Ableton anymore on any of my machines (gave it to my wife's son who loves it) as Bitwig and Studio One keep me busy.

    The Drums and Amp Sims in Logic are awesome. I Totally agree and I tell this to students all the time. Aside from collecting impulses and samples (I converted my library from EXS to Kontact years ago), all the plugins and content are exceptionally good. The same goes for Presonus Studio One. I'm hoping Presonus come up with a Drummer equivalent in the next version.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021
  20. Spirit

    Spirit Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    @Dimentagon - interesting setup with the Nuc - I hadn't come across those mini PCs before (don't know much about PC stuff!). What sort of spec in terms of RAM and HD etc would you recommend for a Nuc like this and how do you connect it to the Mac - ethernet or Thunderbolt networking? What's the latency like? and what do you use for antivirus and little snitch equivalent on there if you don't mind me asking?

    I tried AudioGridder a while back on a VM using Parallels and it was okay but seemed a little fiddly and unstable (and that setup takes processing power away from the main DAW). Guess it would be better on its own dedicated machine.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2021