Damage 2 Disappeared from Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by ironmother, Aug 11, 2021.

  1. ironmother

    ironmother Ultrasonic

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Hey guys

    As the title says above, recently my Damage 2 VST stopped appearing in my Kontakt Libraries tab.
    However, evidence of its existence is still present on my computer. I found the wallpaper for it, along with random files it requires, for example.
    Instead of installing it all over again, is there a method of getting it re-listed inside Kontakt?

    I just want to note that I didn't move it. It just stopped showing up one day.

    Thank you :)
  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    No VSTs load in Kontakt! lol.
    It's a sample player.
    Samples load into Kontakt.
    I don't think you did.
    Only specific files should be used or required; nothing random, for example.

    edit: <sigh> Or do you mean the Heavyocity instrument sample library called Damage?
    If so, what OS are you on and which version of Kontakt, please?
    And tell me what files you have in this specific library folder.

    edit: ohoh and tell me how long the library worked for?! Please tell me this first. :)
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2021
  4. ironmother

    ironmother Ultrasonic

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Yah it's Heavocity's Damage 2 library that no longer appears.

    I'm using Windows 10 and Kontakt 6.5.2
    I'm looking at the damage 2 folder now in C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\NI Resources as well as seeing a reference to it in AppData
    I'm just wondering what might cause it to no longer appear and can I get it back without having to re-install.
  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You have one more chance to do what I say or you will explode.
    And obvs can only be from the sister site or the tracker if I am to be able to help you.
    Yeah no shit. Are you enjoying wondering, or what?
    Or would you rather let me try and help you?
    Sounds exciting.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2021
  6. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    Have you added a new library, (meaning using the ninct tool) and use "random" SPNID number recently ? you could be accidentally overwrite the SPNID of the hidden library.
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Stevie, you're ever-so slightly being a total knobber and missing the point of the fvncking quesions I asked and why we alwaaays have to ask them.
    You've done this before, again with me helping someone. I'm the one with the higher rating than you on the Best Answers List. Just saying.
    Or, okay, go ahead. Waste your time. Especially before the questions have been answered. I mean, why not, eh?
    I'll piss off outta here, yeah?
    The what? ffs.
  8. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    dude... it's because her name has "mother". I will always help a mother. Lol. okay then, have it your way, Im just gonna go browse the wallpaper page again.
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  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    And...and...YES okay of course this IS one possible reason, but jumping the gun is a pretty fvcking random unscientific way of going about things, especially as op could even have a legit Kontakt, or some sh1t from anywhere but sister or the tracker.

    And if it ends up this is the answer and your randomness fluked out, well, I don't know what I'll do.
    Laugh, definitely! lol.
    And I would guess that your main clue of 'level' of op was already in the op's question. lol.
    And Roject was a guy with a girl's picture...
    Didn't stop Howard either.

    edit: Okay, yeah.
    Maybe I judged too early by "VST".
    So I'm changing my bet during gametime:
    Most probably is: added a library recently with the same SNPID #.
    Never been to that website. Wouldn't know how to search for it anyway. Have fun.
    Huh. mmokay. I'm...just gonna...go and look at the Japanese language forum too as well acually...yeah..I'm...
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2021
  10. ironmother

    ironmother Ultrasonic

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Thanks for your input. A friend of mine gave me a folder called 'Patched' which contains NI-NicntGenerator.exe and Add Library.exe
    So far I have only needed to use the Add Library.exe application and it works everytime. I actually haven't had to use the other one yet.
    But I did recently install Damage 1 and was wondering if they were conflicting somehow.
  11. ironmother

    ironmother Ultrasonic

    Apr 27, 2021
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    So how is anyone going to learn if they can't ask the 'stupid' questions, first?
    You've got to remember to put yourself in other people's shoes. It is clear to you now but you were once a newb. I can only imagine some kind souls took the time to step you through the basics and didn't shit all over you for just asking newbish questions.

    I am sorry I don't know who cracked it. A friend came over and set things up for me some time ago. I don't even know if I have the original files.

    It had been working well for some time. I'd say 6-8 months or so.

