Are audio subliminal effective?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by signalblocking, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. signalblocking

    signalblocking Newbie

    Jul 21, 2021
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    Are audio subliminal effective? What are different types of audio subliminal messages I can make? Is it possible to make silent sound ultrasonic subliminal messages with free software, how does it work if it is ultrasound?
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    What you up to ? Do you want to send a message to someone? What do you want to use it for?

    Our listening range between 20 and 20,000 Hertz is so broad that we can use it to differentiate between around 400,000 tones. But of course there are many more frequencies that even people with perfect hearing simply cannot hear because they are below our hearing threshold. For example, the human ear cannot process ultrasonic waves. These tones remain hidden from us.
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  4. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Short Yes

    But less than you think and more than we think :rofl:
    (If you ask you think this works -
    and most think it doesn't so if you try something which is against the will of the "subject" it will not work same as with hypnosis )

    The Video is more about visuals, but principles are the same

    Ok more about the

    Even if ,simple because no normal person on earth owns ultrasonic speakers, it doesn't make sens

    And the most common are backwards, many repeats, quiet background messages , super slow or superfast. (specially the last should be super effective if my psychology books are right about this
    the subconsciousness is able to realize many things much faster the normal consciousness)

    More advanced :

    Baby Steps
    (Explain: If you want someone to walk 10 miles you say walk 10 feet and than another and another ..... People are willing to do simple and smaller tasks more often and with every step they are willing to go more ---- 20 30 feet if you ask them.After a while if you ask them to go 10 miles they will )

    Yes Chains
    (If you ask them a Chain of Questions and the answer is always Yes the chances are higher that the go with a Yes even if they mean no simple because the brain "learned" that Yes is the simple answer )

    Playing an Authority
    (People will follow authorities
    If you have a Dr. Ph.d or call your self the Boss, something like that will work )

    Revers Psychologic
    (If you say they can't, they will try for sure )

    Just read the book Robert B Cialdini Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

    many things are usable for your purpose

    But don't use your powers for evil :dont:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2021
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  5. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    sublim..i must kill all rappers

    if i get caught i would say :
    ''sample packs loops '' made me do it
  6. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    just kidding guys
  7. signalblocking

    signalblocking Newbie

    Jul 21, 2021
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    Then why are there Hi-Res earphones which go up to 40KHz?

    According to this link:

    Humans are able understand it without hearing it. What happens to the air pressure of ultrasound, do they enter the ear at that velocity? Maybe the air pressure retains the characteristics of the words and when it hits the tympanic membrane and brain understands it to be some word, even though the velocity of air pressure makes it inaudible.

    These are being used against me, I'm trying to identify the correct technique to defend myself against it.
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  8. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Yes, it happens all the time. Hire publicists and social media experts who convince people shit music is awesome
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2021
  9. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
  10. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    complementing what Palomo said
    The science of persuasion

    Scientific how to, of viral videos
  11. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    You need to know that human voice or human language it's composed from 20 to 40 harmonics, the harmonics are essential to understand vowels so making chiptunes likes of human voice and going beyond for example 15khz or 30khz or 60khz will only add barely 2 octaves of sound.

    second we can't percibe ultrasound as sound, but instead we can barely percibe the interference between two ultrasound vibrations, the difference between two ultrasound vibrations that are into the audible spectrum, this happen because the amplitude of the two waves match at certain points, but this is really subtle and only add crispiness or continuity, specially with instruments with high pitched harmonics.
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    beyerdynamic DT-770 Pro 250 Ohm
    Transmission range: 5 - 35,000 Hz

    What distinguishes good sound? Isn't that all totally subjective?

    Akustik-Team: Of course, good sound is also a matter of taste. One person wants headphones that sound very neutral. The other person, on the other hand, prefers an excited, more hi-fi sounding sound in which certain frequency ranges are more present.
    Nevertheless, there are acoustic properties and parameters with which the quality of sound can be measured. For example, the sound pressure level over the entire audible range (frequency response) should not have any sharp peaks, as these usually sound artificial and unpleasant. Too wide drops in the frequency response should also be avoided, as the frequency range concerned will otherwise lose weight and get lost in the mix. In addition, harmonic distortions should be below the perception threshold even at higher sound pressure levels.
    Last but not least, it should not be forgotten that the ear, depending on the volume of the audio track, hears in different spectrally and therefore perceives the frequency ranges to different degrees. So headphones sound differently than softly loud, which means that the typical volume for which the headphones were designed also always plays a role in the acoustic tuning of headphones.

    How could one define our “beyerdynamic Sound Design”?

    Acoustics team: Our headphones sound very detailed and differentiated. This is of course intentional and has a number of reasons:
    Unlike loudspeakers for multi-way systems, our headphone loudspeakers cover the entire listening range from roughly 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Take, for example, the 45 mm driver from our classic headphones (DT 770 PRO, DT 990 PRO). Below around 2 kHz, the membrane vibrates, similar to a conventional loudspeaker, in the shape of a piston or orthodynamically. Above 2 kHz, however, partial vibrations form on the membrane. These intentional partial oscillations ensure a uniform high-frequency plateau. This high-frequency plateau is characteristic of our headphones and ensures the unmistakably clear and brilliant sound.

