Response To Anne1987

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Catalyst, Nov 8, 2013.

  1. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Once again, Catalyst found the words to express what a lot of us think.

    Just to add something that probably Anne and her chiefs will understand better:

    I bought many software programs when I came back to free/rich country, and what I had? 80% of it had problems, extremely bad or no support at all, and of course, no refund. And I am not speaking about cheap programs, from 500 to 800 euros and more.
    Effectively some cheap ones had far better support and more honest description, then more free updates.

    So tell me Anne, you are claiming for copy-rights.? Where are the consumer rights?
    How can I go against a company that states that his program is working with video and I discover that it only works with 3 formats?
    Why are society's resources that we all pay with our taxes, going after the "pirates" but if you want to go on trial against an enterprise you have to pay from your own pocket?

    Who 's disgusting now?
    Now if you'r really from CineSamples I'm going to tell you how much the brass last on my HD: 10 minutes, because of bad envelope programming. Glad I didn't bought it.

    Now you'll understand that, I give very intense try before I buy, which is only possible through the solutions offered in AZ.

    Last but not least, you don't really need to do that to obtain you promotion. Stop cleaning your bosses boots and get a life for yourself.

    I sincerely wish you a nice week end. ENJOY LIFE.
  2. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    I heard they fixed the attack/envelop problem in the subsequent update (which I have yet to try). One thing that keeps popping up from devs is the term "small company". You might be low in staff numbers but it doesn't mean you are small company.

    Jaron Lanier writes in his book:

    So calling Cinesamples a small company is the usual marketing exaggeration.
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Can you put on the market two 400$ libraries with attack release problem?
    Besides, I pointed only this problem, but there are a lot more.
  4. jayhind

    jayhind Ultrasonic

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Of course that was really bad, it is impossible to write a rhythm pattern with the original product without the piece sounding like it was played by school children.
  5. DAW

    DAW Kapellmeister

    Nov 8, 2013
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    Thank you for those infos, gentlemen.

    So I didn't give a try to this library and won't give it a try. Time and nerves saving :bow: .

    Too bad for them you could test it ! :dancing: .
  6. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Now this is interesting.

    Because it actually confirms the arguments of the developers who claim they lose money due to piracy.

    If piracy had almost no effect on sales at all, as many people claim here and on AudioZ, then clearly such a proceeding would be completely unnecessary?
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I never argued that it has no effect, I'm sure it does have some though it's hard to measure accurately. I think it's just that the creators have gotten used to consumers having no rights and so when suddenly there are changes like the internet ushered in that shift the balance of power these are are going to be perceived as a threat. My argument is that products are way too expensive, often don't even come with demos and have many restrictions that make a proper demo impossible. Also the movie studios that are bitching and moaning about losses are somehow still posting record earnings. I guarantee you that none of these developers are scared to death that they can't pay their rent but we have people here that work their ass off (and are amazing musicians) and actually do have that problem. Nobody guaranteed them a certain amount of money in the first place.
  8. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    No one who's actually involved in warez has never claimed is a no claim area... general downloaders don't really have any justifiable say over warez other than their own moral action of illegally downloading something...

    Warez is an underground world for the computer engineer and is always going to harm the developers...but it still needs to exist because it has it's own purpose which is different than the purposes of the developer...

    Warez COULD HELP people who can't afford the resources anyway...some people over here barely get by...but they also have an interest in producing...this is why it exists for them...

    Illegal Movie and Video Game downloads...that is an area AudioZ isn't specialised in and is a completely different world of warez than Software Reverse Engineering...

    AudioZ is a place that deals with the lighter side of this underground world...where it tries to encourage proper use of warez downloading...for purposes of learning, helping the poor yet ambitious etc...
  9. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Sorry, this is simply not true anymore.
    Maybe it was like this 10 years ago, but today it's clearly a mass phenomena.

    I completely agree that one illegal download doesn't equal a lost sale.

    But to claim that piracy doesn't really harm developers (no, even supports them as also many claim) is just beyond me.
    Let's be honest... I think everybody in the music scene knows somebody who makes money with music and still uses pirated software.
    This fact is always neglected in such discussions.
    That's why I wanted to represent a little bit of the developer's side here, because otherwise they have no chance to be heared. And I don't like one-sided discussions.
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I think people that make money on their music and use only pirated software are being ridiculous. It's cool to slowly phase in purchases but to not purchase anything is simply put...unfair and I don't support that in the slightest. *no* Nothing makes me want to run amok through the streets quite like seeing a top name DJ getting caught with a cracked plug...oh yeah and thisis theend's thanks video to Kook on one of his last posts. :wink: :rofl:
  11. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Of course it's a mass phenomena, and it was a mass phenomena 10 years ago as well...even before that...

    Do you not know or remember the free mp3 download craze back in the late 90's. Millions of kids were like, "holy shit we can get crap quality music for free? Well fuck me silly Sir Silly Sausage"

    Of course the time of warez has changed and many of the top groups have moved on and grown up, which is also a really happy and great thing that they made a name and and developed an era in the warez scene...but that doesn't mean it is no longer underground...

    And again, no one really said that it doesn't harm developers, those who do say that haven't much knowledge about the scene...

    We have talked many times on this forum about famous producers using cracked software...we even had a thread on Steve Aoki once here...
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