  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yes, sorry.
    The point is we can only vouch for releases that we know are legit, which entails them having come from a few specific places and teams.
    The point was that you didn't answer the questions we need to know in order to not run around in circles.
    But you didn't answer them at all! Just some other stuff. But hey.
    I am most empathetic which is why I help someone I'll never meet.
    I am so in your shoes that I need to know exactly all the details to be able to help you.
    Nobody helped, no. I had to make lots of mistakes, so I know quite a bit.
    And then I found this place!
    I did not shit over you.
    I took the mickey because you didn't answer my questions! lol. I thought it was funny. Others did too, which is why I did it. :)
    And newbish questions are nothing; you have to answer the questions I need to ask you! How else could I help?

    So, if the library has been working for 6-8 months then you aren't running a non-cracked Kontakt, and I'd say the Kontakt is probably cracked properly. So let's just overlook the Kontakt source for the moment.
    But you may have received a lib with an incorrect .nicnt, or with a .nicnt when it didn't need one, or already had another one originally! Get it? lol.
    One of your official libraries with official .nicnt file in your collection must not have the correct SNPID #.
    Because you have added soming after "6-8 months" and then another lib has gone.
    So what Stevie said may be our answer.
    Damage and Damage 2 are two different libs, therefore have different SNPID #'s...IF they are supposed to have .nicnt's at ll, I haven't had time to check yet.
    We need to find your folder in W10 which has all the .xml files that get added when we add a library, and take out the ones for libs that aren't appearing.
    And we will need to check the .nicnt files of some libs to check the SNPID #'s.
    And then just re-add some libs
    But I don't know where that folder is on W10, sorry.
    After we find it or someone chimes in we can carry on.
  13. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    it was completely removed from this tab?
    or you see library name with error message?

    where you placed this library when installed it? library folder still there and have the same when it was installed?

    maybe install it again is easier and faster. it's just adding library and nothing more.
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    @Howard Carpendale has " 5 Warning Points " and he was disfellowshipped!
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  15. ironmother

    ironmother Ultrasonic

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Thanks for the help everyone and Talula.

    I am not well versed in how Kontakt & registering libraries works in the background but I am more than willing to learn it inside and out when I get some free time. I do appreciate everyone's help & patience (even as I ask the stupid questions).

    Not sure if this explains anything but after locating my original backups, I noticed that Damage 1 is an iso DVD format installation. Damage 2 was not (it's just the bare bones folder structure and one ncint). Forgive me but I do not recall where I sourced them.
    Now that I found the original source material, I simply added it using my AddLibrary.exe tool and all is working again. No install needed like Dmg 1.

    I am still stumped as to why it disappeared randomly. As others have pointed out, perhaps a SPNID conflict.

    Wishing you all a good weekend.

  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You don't.
    But you have to actually ANSWER the questions I/we ask you!
    Doesn't affect Kontakt.
    An .iso needs to be opened before you can add it to Kontakt anyway.
    It seems you think Kontakt is affected by this? It's not. Not even relevant.
    If it had the official NI installer too? Well, slightly different on install I agree.
    NI installer still not actually needed though. Can be bypassed.
    I do! A torrent site! The only place it won't always be given as an official NI .iso., and sometimes given as already unpacked as you have described.
    And sometimes with a fake .nicnt...
    Therefore, (@Talula) we need to know which site and which releaser; because people just upload any old fake .nicnt file sometimes; and for libs that don't need them.
    Both Damage's do.
    And the .iso for the other lib; was it bespoke or official NI?
    Again, you are mislead.
    You DID install both of the Damage's, in the normal way you would after unpacking a .iso.
    Ah, or maybe you are actually refering to an official NI .iso with installer now.
    Other thoughts for you:
    Kontakt has to be cracked to run shared libs. Libs are not cracked.
    Kontakt is a VST (Virtual Studio Technology). There are also .VSTi (VSTinstrument).
    All libraries are samples and some coding; not classed as software as such.

    The fact that Damage shows up now might mean that another lib has just disappeared!?
    Let us know.

    Oh right.
    Check the Best Answers list under Info/Members.
    All lists are the top 40 members out of 50,000+.
    And in future please try and read what we ask of you and answer accordingly.
    If someone is trying to help you, don't make it so they can only help you under your terms, or waste their time unnecessarily.

    Oh bloody hell!
    Thanks, I didn't know.
    In theory, we should see more of Gyro now! lol.
    But I doubt he would be so 'bait'.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
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