    In addition, we use voice coils made of very thin coil wires with diameters between 71 µm and 18 µm. It's thinner than a human hair! Compared to our competitors, this makes our voice coil arrangements considerably lighter. A light voice coil can be set in motion much faster and at the same time it dies away much faster. This high impulse fidelity gives our converter a very dynamic character and is an essential feature of our in-house sound. We would almost say: a unique selling point.

  13. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Youtube algorithm is so good to me right now, I was looking this days ago but completely forgot about yanny or laurel words today is the first recommendation

    Also this is super interesting, not all but worth watching
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  14. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
  15. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    You reminded me of this talk about Paranormal Psychology, in the minute 37:00 is given an example and the psychological phenomena behind reversed lyrics, this is a pretty interesting and entertaining talk
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  16. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    I think you ask the wrong question. The good question is:

    " Is subliminal sex effective ? Do you feel excited right now ? "

    If the answer is "Yesssss!" you're lucky, because I'm not... :snuffy: :dunno: :(
  17. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    No. At least not in the way you are probably thinking.

    It doesn't work.
  18. MorteKai

    MorteKai Ultrasonic

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Anhedonia, 64 Light years away
    aaahh yes... Silent Sound Spread Spectrum.... good stuff
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  20. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    BTW about the binaural beats there is a lot of misinformation around, I don't meant they don't work but not as it's publicized.
    Also vary from person to person, I've been practicing meditation with binaural beats and also many friends in my circle, and tried many different things, one important thing that I didn't knew or I thought wasn't important is that to really trigger a brain wave modulation, the headphones need to have a relatively big magnet, as it's not the pressure waves generated by headphones but instead the electromagnetic waves generated by the speaker.

    Also monaural waves can have a more deep effect than binaural, anyway there are studies that shown that the effect is just different.
    I tried with raw subsonic waves and to me this is even more effective but I don't know other people practicing with raw waves (1 to 4hz).

    My guess or the recommended starting point to try brainwaves effectively is to start with the original set from the Monroe Institute, there is plenty of information, books, transcriptions even recording sessions of people entering in different states, also plenty of the Jargon, Lucid and vivid dreams, out of the body, astral projection, the vibrations, sleep paralysis, the helpers, I think everyone experienced all these stuff when trying brain waves (hemi Sync) in the long term, also it's not exclusive of binaural beats, brainwaves just help a bit to explore other state of consciousness, as meditation, psychedelics or just a plain/normal life.

    There is plenty of info and communities about, without exception any community about Lucid Dreaming or Astral Projection will recommend start with Monroe first.

    Also I don't recommend random youtube stuff, not because you will damage your brain, is just because binaural waves are easy to do, and naturally many of the provided ones are just ineffective... also notice that the format is important, must be lossless quality as it's not an audio effect but electromagnetic pulse, anyway there are some good alternatives to hemi sync.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021
  21. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Floating - The history

    In order to give a brief historical review, the research on stimulus withdrawal (sensory deprivation) and isolation should not be referred to here. Please refer to the literature on the subject. More importantly, the history of the tank is closely linked to its inventor John C. Lilly in the beginning.

    For a long time science believed that conscious activities in the brain would only take place with the help of external stimulation. Others believed they knew that the brain can work without external stimuli. The Californian John C. Lilly wanted to test this experimentally. He checked all the theses on the subject of body stimuli: effects of light on the eye, effects of sound on the ear, touch and pressure on the skin and the deeper organs of the body, including gravity.

    A conventional bedroom was sufficient to switch off some stimuli, but the pressure on the bed caused by gravity caused blood congestion and thus automatic efforts to change the position of the body.

    Lilly came up with a closed container in which the body is carried by water and which has the right water and air temperature. First, Lilly tested some breathing masks and hung the body on a rubber suspension to prevent it from sinking. He later filled the tank with Epsom salt (MGSO4), a salt that is still used today for the

    Lilly quickly realized that the brain motivates itself. And he made a second discovery: The apparatus helped him to relax in an unknown way. It was well suited to releasing stress, in fact "two hours corresponded to the recovery value of eight hours of sleep in bed, whereby these hours did not even have to be spent asleep" (LILLY 1984: 92). In addition, he learned to assume different states in the tank. He was able "to call up daydreams and hallucinations if requested, he could set events of inner reality in motion which were of such brilliance and 'truthfulness' that one could easily confuse them with the events of the outside world." (LILLY 1984: 92)

    Shortly thereafter, Lilly decided to research the consciousness of dolphins. At the same time, the American military was also interested in his research in and on the tank; new methods of brainwashing prisoners of war were being worked on. In order to be independent of government-related agencies, he founded his own laboratory. Parts of psychology were experimenting with programming and metaprogramming in the human biocomputer (here the second chapter of the work) ", his report on these experiments appeared in 1971. In very abbreviated form, Lilly presents here" his "meta-belief system about internal reality: the content of the consciousness Spirit is "programmable", changeable. The often quoted sentence: "In the province of the mind, what I consider to be true is true."

