High Sex Drive, Creativity, and Masturbation

Discussion in 'humor' started by cappin kurt, Jul 12, 2021.

  1. cappin kurt

    cappin kurt Member

    Dec 27, 2020
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    Although I posted this in humor:rofl:. Its kind of a serious question. What is the correlation between high sex drive and creativity. If your getting it on the regular does that affect your creativity?, does masturbation affect your creativity? Or does abstaining help?
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Sex is completely overrated. Rather, it's about tension and relaxation. So energy build-up and decrease in energy through the orgasm. Creativity comes from leisure rather than compulsive thinking. Creativity cannot be forced.

    The orgasm theory - From the book The Function of the Orgasm, by Wilhelm Reich, M.D., FS&G, New York 1973. http://wilhelmreich.gr/en/orgonomy/orgonomy-and-medicine/the-orgasm-theory/

    When is the value too low? Serum testosterone levels may be lower than usual after prolonged physical activity. Stress, serious illnesses, hereditary disorders, old age, anesthesia, alcohol, drugs or certain medications can also lower testosterone levels.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2021
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  4. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Art is a compensation
    Creativeness is human nature

    Having sex is a compensation
    Making love is human nature

    Since the beginning of "art" (not creativeness), we compensate for broken humanity.
    Paradise lost on Earth, due to civilization and merchandise

    Sexuality is to making love what art is to creativeness : a derivate compensation for a broken life
    Compensation will never be the real thing

    Merchandise kills us : we need to kill merchandise
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  5. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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  6. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    There is an argument that high libido can be converted into creativity. If you masturbate a lot, you will decrease libido and lose creative energy. I'm not esoteric, but on a biological level (eg hormones) there is some truth to that notion. For example: the easy accessibility of porn serves as a constant source of over-stimulation, that messes with your normal responses to sexual and non-sexual stimuli in everyday life. Meaning, you will have a hard time feeling sufficiently stimulated by normal activities. You will be less inclined to get something out of engaging in creative activities, because you have numbed your brain down to expect gratification from pornographic novelty, rather than real activities.
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  7. Tamil Boi

    Tamil Boi Ultrasonic

    Mar 31, 2021
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    High Sex Drive, Creativity, and Masturbation combined with oliver: Power Tools Sample Pack III is best
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2021
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  8. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    I can't comment necessarily on the link between the two, but I can say masturbation in general leads to a lot of down time AND a lot of time FEELING down. You can spend a lot of time trying to satisfy the drive or scratch that itch, and you'll come out feeling most probably like shit(at least for me and the guys I know) with no drive left to do much else in general, let alone be creative. Whether there's a direct correlation, I'm in no place to confirm, but I DO believe it to be the case.
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  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Sorry that I just copy this into it, I am also very interested in the truth:

    Need Satisfaction Disorders

    A need is a relatively stable personality trait.A need is often defined as the expression of a physiological or psychological deficiency that is associated with the pursuit of need satisfaction in order to feel (again) balanced and comfortable.

    In contrast to this, a wish is the urge to fulfill a certain desire and already represents a concretization of a strategy. While the satisfaction of needs is a major necessity to promote physical and mental stability, the satisfaction of wishes is a drive towards the realization of personal goals.

    Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs represents a model of innate needs. It is structured hierarchically, according to which a need only comes into its own when the needs in the hierarchy above have been satisfied.

    1. Physiological needs: subsistence (livelihood), food, breathing, sleep, urge to move, sexual desire, mothering, relaxation
    2. Security needs: protection, precaution, stability, structure, order, laws, boundaries, freedom from fear, calm, comfort
    3. Social needs: contact, interpersonal bonds and relationships, understanding, participation, belonging, security, care, love, intimacy
    4. I needs: Identity, self-worth, creativity, spontaneity, competence, achievement, recognition, acceptance, dignity, appreciation, attention, importance, validity, status, autonomy, independence, freedom, control, strength, dominance, power, celebrity Fame
    5. Self-fulfillment: The need to realize one's own potential and to have and realize significant goals.

    Needs can be classified according to different aspects:
    - Individual needs can be satisfied by one person alone (need for attention).
    - Collective needs can only be of a whole community (need for security).
    - Existential needs include the need for sufficient food, fluids, housing and security
    - Basic needs include the needs for health, the environment and clothing and the like
    - Luxury needs include the needs for luxury goods and services
    - Material or immaterial needs
    - Conscious, open or latent, hidden needs

    Examination result: We humans cannot satisfy our needs. This is a major cause of conflict, mental health problems, and illness.
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  10. Hareesh S

    Hareesh S Producer

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Random question, but I remember this reply being in bold and I see it isn't now and has been edited by a mod. Is there a particular reason why? Like is using bold not allowed/not recommended in certain scenarios or am I reading into things? Asking for future reference.
    Edit: Nevermind, I just saw the warning, my bad.
  11. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    The way I see it, sex drive is an animalistic thing...Creativity is something more connected to my "divine" self...I don't feel they are connected at all, at least in my case.

