Getting Waves to Work Again

Discussion in 'Software' started by jh88, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. jh88

    jh88 Noisemaker

    Jul 25, 2021
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    Hello folks. I have been lurking here for a few years but have never created an account because it's been a hell of a lot more fun to just watch. Plus I haven't really had anything useful to add to anything. Until now (I hope)...

    Waves stopped working on my machine a few days ago out of the blue. I use Studio One 5.2 and was using the R2R version of Waves. The plugins are still there, but the WaveShell wouldn't load at all.

    I went though all of the posts I could find and nothing that fixed my problem. Uninstalled, cleaned everything, reinstalled, tried multiple versions of Waves. Nothing worked. I thought maybe Windows Firewall was blocking something, but no.

    I had actually given up yesterday and started trying to find other plugins to replace the Waves stuff I had used in a lot of my songs.

    I don't know how I found the fix, but I did. Digging through different folder in my Waves install, I found a second spot where the WavesLicenseEngine.bundle folder existed. Not the one in the instructions from R2R, but in another location altogether.

    I deleted it and replaced the with the one from R2R and magically my Waves plugins worked!

    I am using the WC. build FYI.

    I created this account just to share my results and hopefully help others that have had the same problem. Please let me know if this solution helps.

    Oh...It would probably be a good idea to say where I found the folder, huh?

    C:\Program Files\Waves Central\resources\res\external\bin
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  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.

    Say Hello, Wave Goodbye. It's not 2001 any more. :wink: I know a lot of people find them useful, but really, they're like dinosaurs and not really making any progess in quality of their plugins.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2021
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  4. jh88

    jh88 Noisemaker

    Jul 25, 2021
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    I totally agree. I'm lazy by nature, so I used a lot of the CLA stuff because it gave me decent results quickly and I really didn't have to work for it. I used it a lot on my older songs, so I freaked out when none of the plugs loaded. Now that they do, I'll A/B versus other plugs and find replacements.

    I don't want to be tied to Waves. This experience has been hell.
  5. Jedi_Knight

    Jedi_Knight Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2012
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    When you say you cleaned everything...does that mean registry to? If so, do you use a third party software for it or manual removal? I find that third party reg cleaners can suck and still leave garbage behind.
  6. jh88

    jh88 Noisemaker

    Jul 25, 2021
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    The first and second time I went in manually and removed anything that started with Waves in the registry. Of course i was careful and read every path. The third, fourth and x times i just used Win uninstall and lived with the results.

    Pretty sure I used BCUninstaller a couple of times too.

    In the end it wasn't a registry issue for me.
  7. Alexander Foxx

    Alexander Foxx Member

    Jun 9, 2018
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    Ive just had this problem in the morning when i updated my plugins, its depends where you get the stuff but the last versions have a file that says fix (normally it just deletes the files from waves local server) try that, in waves central just click on repair, then delete the waves local server from %ProgramData%\Waves Audio\WavesLocalServer and then apply the patch, and thats all, it worked for me
  8. jh88

    jh88 Noisemaker

    Jul 25, 2021
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    Alexander - I tried all of that and reinstalling the redistributables. Still, it didn't work for me. The only thing that worked was replacing the folder twice. YMMV though and I hope you have an easier time than I did!

    The Fix It file just deletes the folder that needs to be deleted.

    Oh, I also went into airplane mode to do the final install. I didn't like the fact that Waves Central wanted to upgrade to current. Paranoia on my part for sure!