Guitar Rig 6 Cpu Very High

Discussion in 'Software' started by lasteno, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    does anyone else is having a very high usage of the CPU by guitar rig 6 ?.. this thing eats the cpu.. only with 1 single amp . even at 512 buffer size ... Screen Shot 2021-08-06 at 1.10.28.jpg
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Do you have the latest version (v6.2.2) ?
    You can of course try out 256 Buffer Size. Update the graphic card driver.
    Go back to the last working version!

    Which operating system - which DAW - which graphics card do you use?
    Please run the " LatencyMon "
    System Requirements
    - macOS 10.14, 10.15 or 11 (latest update) // - Windows 10 (64-bit, current service pack)
    - Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD CPU, 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
    - A graphics card that supports OpenGL 2.1 and newer or DirectX 9 or 11.

    "The easiest and most effective way to optimize a computer for audio is to use it for nothing else."
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  4. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    I've not found GR6 to be any heavier than GR5 apart from the new ICM amp models, but even those are not that much heavier.

    I'm on Windows though, but GR6 with Chicago+Reflektor eats up ~2% of CPU at 64 buffer size, 44,1kHz/24bit, on a Ryzen 2700 / Behringer 1820. Works fine at 32 buffer as well.

    Is GR6 the only plugin that causes it? Latest versions? Hard to guess.

    *edit:* Tried with 96kHz/24bit, 16 buffer size, similar results, eats up a wee bit of CPU as expected but not that much, around ~3% of CPU time.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    it has always been heavy on use of resources. almost like the basic requirements are a current new, fast machine for every major version.

    we don't have the Hardware Overview of the Mac. It's Logic, so you can * almost rule it out as causing that sort of issue; but you can't tell which version, or OS 10.x. from that screenshot.

    I bet it is just a slower Mac.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  6. lasteno

    lasteno Platinum Record

    Apr 14, 2013
    Likes Received:
    using 6.2.2 version , i'm on catalina 16 of ram and 3.3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 here... I have used a lot of plugins without a problem but it seems that Guitar Rig 6 really sucks a lot of the Cpu.. a lot.. maybe too much
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
    Likes Received:
    ok well, it's not slow. but 16gb RAM is probably your issue. the GR stated minimum requirements have always seemed optimistically low to me. does that result in the CPU spike because of spillover? your cpu is clearing data over and over and over because it has run out of ram space. overrunning the buffer. (something like that).

    it's one of those old sales tactics. you ask if you can really run it at that spec, and they say "well,(long pause) you can". so yes, can you in theory get it to work? sure, but it's going to be a miserable experience and everyone involved already knows it.

    what are convolution type effects like?
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Please run the " LatencyMon "
    "The easiest and most effective way to optimize a computer for audio is to use it for nothing else."

    System Requirements
    - macOS 10.14, 10.15 or 11 (latest update) // - Windows 10 (64-bit, current service pack)
    - Intel Core i5 or equivalent AMD CPU, 4 GB RAM (6 GB recommended)
    - A graphics card that supports OpenGL 2.1 and newer or DirectX 9 or 11.

    NI Support Team:
    Increase the block size of your sound card and do not use an integrated Intel graphics chip.

    A User answer:
    increasing the block size of your sound card: Buffer size is set to 128 (anything below is unacceptable), but even with buffer size set to 256 or 512, nothing changes. not using a built-in Intel graphics chip. All MacBooks and Mac mini have built-in intel graphics. If you’re saying that GR6 was not developed for thousand of users with a built-in intel graphic cards, why is that not stated on the website before buying?? Do you also experience the audio dropouts when the Guitar Rig UI is closed? Less, but it happens, and one time is too much in audio recording. It ruins the complete recording. So, bottom line is: I spend 200$ and the only way to make GR6 run is buy a new computer? Mac mini intel i7, 32Gb ram, SSD. luckily all other sofware and plug-ins (Waves,Oxford, Izotope,….) don’t have issues with intel built-in graphic card.

    NI Support Team:
    Hi ACM, of course we have tested Guitar Rig on MacBooks and Mac minis, it was even developed on those (amongst others). So I'm am not at all saying what you are implying. Unfortunately some older integrated Intel graphics cards have some issues with their OpenGL support which is required for Guitar Rig 6. But since you are still experiencing audio dropouts even when the Guitar Rig UI is closed we can exclude this as the main source for error.

    But in general, the symptom of "high cpu load" can be caused by all kinds of things, that's why in this thread you find various proposed solutions to various problems that all show the same symptom while still being separate issues. That's why it's sometimes hard to discern what the actual cause is.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  9. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    LatencyMon is awesome, but it's Windows only. I don't think a similar tool exists for macOS. If one does, please let me/us know!
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thank you @ phumb-reh, mankind lived in 3 worlds: "Windows world - Mac world and Linux world.

    The common language was English, at least we could agree on it. There were also people who lived in all three worlds and people who lived in all three worlds Knew worlds. Every Windows user swore by Windows, sometimes there were apostates who went into the Linux world out of frustration and desperation, but there were few. As a Windows world resident, I often failed to solve my problems with the Mac residents.

    Many researchers of the Audiosex Forum (incidentally one of the most famous intergalactic confederations) are still puzzling today why one person becomes a Mac world resident and another one becomes a Windows world resident. The few Linux world residents were also puzzling. The musical genes were researched, but I couldn't find out why.

    Galactic Diary - Stardate August 2021
  11. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    all mix rack plugins are
  12. pelao

    pelao Kapellmeister

    Dec 15, 2016
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    based on my experience, GR6 is a cpu f*cker. The last build did not solve the cpu consumption at all
    my pc specs are a bit old but not so far to a traditional studio setup (ryzen 1600Af, 16gb of ram 3200 Mhz)
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
  14. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    its just a cpu fucker ful lstop im rocking a 5960x 128 gigs ram its still a cpu fucker.
    But like i said multi plugin plugins useally are kilohaertz snap in is so is multipass so is phaseplant
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