FL Studio 20.8?

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by matewshy, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. ACAS

    ACAS Kapellmeister

    Feb 19, 2021
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  2. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Can't spell crap without rap, amen brother by the winstons.

  3. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    If you need to have always the latest version then buy it can't afford it well get a loan at a bank 500$/€ at 24 month plan to give the money back is an option if you are making music professionally this is obvious solution if for not professional hobby or whatever old version works good also like others mentioned demo version is quite good if you don't need to keep working on a project i haven't used the demo of the recent fl versions but older fl demo can export the mix you made but can't save/load the project if you wanted to keep working on it also it seems people don't have issues getting 1000$/€ phones on 24 month contract from carriers for something that will last at max 4 years investing in something that can generate money is wise
  4. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    @ACAS @ArticStorm Actually I meant registration name, not the code as pointed out by @lasceed
    It is very easy to find whether a project was made with legit or fake FL by finding whether ID_Project_RegName is empty (see pic below)
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  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i doubt anybody will care to check that working with somebody, but good to know.

    i mean FL records, who has created the project, so i doubt this was done on purpose.
  6. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Image-Line do check it probably when people share their projects for adding them to demos, but yeah, its a single click away from being edited when you know how it jumbles your name
  7. Ambar

    Ambar Producer

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Idk why R2R stopped FL cracking but for now, I think its time to save some money and buy a legit version if you really love the DAW
  8. therealslimsh4dy

    therealslimsh4dy Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    it smells very bad, it deciphers other DAWs but FL does not, I will not dare to say what I think because I am sure the community will hit me and has always refused, but it smells
  9. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    @therealslimsh4dy do you read R2R nfos? if you do you don't read them enough the webscene group have set a path to punish rogue, greedy, evil (ex Tone2) professional audio software developers they don't aways stick to the agenda but they usually do they mention that in the nfo like the release they do on a 5$-11$ synth that was an completely mess if you thinking they are paid by the FL developer to not release it is very unlikely people said the same thing for AiR im sure some versions may get out in the wild by P2P also you don't get the point of R2R mission
  10. therealslimsh4dy

    therealslimsh4dy Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    I'm just saying it's weird, make no mistake, thanks to them I could start in this business and I already have more than 70% of the programs purchased and I still use the broken versions, I'm just saying it's not normal, I'll keep thanking them and I'll name them when I get 1 grammy.:wink:
  11. bondebara

    bondebara Guest

    As a user of FL Studio for many years, keeping in mind its competitive price and free lifetime updates, I don't think a company like Image-Line deserve to be cracked, cracking is for profit oriented companies that don't give a damn about their legit customers and music in general.
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  12. Brandon2001

    Brandon2001 Newbie

    Jan 8, 2021
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    All the links of the skins and updates of skins were dropped, please could you upload them again
  13. XTDraco

    XTDraco Newbie

    Apr 3, 2020
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    What tool do you use to browse through the FLP like that? I have a tech background and that looks pretty useful.
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  14. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I will send it to you tomorrow if you want, the original author seems to have removed it from Github. It is called FLPEdit
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  15. XTDraco

    XTDraco Newbie

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Thanks, I appreciate it.
  16. here287

    here287 Noisemaker

    May 14, 2020
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    How to change it?
  17. onemanorgy

    onemanorgy Member

    Jul 7, 2021
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    I do believe the Genre was watered down with everyone getting a crack. When I learned to make beats was by trial and Error no YouTube tutorials as of yet. If I wanted to use a Tutorial to make a Beat I had to get Propellarhead Reason 3. I didn't like reason only because of DR REx loops.
  18. onemanorgy

    onemanorgy Member

    Jul 7, 2021
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    In all realness FL Studio/Image Line has enough reach to contact advertisers and or marketers to make every version they release free forever, and just make people watch advertisements for a full day, boom paid. Cause that's the point it's at and has run rampit with the cracks, I can't say I wish they go away though. I started on a crack.... FL 4.. Any of you remember Vjay this is my way music loop. Not Vjay, was Ejay, getting old when you have to google shit you can't remember. Coincidentally being from Cleveland I was in a Ares P2P chatroom and this guy
    < jay p got into a argument with me I knew nothing about and had no backup and managed to make him think twice about trying ejay cause I thought I was a beat maker @ 18. Then I gave into JP's argument and got my first crack. Man fuckin nostalgia.... At 18 I got jumped infront of my house on some shady shit... I remember I started pouring my attention into FL Studio, I'm not going to say I lost myself in the art of it, I for sure found myself. I also went Jayp way I went from FL Studio to Mpc 2000's 2 of them and 1 MPC 1000 < it had a weird sound I didn't like at all when you loaded drums in it. Wasn't clean like MPC 2000. For Those of you who aren't old as balls I'm trying to find this Migos song where a MPC 1000 was used on drums and you can clearly hear the dirt frequency on it. It's not even like a dirty Freq sound, sounds like error, I found iT !!!!!!!!
    Listen to the 808 that's exact sound MPC 1000 made when you loaded any kind of Drum into it, sounds like a fuckin error, not even dirty or authentic. < Only explaining to those of you who aren't as old as balls like myself.

    There's ways to monetize Free DAWS though.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2021
  19. onemanorgy

    onemanorgy Member

    Jul 7, 2021
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    TBH, for example all of the best software is without a doubt free. Like MITMproxy < free, not even a fremium where you can upgrade. Other SFX I can't recall atm are free. Someone needs to come out with a free DAW 100% that improves upon FL STUDIO's flaws.

    It would be cool if we all contributed to a DAW made solely from members here and call that DAW AUDIOSEX and make it a FL / Nuendo / Pro Tools hybrid. I don't know if it's the drugs but I lost that thrill of going on Ebay and buying up someones 50GB library of Reason sounds they got from Torrent, but you were too excited of receiving something in the mail. Now anything we want is at our fingertips, fucking spoiled is what we are. Ohh well. But if Anyone wants to start on an AUDIOSEX DAW I have a coder that will work for cheap and I can do the UI and not buttons stole from a UI KIT.

    Other Topic I saw someone in the prior comments saying they had something called FLPEDIT? I didn't see any kind of examples of what it can do, can someone please post it so I can have a gander?
  20. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I'd love a chance to try it, too, if you could! Thanks!
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