How to make old Kontakt libraries (.nks) permanently visible (MAC)

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Alraun, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Tutorial „How to make old Kontakt libraries with .nks sample container remain permanently visible in the library rack (OS X 10.8 & 10.9)“

    If you are on Mac and you have trouble with those libraries, because they disappear from the rack each time when you close Kontakt and open it again,
    then this Tutorial shows you the way to stop that behaviour.
    In the Zippyshare link you will find Demo files, so you can understand and reproduce the following, which explains the process by means of the example of the Altered States library.

    You will see, the solution is somehow a mixture between the old info.nkx/nkc+plist method and the new .nicnt method.
    For both of them you can find also information here at AudioSEX.

    :keys: :keys: :keys:
    1) Copy the .nicnt to your Library Root Folder
    2) Copy the .xml to Mac/Library/AppSupport/NI/Service Center
    3) Before you copy and paste com.native-instruments.Altered States.plist to Mac/Library/Preferences,
    open it with TextEdit and exchange the path (ContentDir) to your own existing path to the Altered States library.
    Take care that you don’t delete the colons=: in between.
    4) Copy and paste the other com.native-instruments.Altered States.plist to User/Library/Preferences,
    without to change anything (UserListIndex must be Zero!)
    5) Write the given entry in com.native-instruments.Content.plist into your existing Content.plist

    Open Kontakt. Your library is now permanently visible in the library rack. *yes*
    :keys: :keys: :keys:
    It won’t work if you leave out one of the steps, but the exact order is not important.
    It can be that Altered States is visible twice in the rack. The library creates itself an own .plist,
    located in User/Library/Preferences. It’s name: Altered States.plist (without the prefix
    com.native-instruments). Don’t delete it. Open it. Change it’s entries:
    UserListIndex = 0 UserRemoved = 1 Your library is now visible only once.

    Different libraries (re)act different. This Tutorial is only for those with .nks monoliths. Tested on Mountain Lion and Mavericks, with Kontakt 5.2.0.
    If you want to do the same thing also with other libraries with .nks, you may need to know their SNPID number, which should be the same as the klib number in Content.plist.
    Obviously each of these libraries have their own unique number, so you can’t just use any. I don’t know if it counts for all of them, but i have seen that the libraries,
    which i have tested so far, always creates the same number in Content.plist, therefore my assumption. Altered States f.e. didn’t work here with another number.

    You may ask how to find out the specific number. What you can do: before you do all these 5 steps above, add the respective library in Kontakt.
    Close Kontakt and take a look in Content.plist, if there’s now an entry with that number. Take this number and use it for the .nicnt and the .xml.
    I have found a list in the internet with klib numbers, but i have not verified, if all numbers on that list do work or not - and of course i can’t, because i do not own all these libraries.
    I have tried two of them. In one case (a .nks number) it was the right one, in the other case ( a .nkx number) it was wrong. This confirms my assumption above.
    The list is enclosed.

    You can edit .xml’s and .plist’s with onboard TextEdit. If you work more often with those kind of files, it’s better to use following softwares:
    - PlistEdit Pro (for .plist files)
    - Textastic (for .xml files)
    "patch is encrypted" error ( some older libraries with .nkx monoliths)

    There’s another problem existing with registration of some older libraries in OS X since 10.7: the „this patch is encrypted" error. It concerns mainly the libraries with .nkx monoliths,
    which have their own installer (f.e. Evolve Mutations, Acoustic Legends a.o.). There's a solution existing for them too. It’s a bit more complex. I will give you the information soon.

    What makes it more complex: you have to add more information to the Mac Library .plist and/or to the .xml file.
    You need at least the HU and JDX number. In the given list ( you find it also in the internet, when you make a google search for "HU JDX")
    you can find the these informations, though i can't guarantee for their trueness. I could find some useful info in it.
    Also you have to take care, that RAS number is the right one (1 or 2). This info is included in the list too.

    Generally you don't necessarily need that list. Do the following: Install the library with their installer. Don't open Kontakt !!!
    Copy the .plist installed by that library to your Desktop. You will find all the information you need in that preference file.
    If you open and close Kontakt, before you have copied the list, it's information has gone.
    Kontakt resets the list, because the old installers install it in user library. But you need it's information in Mac Library .plist.

    I can't give you a patent recipe which additional information you need, because it seems different from library to library.

    - Let the installed info.nkx/nkc files there, where they are
    - Create an additional .nicnt/.xml and, if necessary, an entry in Content.plist
    - Add HU and JDX.

    Therewith you can cause f.e. Evolve Mutations to work.
    With similar libraries you must maybe experiment a bit. I did it with three different libraries and the solution was different with everyone.

