A beat that crosses Migos - Rip and Kodak Black - No flocking

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by onemanorgy, Jul 31, 2021.

  1. onemanorgy

    onemanorgy Member

    Jul 7, 2021
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    My favorite instrumental by the Migos is RIp as no other beat they go on compares, to me atleast.

    There's nothing like getting loaded w/Kratom on a Friday night and screaming RIP lyrics

    My favorite Instrumental by Kodak Black is No Flocking ( not my favorite song of his though )

    I wanted to make a beat from scratch that crossed both of them.
    I did everything not that it's impressive, I'd say above par. But again history repeats it self the fuckin EQ. The only thing I got half way right was the bass it at least sounded different.

    After I create this thread I'm bout to meditate, smoke some Delta 8 joints, take a cup of Kratom and pop an addy and open FL studio, make a beat in 15 minutes, then bounce it out to Pro Tools and make my first song.
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  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    Kratom use has been linked to serious side effects including hallucinations, seizures, liver damage, withdrawal, and death. Due to these and other serious safety concerns, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) continues to warn people to avoid using products containing kratom or its ingredients.

    This sounds less than appealing. Might want to be careful.
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  4. onemanorgy

    onemanorgy Member

    Jul 7, 2021
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    I don't think you're qualified to give advice on that.
    1. This is an instrumental post
    2. Which isn't any of your anyone else's business, Kratom affords me to never during my whole entire life to be in a social setting or anywhere near heroin, even after somethings being inflicted on me. The only major one I've done ( and I don't consider white girl aka Co to be major ), is MDMA and has now gotten FDA approval to be prescribed onto PTSD sufferers.
    3. Milk has been linked to causing cancer in people that carry the gene for it to be turned on as it packs a good amount of something called
    IGF-1 (Insulin-Like Growth Factor) within it, then coupled with estrogen which has been linked to cancer in men and women.....
    When a woman gets breast cancer she's then prescribed something called aromasin (which I've taken, and believe it to be in the good interset for most men to do that due to BPA BPH exposure within everyday life < but not the reason I took it). Aromasin is an Aromatase inhibitor but unlike any other Inhibitor within that class it causes estrogen receptors to commit suicide, opposed to lowering your estrogen-like Arimidex which can thin your bones out etc. With some people, Milk can actually stunt your growth because of the estrogen content within it. Cow's are purposely impregnated so they can harvest the milk from that Heffer and then sell it off to us so we can drink it. Often times they'll inject the cow with Prolactin which makes its way as a spillover into our bodies w/some men developing "bitch tits" from milk alone.
    4. BPA, BPH aka Bisphenol A has been linked to cancer. Well how? What is it? First off, it's plastic. Plastic is a bi-product of petrol oil manufacturing..... Oil is basically the blood of the earth. And very similar to us as the old saying gos "as above, so below" where everything is interconnected with one another, this instance being no different. How does BPA caues cancer or more importantly how does illicit or add flames to the fire to make a person catch cancer? You can think of BPA as the hormone estrogen, it mimics its effects and consequences including too much exposure can cause Gynechymastia.
    But I'm gonna guess you touch it everyday from things you drink out of, to your toothbrush ( you can get non plastic brushes ).

    A lot of things are linked to related to other things. But fortunately for Kratom a long with your comment there is no proof. I've used it 10 years. You can get some side effects if you mix a benzo with it as it is an opiate ofcourse, that's the recipe to die, in fact mixing a benzo with an opiate is how they use to ( don't know if they are now ) a medically induced coma. Unless I see your PHD in medicine I don't think you should be giving out advice.

    The FDA has tried to outright ban the sale of Kratom, but too many people went to Washington and protested which we all have the right to peacefully assembly consisting of people from all walks of life and conditions. The moment you ingest Kratom you cannot overdose ever no matter the amount you take, ever. It has things in it that has a system of checks and balances to prevent that, and if someone reaches their ceiling for tolerance and LD-50 it then induces vomiting ( has happened to me ). I've gotten several brain scans CT and monitored for a week with elecrtrodes, all normal brain waves (which I'm not normal and withstood a lot). The FDA stays approving and allowing the marketing of drugs that have outright immediately or slowly killed people

    Example: https://www.health.harvard.edu/cancer/another-drug-recall-due-to-cancer-causing-ingredients

    We know for a fact the CIA a long with The United States Army was selling cocaine in order to afford weapons for its own ends and means.

    Example: https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/9712/ch01p1.htm < this doesnt do the situation justice.

    I believe the United States Government to be both directly and indirectly profiting from the Illegal manufacturing and sale of Heroin aka Aceytl-Morphine. Kratom has been around for what know to be 2000 years. You absolutely can become mentally addicted to it, but thousands of methadone users were finally able to quit any opiate addiction with it. I believe anything cutting into the Govs profits will get them angry. For a while now since the big Kratom boom, which I knew about it over 20 years ago, didn't try until 10 years ago, Opiate drug sales have come down considerably. There are entire industries devoted to the Poppy plant, both to get you addicted, then to sustain that addiction with Opiate maintenance medications like Mephedrone or Suboxone.

