WAVES complete VR or R2R (neither work)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Lecram, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Lecram

    Lecram Newbie

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I've tried installing, deleting everything, and reinstalling different WAVES releases. Some worked before and now it seems like the patch isn't correctly patching the licenses. I've tried releases with the VR Patch and the R2R emulator. I'm on Windows 10, and no one works.

    In Pro Tools, it says that there aren't any valid licenses found and in Studio One the plugins show up in the plugin list but do not load when I throw them into a channel.

    I've tried deleting every single folder of waves, cleaning the Regedit, restarting the computer, trying other releases. The ones that worked before now don't. I don't know what to do.

    Any help would be highly appreciable, is someone experimenting with the same problem as I am?

    Thank you so much, have a great day!

  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    R2R patch works flawless, i tested it with WAVES complete downloader. Would prefer to the VR one.

    And when you update, just apply R2R patch again and it works.

    Dont mix both patches!

    For the R2R patch you have to exchange/overwrite dlls after installing.
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  4. playtime

    playtime Rock Star

    Sep 28, 2016
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    Just out of curiosity, did you test with latest Waves from official website? And latest Waves Central?
    I'm still several updates behind. Would love to know is it ok to update?
    Thanks in advance bro! :wink:
  5. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Try a version released before March 2021.
    I am using 2021.02.17 VR release On Windows 10 (21H1) with Fl Studio and Studio One (among others)
    I used R2R for a while before that.

    I had problems with every release i tried after February 2021. I THINK i tried them all.
    The problems are noted in comments of the releases.
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  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i updated the last time in april and it worked fine for me. (i havnt used waves stuff since then, so didnt bother updating and well i dont care about any new plugins, just used a few classics)
  7. Tsavness

    Tsavness Guest

    There is a trick i used to use to successfully install "problematic" cracked releases since waves introduced new skins in their plugins. There was a guy in one of VR releases if i am not mistaken and i saved his comment as a note. I tested it before i write this very comment to be sure that still works since i own legit Arturia products and i dont use Waves anymore. Very important note, it requires to download the legit Waves v12 from Waves official site to work. https://www.waves.com/downloads/v12

    So here is what i do:

    1.update to 12.7 (Thats the cracked version)
    2.copy z-noise.bundle folder from /Program Files (x86)/Waves/Plug-Ins V12 (*.bundle files) to desktop
    3.copy from /ProgramData/Waves Audio/Preset Browser the “V12” folder to desktop
    4.Install just Z-noise from the legit version via offline installer
    5.Install patch
    6.Move Z-noise.bundle from desktop back to waves plugins folder
    7.Move “V12” back to its location (delete the other one)

    If it doesnt work you do something wrong! Hope you can make it!
  8. Lecram

    Lecram Newbie

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Thanks for all the fast reply and support. I've tried several releases and none of them work. The problem isn't the installation, I can manage to install everything and the DAW detects the shell with all the plugins. The issue comes with the activation, If there's no activation in your computer plugins won't open and that's what happens here. I'm going to try what you suggested Tsavness and see if it works.

    I've also tried to use both patches from VR and R2R at the same time and it doesn't work.

    The strange thing here is that everything worked fine until the other day that I opened a project and it said that all of the waves plugins were missing. Somehow my PC has been de-authorized. I don't know if I am doing something wrong but it must be a problem with the patching process. Maybe the VR patch clashes with the R2R and now I can't manage to revert back to blank when I uninstall everything, I don't know...
  9. Lecram

    Lecram Newbie

    Jan 28, 2018
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    UPDATE: tried your solution and it doesn't work. The thing is that plugins don't load even though the installation seems to be correct. And when opening Pro Tools, Waves asks for the license (tried all the patching solutions possible)
  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    The scene releases you are using are supposed to have working k'd AAX plugins?

    What you are describing is common in situations of a failed install, where the end user does not adequately clean up all remnant files. On Mac, you will often see things like "corrupted file, delete and reinstall" type of warnings. Are you sure you have cleaned up everything?
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  11. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    @clone may have a point, although it seems a pretty simple cleanup, reading what R2R says and what i have found myself.
    And another thing:
    What is the date of the package you are trying to install.
    It is known that there are problems with versions after February, and you never said what date.
    We know you are testing with Pro Tools & Studio One, although not what version / OS, but the most important thing I can think of is to know the package being used.
    The date it was posted is the main thing.
    I have several and I have all marked as "-BAD" since the good February releases.
    So, again, what date?
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Uninstall Waves Products
    Last updated on: 10/19/2020 4:42:07 AM

    Follow these instructions to uninstall Waves plugins and applications using Waves Central or uninstall unused individual plugins manually.

    Note that Waves Central allows you to uninstall Waves plugins by version only. For instance, you can only uninstall all your Waves V12 plugins at once—or all your Waves V10 plugins at once.

    Individual plugins must be removed manually, as described below.
    Waves applications (such as SuperRack or eMotion LV1) and Waves SoundGrid I/O drivers can only be uninstalled together as one.

