Studio Monitor Headphones Alternative to KRK 8400s?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Vincent Price, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. Hello

    I currently have the KRK 8400S but am wanting to change them for an alternative pair of headphones

    Which headphones would you recommend?

    I don't particulary like wearing the KRK's mainly due to the ear pads making my ears all hot. I have looked at the Beyerdynamic DT 990's but I have been told that they require a headphone amplifier.

    Any suggestions?

  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    beyerdynamic - DT-990 Pro headphones (with impedance: 250 Ohm - Open design) 129 €

    I have that too and I know the discussion about headphone amplifiers, I never needed one. However, my audio interface has 116 dB Dynamic Range. You can have it open for hours without feeling the headphones and there are no hot ears either.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2021
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  4. belinea2010

    belinea2010 Kapellmeister

    Feb 23, 2017
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    2nd vote for the DT-990 Pro.

    These are my everyday go to and I have no issues with then.
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  5. I would be using them with my Apollo Twin MKII on connected my Mac Mini and also plugged directly into my macbook pro when I am out and about...would these still work?
  6. I would be using them with my Apollo Twin MKII on connected my Mac Mini and also plugged directly into my macbook pro when I am out and about...would these still work?
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    When you order from thomann - you have these advantages: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee & 3-Year Thomann Warranty

    Some other users say:
    I have an Apollo 8 and it has enough juice to run that headset...just don't put it on a splitter.
    If you need to feed 2+ devices, get a headphone amp, but for just the DT990 Pro (250 Ohm), it should work just fine for you.

    I can confirm from my own experience. I have both. 80 and 250. I also have an AKG with 320 somewhere. The difference is even more drastic. My standard interface UAD Apollo Twin can operate all of them and there is still room for improvement if I already have significantly more than enough SPL.

  8. So in your opinion would this be an improvement over the 8400's? In terms of comfort and sound quaality
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    That is a small quantum leap - in other words - it is a clear improvement. You have such a great and expensive Apollo Twin - with the Beyerdynamic you will hear a little more and a little better. Read the User Review ... !
  10. I have bought some DT 990'S so will let you know what I think of them
  11. Well, I have to say these are so comfy, way better than the KRK 8400s

    the only problem is that it is boiling here in the UK at the moment so the fluffy ear pads do make my head hot, however that won't be the case all the time...

    These feel a lot sturdier than the KRK's too...way sturdier

    The KRKs feel cheap now :rofl:

    I have tested them with my Apollo Twin MKII and my iPhone 12 and they perform on both occasions. Of course the volume isn't going to be a good on an iPhone but it is still adequate enough.
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Congratulations on your new headphones.
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