    It's true if you keep wetting your Opiate receptors in your brain it can lower a persons ceiling for seizures. A lot of drugs do this.
    Including Cialis...

    But an upside to Cialis it can actually treat BPH inflammed prostate in older men unlike Viagra. Anything that shrinks the prostate size is a good thing and is proven to prevent prostate cancers with cialis being in that class. Also, Cialis is one of the only drugs ever made that unlike Viagra can actually increase the size of your penis permanently. To seizure from Kratom you need to be doing 5 other drugs and it's not a direct effect from the Kratom, on top of that you need to be consuming amounts your body wouldn't be able to process thus the upchuck puking. There are a lot of things in life linked to a lot of other things. However, there are millions of people taking Kratom, and the bodies FDA say are being made are no where to be seen nor proof.

    Kratom helped get me through being a 12 year celibate and a lot of episodes of things involving people. Having diagnosed high testosterone you can only imagine how many days someone like me masturbated to point I couldnt get anything done.
    And it normaled out by hormone panel. With High Testosterone as with anything in life it is give and take, benefits and negatives.
    As with legit High Testosterone the deep voice, the pronounces secondary sex characteristics I have ( bushy ass eyebrows, broad shoulders, having the happy trail of hair from bottom of my belly button to pubic pad since 9 as that's when I started puberty )
    I have all that and then some, you have to figure a person that is about 12" genitals has to have high enough testosterone to get that in the first place. Acne as a child was moderate, never severe patches to where it pitted my face, but was there and up until I took Testosterone not knowing what I was doing but waited until I was 30 to not mess anyhting up, and nothing. Nothing happened, instead of my hair falling out it just got more oily, and it did the exact opposite of what it does for others because they have a lack of Test, it lowered mine (temporarily for couple months then after was slow build up back to normal) to the point my testicles were the size of Corn kernel. But one thing it did do is clear up my case of Severe back acne I had my entire life, never came back, and this is because it did exact opposite of what it does for others, it lowered my shit naturally ( it does stop your production cause you're getting it from elsehwere , thats everyone). But with other people you gain muscle faster and all these benefits. Went to a Doctor little bit after trying it for 2 weeks, and found out already have High T.

    With everything in life linked to one or a another thing, either advantages or dis advantages........
    One of the disadvantages of legit diagnosed high test (< which I'll explain in next sentence why I use the word "diagnosed high test" cause its not really synomyous with one another ) because I developed something called Hidradenitis Suppurativa.
    Usually high test is genetic and my case is no different. Had my blood checked a lot and was consistently high with no dip off, and by 25 had this small spot on inner maybe the diameter no bigger than the width of an eraser on a pencil. Basically, HS is three different kinds of acne in one form.... And can scar... Not only do I have very light form in that one spot only and its pretty invisible, but my sister does, and no surprise has high test for a female. And her son exhibits same exadurated sex characteristics of a man like I have, broad cheekbones, squarer than normal jaw, broad shoulders and he's also packing down there as it runs on my Mother's side from good genes.
    But with my sister she really didnt know what it was just thought it was maybe random cysts from sweating and with her smoking increases risk for it cause smoking increases hormones 1/2 fold GH, Test and Est specifically. She has it inner thigh, under arm pits and elsewhere. And exercising this acne can be difficult as it can swell but a layer of skin can grow over the exit point of the pore. I've had also some incidents where developed pain in part of my body despite being able for the most part repair tissues in the body fast.

    In life, it gives an takes right. Kratom is one of the things I use internally not to kill of Test levels but other hormones. It does about 20 things all wrapped up into one package. Just like how some people are allergic to Peniciln with myself being one of them, I bet there are people who are allergic to the peptides within the Kratom leaf it self, but very rare. What's good for one person is bad for another, or in Kratoms case a few. If I found coke at 9 years old instead of trying my first joint I would be the billionaire performer I was meant to be at the age I am now.

    But Kratom can help with a lot of things with me admitting nothing is perfect. But its not this demon nor is it lethal like how the very same Government that sold cocaine is making it out to be, it's the opposite. The reason why someone would seizure with other drugs would be withdrawn, if someone did seizure from Kratom it would be the exact opposite reason. Opiate-addicted people take it for that reason. It's to actually not seizure while you're titrating or outright quitting the drug your body has become addicted to and doing it cold turkey. They give alcoholics Klonopin for addiction because they will seizure without it, same thing with hardcore Heroin use. Kratom has been used in place of benzodiazepines to prevent those same seizures. It has benefits to it, but I won't lie either it will get you 3x higher than any Roxy or a spoonful of dog food if you take enough. everything in life can be abusd.

    I very much appreciate your concern, one of the epiphanies I reached at the age I am now is to not be concerned with what other people think or how they view me or thinking about other people's possessions and that I don't have them. And this is the exact reason when I have kids I'm going to let them watch TV and movies but restrict commercials and the news.

    Thank you though. And have been careful.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
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