    Uninstall via Waves Central:

    1. Quit all audio apps.
    2. Launch the Waves Central application:
      • Windows: via the desktop shortcut or Start Menu > All Programs > Waves Central.
      • Mac: Applications > Waves Central.
    3. Log into Waves Central using your Waves account information.
    4. Go to the Settings tab.
    5. Under Maintenance, select the products/version you wish to uninstall in the dropdown menu, and click Uninstall.
    Uninstall unused individual plugins manually:

    1. Quit all audio apps.
    2. Navigate to the relevant plugin version folder:
      • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\Plug-Ins V12 (or V11/V10/V9, whichever version is installed on your device).
      • Mac: Macintosh HD > Applications > Waves > Plug-Ins V12 (or V11/V10/V9, whichever version is installed on your device).
    3. The plugin file you wish to remove will be named after the plugin, in this format: [PluginName].bundle. For example, the plugin file for Reel ADT will be named Reel ADT.bundle.
    4. Delete the plugin file/s you wish to remove (or move to a backup folder).
    5. Clear Waves preferences:
      • Click the Windows key + ‘R’ and enter %appdata%, click Enter.
      • Delete the Waves folder inside the 'Roaming' folder that appears.
      Mac: Delete the "Waves Preferences" folder located at HD > Users > Current user > Library > Preferences (this folder is accessed by going to the Go menu and holding down the Alt\option key. This will reveal the Library option).
    Please note: Manually removing a plugin will not be reflected in Waves Central’s ‘Install Status’ for that plugin. For correct reflection of the installed plugins in Waves Central, uninstall the entire version and re-install just the plugins that you need.

  13. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    Rename WavesLocalServer (to something like WavesLocalServerFix.bak)

    %PROGRAMDATA%\Waves Audio\WavesLocalServer
  14. Tsavness

    Tsavness Guest

    Ok my brother, i tried to do a step by step with pictures to help you better, i am no expert on edititing but i think i ll make you go there.
    First of all unistall and delete everything as BEAT16 susggests but keep Central or if you feel like doing it from start unistall that aswell.

    Then extract on your desktop (to avoid long paths because it can lead to errors) your cracked Waves version you have AND the official V12 from Waves.

    Then double click install.cen from your cracked version. Central will open ready for an offline installer. Select desired plugins and install.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]https://imgur.com/a/EZdhRFt // https://imgur.com/a/d0VF9Hu

    In red circle i have my path domain so you can see and verify that your installer will install offline so it doesnt download plugins from server!

    Then copy the z-noise.bundle and the V12 folder to desktop as i suggested on my comment above.

    Then double click install.cen from the official Waves v12 and install just the z-noise plugin.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]https://imgur.com/a/AqSdeQV // https://imgur.com/a/LrGnhb8

    Install patch from R2R or VR for me both are working just fine and move back z-noise.bundle and V12 folders from your desktop.
    You should be fine and your plugins should work.


    Edit: Seems like i cant upload images

  15. anonymouse

    anonymouse Platinum Record

    Jan 6, 2017
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    I had the same problem using Reaper. Again, this was the solution for me:

  16. Lecram

    Lecram Newbie

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I've tried this and for me it doesn't work. Already did that
  17. Lecram

    Lecram Newbie

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Here I attach 2 pictures showing the error that says when I try to load waves plugins in Ableton Live. I can't share pictures of what happens with Studio One because the plugins simply don't appear. I load them but they do not appear on the channel strip. I believe the problem is the same for Studio One and Ableton. But I can't figure it out!!!! Anyone from R2R or VR that could help me, thanks in advance.


  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    De-install everything according to the instructions and restart the PC. Use CCleaner and clean the registry. Please take it from the Sister Side. Waves Complete v12 03.03.21 WiN MAC

    1. Go to waves folder and Install Waves Central and Run
    2. Select Offline Installer and Click Install from an Offline Installer
    3. Browse the Waves folder you downloaded (For Mac Users, move folder to "Users/yourname/public/")
    4. Select the plugins you like and Install!
    5. Apply patch and Enjoy

    Make sure you uninstalled any previous version. Uninstall the new version as well. Restart your system then install the new version again. Then restart your system. DO NOT open your daw right away.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2021
  19. Lecram

    Lecram Newbie

    Jan 28, 2018
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    Motherboard card: TUF X299 MARK1
    System: Windows 10 Home (10.0.19042 Build 19042)
    Graphics Card: Radeon RX Vega 8GB

    I've installed, uninstalled everything with a complete registry clear with CCleaner and regedit deletion each time I tried diferent patches. Restard after every installation and uninstallation. Nothing works, the plugins still doesn't open in the DAW. I don't have any other problems than with WAVES.

    I clearly have no idea why it doesn't work.
  20. Lecram

    Lecram Newbie

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I've seen some comments that WAVES has recently changed its protection and that may be the cause of my license problems and plugins not loading in the DAW.

    Hopefully R2R or VR Teams see this and can say something about it or do some of their magiiic :)
  21. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    De-install and forget all Version 12 - go back to Versions 10 (is another system) many People have Problems with 12.

    I have send PN to you --> Waves 10 Complete v10.7.2019 WIN OSX

    How to Solve ‘Installation Failed’ Errors in Waves Central