    Here is his voice with the sentence: "In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits to be found experientially and experimentally. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. " as a wav file, 156 KB. In plain English: "In the realm of the mind that is true or becomes true what one thinks to be true, within limits that can be determined empirically and experimentally. These limits are future beliefs that must be transcended. In the realm of the mind there are no limits. " In 1978 he added the above sentence: "However, the body introduces defenite limits."
    If you want to know more: Here is a link for the complete text of the book Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer (300k) and a brief description of the "levels of the human biocomputer" he defined.

    LSD had meanwhile become a media event - celebrated by some as the key to higher consciousness, and by others it had become an object of paranoia. As part of the state repression against LSD, Lilly had to send his supply back to Sandoz.

    He spent eighteen months at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, USA, where he learned other methods of changing consciousness. It was there that he came into contact with "vitamin K" (ketamine); a substance that presented him with new challenges, brought him (again) into connection with his "inner guardians".

    Shortly afterwards, Lilly went to Chile to take up Oskar Ichazo's Arika training there. There he met his future wife, Toni. With her he wrote the book, "The Dyadic Cyclone".
    Lilly's work with the dolphins has produced important results for science. Despite all the optimism, however, he has not yet been able to organize more far-reaching communication between humans and dolphins.

    The 4 brainwave types

    Our brainpower is based on electricity. Each of the billions of individual cells "fires" or discharges electrically at a certain frequency. These electrical activities can be shown using the EEG.

    The cerebral electrical signals are recorded in the same way as a seismograph registers movements in the earth. This device is called an electroencephalograph or EEG. The EEG does not measure the electrical signal of individual brain cells, but rather the cooperative or collective electrical pattern of the networks, the communities of many millions of cells that fire together. These collective energy impulses are called brain waves. Since the first EEG was developed in the 1920s, scientists have found that the brain produces four different types of brain waves. They are called beta, alpha, theta and delta waves. The following are the properties that have been researched in the individual brainwave areas:

    Beta waves:
    The fastest brain waves, they cover a frequency range from 14 cycles per second (= 14 Hertz, abbreviated to Hz) to well over 100 Hz. When we are in a normal, waking state, with our eyes open, the focus is on the outside world or with When dealing with specific problems, beta waves dominate (mostly between 14 and 40 Hz). The beta area is associated with:
    a) attention, alertness, concentration, cognition (positive)
    b) Concern, fears, stress, anxiety, the lack of a).

    Alpha waves:
    They span a frequency range from 8 to 13 Hz. They occur when we close our eyes and become more relaxed, passive, and unfocused. They produce a calm and comfortable feeling. Similar to after a long walk in the forest, an afternoon in the sauna or a relaxing holiday. When people are healthy and without any stress, they produce a lot of these alpha activities. If this alpha activity is missing, it can be the first signal of worry, stress, brain damage and illness. We're very creative in the alpha area. Alpha waves is ideal for learning new information, facts or data. In other words, material that should be available in waking consciousness.

    Theta waves:
    They cover a frequency range of 4 to 8 Hz. When calm and relaxation turn into drowsiness, the slow, powerful theta waves appear. It is the "twilight state" between waking and sleeping and is often accompanied by imprecise, dream-like mental images. Often times, these images are related to vivid memories, preferably childhood memories. Theta waves open access to unconscious material, to daydreams, free associations, hidden knowledge and creative ideas. It is a mysterious condition and for a long time scientists have had difficulty studying this condition at rest, as it is usually difficult to maintain this condition for an extended period as most people fall asleep in this condition. Biofeedback researchers E. and A. Green found that theta waves are associated with a deep internalized state as well as calming the body, emotions and thoughts.

    Furthermore, they discovered in a group that regularly trained theta states that vivid memories and long-forgotten childhood events were repeatedly reported. It was even more than a simple memory, but rather a comprehensive experience, a reliving. The biofeedback researcher Dr. Budzynski of the University of Colorado found that people in the theta range are "hyper-influenceable". They are also able to learn enormous amounts of material in a very short time. Theta is the state in which "superlearning" is located. In the theta area, people are extremely willing and able to learn new languages. Furthermore, suggestions for changes in their behavior and attitudes reach the subconscious directly and are accepted as true, as they bypass our mental filters and critical defense mechanisms that otherwise evaluate such sentences.

    Delta waves:
    They are in a frequency range below 4 Hz. When we sleep, the delta waves dominate, mainly in the deep sleep phase. There is growing evidence that people can remain conscious when in Delta. When we are in the Delta, high levels of healing growth hormones are released; this state has a lot to do with healing and self-regeneration. It is the prerequisite for a refreshing and regenerating sleep. It is a deep dreamless sleep (non-REM sleep).


    Last edited: Jul 24, 2021