    I'm not an expert at all, but I think they come from distinct areas in the brain, as well.
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  12. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    Masturbation, alcohol, drugs, weed. All of this is instant gratification, you dont need to work for it.
    Its a shortcut and typical for most shortcuts is that it comes with a hefty price, it doesnt end well.
    You need to work for your happiness and for your goals.
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  13. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    Well, I think creativity may make you sleepy too.
  14. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Great question! If you has a high sex drive you can definately express your creativity through masterbation. Use your lesser dominant hand, hollow out a cherimoya for the soft creamy texture or perhaps fantasize about having celestial sex with a black hole. Then afterward you can write a song about your adventure.

    Here are some erotic pictures to get you started!

    A horney cherimoya...


    A very sexy black hole[​IMG]

    Now go at it.
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  15. cappin kurt

    cappin kurt Member

    Dec 27, 2020
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    Thanks for all the greats answers. Really appreciate the feedback.:wink::mates:
  16. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    It's an interesting topic. Libido is a natural phenomenon in the human condition, the same way breathing, eating, shitting, sleeping is. But what makes it different is that you "CAN" survive without it, which is not the case with the other examples. How that relates to stress and tension is definitely significant because this can directly or indirectly affect your creativity. And to what extent is anyone's guess.
  17. GT33

    GT33 Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2019
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    Sexual transmutation is real. Its funny how post orgasm sensation in french is called La petite mort "the little death"
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  18. Tai-San

    Tai-San Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Please, this is a family forum! How am I going to explain to the children what "creativity" is?
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Most of it is brain biochemistry. Dopamine the happiness hormone.
    The boss of everything asked himself " How do I manage that humanity does not die out" ?
    So he invented the drive and as a reward there is pure relaxation.
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  20. Hazen

    Hazen Rock Star

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Yes, even though dopamine's effect is commonly misunderstood. It's not really a "happiness hormone". It's actual effect: puts us into a state of anticipation of a future reward, which in turn allows us to work towards a future goal motivated by the prospect of attaining that reward eventually.

    Due to frequent overstimulation / immediate gratification overuse, the dopaminergic system can wear out and we loose our drive.
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  21. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Each time you ejaculate you're loosing a good amount of Vital Energy, and a precious little smidget of your Soul.. :hahaha:
    Ofc, I'm only kidding.. or maybe not! :dunno:

    But I will tell you one thing, if you don't a have a sexual partner,
    it may be better to hold it and keep the Energy for yourself..

    As a man, sex is only positive if you're doing/getting the full connection with a Woman,
    at that it can be Magic.. but it's also a very Dangerous type of magic.

    If you mix Sex energy with Life/Emotions/Ego, as it happens when you're on a Long Relationship..
    it can become a very Strong, almost Magical bond kind of thing..

    So it can be Glorious..
    but the moment Negative things happen, shit happens, trauma happens, Toxification happens, Betrayal happens,
    it can and Will negativize completely, and everything will explode like a Nuclear Bomb filled with Toxic waste..

    I've unwillingly been there, and it's Madness.

    So I can tell you, I rather prefer to be all Alone,
    than to invest my Energy/Heart/Dick/Time into something that's not worthy, and will end Toxified/Negativized anyway..
    (if it's not because of My shortcomings, it will surely be Her shortcomings and Toxicity,
    or just the sheer difficulties of Life..)

    And I'd rather keep my Sexual/Vital energy (and Soul?) for me, rather than waste it blindly.
    Dogs ejaculate, Monkeys ejaculate..

    Ofc it's good to release the Pressure from time to time, but..
    aren't we better than Animals?

    I'm more happy when I do my shit,
    think about my shit, work on my shit, play/learn/compose my shit, and mind my own shit..

    Just like when you were a kid playing with Xmas gifts or whatever,
    you didn't give two fucks about anything other than having fun with your shit..

    And that's how I like to live, as much as life will allow.

    And I guess that's pretty much a MGTOW compatible POV..

    Ofc that doesn't mean I will automatically reject any/every random/occasional possibility of a sexual encounter..

    If the Right bitch appears in the right Moment, no doubt,
    I will surround her like an Anaconda surrounds a fawn, and Bites its neck in a deadly/passional Vampiric attack.. lol

    But I've learned the lesson,
    better to be Selective and quiet about it.. better to avoid Toxicity/trouble.

    And better not to waste your Vital Energy for no reason. :guru:

    So as Zappa very well said.. "Shut up 'n play yer Guitar"!
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