omnisphere in reaper - was sound and now nothing

Discussion in 'Software' started by MarkyMW, Aug 16, 2021.

  1. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Hello everyone, I hope you can help. I loaded up Omnisphere for the first time and it worked like a charm. I deleted the track and loaded it again and now I can see the midi firing its signal but there is no sound. There is no accompanying movement at all for any sound.... So it was working and I repeat the same steps - insert virtual instrument on new track and use the built in midi keyboard and yes midi signal but no sound....

    I'm new to Omnisphere but not new to reaper or vsti's and this has had me checking everything I can think of including restarting my machine.

    Any help would be great....
  3. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Sounds really interesting

    First too my mind comes things like MIDI Channel, but that's more unlikely when I think about this more
    second guess would be Omnis steamlib , but if this wouldn't work, only sample but synths sound would not work.
    3 Some Problems with Multi Presets but also more unlikely

    So let's go to the checklist

    First Oscilator (A)[​IMG]
    -Omni basic Preset simple Saw (rightclick on the preset initialize everything )
    (YES/NO) Sound after Pressing Keys?
    -Omni any Parameter MIDI CC learn(rightclick on any Knob or Fader) move Controller on your MIDI Keyboard
    (YES/NO) Movement in Omni?
    -When start Press on the Button Diagnostic and look at the steam path (look also in the Folder if this is the right path)
    -Try a different DAW (Bitwig Ableton ) are the Problems there reproducible
    -(unlikely )Maybe Omnis HW HardwareMode was triggered somehow and that causes some problems

    Big Steps after that would be reinstalling Reaper and Omni (But only when we find no other solution )

    Also Helpfully Info would be your OS and Version of your Omni
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  4. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Ah ha...! Progress.. Thank you!

    OK so I went through your check list - and thank you very much for taking the time on this -

    Oscilator (A) rightclick on the preset initialize everything - Sound after Pressing Keys - NO

    next one I dont have a midi keyboard

    When start Press on the Button Diagnostic - all looks good

    Maybe Omnis HW HardwareMode was triggered somehow and that causes some problems ..... maybe ?

    SO the progress thanks to your list is - Try a different DAW

    I installed Studio one and found omnisphere in that ans then found how to use the qwerty keyboard to make it work and... YES sound.. HA HA thank you :mates:

    So the question is - what the hell did I do in Reaper..? I've some proper work to be getting on with for the next few hours so I'll come back to this, (I have no idea what might be going on in reaper.. :dunno:... but so far so good...!

    EDIT - I'm on windows 10 (laptop) and the version of omni is Omnispere 2.6 Complete (The Pirate) and my Reaper is pretty much up to date. My laptop can keep up with me unless I have a few neural DSP's running...

    Thanks again - this is a real puzzle...
  5. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Maybe you accidentally hit a key (command). Happened to me several times. :( [​IMG]

    Try this:
    1. new project
    2. create a track
    3. pull up virt keyboard
    4. select track and click on record
    5. right click on the meter and check (mark)
      - monitor input
      - record: input (audio or midi)
      - input: midi -> virt midi keyboard -> all channels
    Now you should see an input when you hit any key. If not ask @Polomo. :rofl:
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  6. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    ha ha - oh yes.... I know that one - I remember the first few times that happened - I suddenly lost sound on a track and panicked. OH Nooooo - but yes it is usually one of the things on your list.

    So I've checked through your list - thank you for that, very handy and succinct (I've never right clicked on the meter before for these so thats new and handy - thanks, much quicker than the way I was doing it..!!) so I checked and its all good.

    the weird thing is I can see the yellow midi pinging up and down on the meter but no sound

    just to double check I put LABS Spitire in the fx / instruments stack after omni and the Labs sound came through no problem.

    weird hu...?
  7. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Try play a multi patch in Omnisphere with Reaper. If it sounds you must reconfigure the Omnisphere outputs to make a single patch sounds as well. I can´t help you more because I´ve unistalled Omnisphere and don´t remember exactly what to do.
    Check minute 1.08

    When the window appear click "no"
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2021
  8. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Ah HA.... You guys are GREAT.... !!!! OK sooooo a
    does in fact sound .... YEAH.... So that explains what I was doing last night - top tip - DON'T mess with software that you haven't got a clue about when you're super tired and sleepy - :facepalm:

    So I need to work out how to set it up for single sounds in reaper. I'll google or RTFM as now, thanks to you guys I know what the question is... YEAH....

    I'll get onto this later, right now I'm supposed to be doing something else.... :unsure:

    I'll let you know and THANKS :like: :mates: :cheers:
  9. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I'd right click on almost everything in Reaper. Try metronome, snap and transport bar, you'll be surprised. :yes:

    Yep. Looks like it's an Ominousphere [​IMG] issue.
  10. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    you know what - TRUE...!... Reaper is so BIG and flexible it makes Photoshop look like snake - (remember snake from back in the day on mobiles before they got smart?)

    I think I've got into some lazy habits with Reaper- I'll go on a right click hunt about mmmm FUN.....

    wish me luck fixing this weird Omni thing - and thanks again
  11. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Good luck. [​IMG]
  12. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    OK great news ! I got it working..... "how did you do that?" I hear you cry...
    Well, I'd like to say I was clever and have some insight for all the reaper users but no......:crazy:.... I uninstalled it and re-installed it and hey presto it works.

    I thought I'd update you - Thanks for all the top tips (and now I have new daw to explore as well..!)

    Really was a weird one eh...?

    Thanks again :like: :mates: :cheers:
  13. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Reaper or Ominousphere? :unsure:
  14. MarkyMW

    MarkyMW Platinum Record

    Feb 13, 2021
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    Oh, right yeh.... The uninstall / re-install was Omnisphere. And as an update the problem was fatal user error. :unsure: :facepalm:

    I was trying it out, without reading the manual... of course.... And I managed to somehow replicate the problem. This time I'd saved a reaper project with one track, a working Omni track, so I closed without saving and reopened the working project I'd saved, and yes all working. So reverting to the saved version reset it to its working settings. :yes:

    i haven't replicated the issue since. but a few hours of playing about and a few you tube vids and I'm pretty sure the issue wasn't the software.... It was me. :dunno:

    Although maybe I can blame the software because it wasn't designed to withstand someone as totally incompetent with a synth as me :rofl:

    all good though for now and I'm really looking forward to using this in my next mix.

    i just have to stop messing with IT and get creative again :disco::cheers:
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