    I don’t know why the Windows guys don’t have the same trouble. :dunno:
    Obviously they can just throw a .nicnt with a self-created SNPID into the root folder and that’s it.
    However, the Mac guys now have a clue too! Have fun! :wink:

    In case you have a problem with the understanding, you can ask. I will answer as good as i can.
    Btw. if you change permission rights of the folders mentioned above, so you have read/write access, it would make editing easier.

    I will add Demo files for the .nkx libraries tomorrow.
  3. London007

    London007 Member

    Aug 18, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Wow, this is genius information. I often wonder how this can be made to work, and it's the first time I have ever seen it given as a guide. So, I just wanted to say many thanks for your incredible insight and work that went into this.
  4. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    thanks. will definitely try it and confirm results.
  5. Frubbs

    Frubbs Kapellmeister

    Feb 2, 2012
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    The gods will honour you for your generosity. This kind of information is golden, and hard-won, I'm sure. Thanks brother!
  6. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    ok. this is weird. here's what i discovered. the librariy i tested with (altered states) was added to kontakt 5 but they need to be activated. i removed it and added it again. it appears normal but when i play the instruments, it tells me that the library has to be activated.

    here is the weird part:

    if i remove the library from kontakt and the .nicnt file from the library's root directory and add it again on kontakt, i can access the library without any problems. when i quit kontakt and run it again, the library is there, but waiting to be activated.

    at least now i can have the libraries available in kontakt.

    i guess the only problem lies with the .nicnt file for now.
  7. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    kingchubby, generally, the .nks libraries don't need to be activated at all.
    You can even add them without nicnt or any other additional file, but they simply don't remain in the rack.
    This applies to Kontakt 5.2.0. If you have 5.2.1, i really recommend you to go back to 5.2.0.
    I can guarantee that everything works with that version. *yes*

    I myself work only with 5.2.0. I have tested the method on 5.2.1 only with one library and it was o.k,
    but i know that many more libraries make difficulties with this version than with the one before.
    Look over there on the dark sister site, how many people have problems with that Mac version because of activation shit. :snuffy:
    Some of them switched even back to 5.03....

    I have, therefore, as a precaution, deleted 5.2.1 from the post, because not everyone get along with it.

    So before you are as far as this guy here, choose the right version. :rofl: [​IMG]

    I am about to prepare Demo files for two .nkx libraries, but i need another day.
    There are unexpected things happened today and I did not have enough time for this.
  8. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
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    Take your time with the demo files. No worries. I am using Kontakt 5.2.0 on my Mac. Added 4 libraries so far. They are still on my rack, They need to be activated, but I remove and add them again when I need to work on them and they work normally. It's weird. At least I'm glad you found a way for them to stay. For that, I am very grateful.
  9. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    You are using 5.2.0 and they need to be activated? That's really weird indeed.
    It's sometimes very strange, that things can be so different under the same preconditions.

    I've read that some people have to remove and add the library again.
    This was never the case here. Removing and adding again did never help.

    Sometimes i wish i could check it on the spot what's going on and what exactly makes the difference...
    It is not that easy to help from afar. :sad:

    At least you can work with them....

    And do you know what? I am the one who has to be grateful - and i am.
    Because it was your question in the other topic, which is responsible for me once again to sit down
    and try if there is a way, after i had given it up already. :bow:
    Now i have no more problems currently with activations, visibilities and stuff like that.
    The more i would wish for you the same. If i will get another idea for you, i'll let you know.
  10. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Keep up the good work and keep up posted. I am adding the rest of the libraries to my Kontakt. They're there. I can remove and add them again and they work fine. I am happy and grateful.
  11. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    I hereby declare: this thread is closed. :excl:

    Kontakt 5.3.0 is out and it's fucking working with everything, old, new, whatever.
    Good work this time. *yes*
  12. kingchubby

    kingchubby Rock Star

    Oct 14, 2011
    Likes Received:
    i was just about to post that. all my libraries are now working normally. anyway, this thread was a great exercise. thanks man.
  13. condor

    condor Newbie

    Dec 2, 2013
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    Hi Alraun, !!!!

    I know that your great thread here :wink: declared as closed ..but ! - it seems that the only one who might helping me are you ! *yes* .... I've trying anything you had recommend above...but some of my libraries appearing twice in the rack...I couldn't fix that. !!! I hanging with this for years !!! it's insane but I try anything to fix that... I had done anything you had advice us... - The thing is that there's no an own xxxx.plist from the lib. itself. Just the all known "com.native-instrument.xxxx.plist" so I cant hide the 2nd entry in the rack .. it happens not to all libr. but to some of them... It happens only to K5 not to my K4 which I have still in use ---> System: Mac Pro 8 core - 10.6.8 - Kontakt 5.1.0 - 32 GB -- ( I know that you thread here belongs to the 10.8 & 10.9 only)
    but ! ..maybe you have an genial idea !! - thx's in advance for your helping here... - best "condor"
