[Solved] Can't use mod wheel in Korg Polysix

Discussion in 'Live' started by shake_puig, Jul 7, 2021.

  1. shake_puig

    shake_puig Producer

    Jun 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I'm having this problem with this plugin, I actually can assign the mod wheel parameter in other plugins like Serum using the "configure" green button. But in Polysix I try to use that "configure" button and while it's green I move the mod wheel but it is not detected to be automated or assigned to a MIDI controller.

  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    What happens when you try to use MIDI Learn for the Modwheel parameter in your DAW?
  4. shake_puig

    shake_puig Producer

    Jun 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    MIDI learn works as intended when I assign other parameters to the modwheel, the problem is that I can not assign it to the Polysix's modwheel itself.
  5. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    is it the Mac v2.0.7 release from Codeshine?
  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I put the " MS-20/Polysix/Legacy Cell Owner’s manual " to Attached Files " !
    I tested it - "Learn" and then "Move Modweel" - it works.
    Take "Octave" Control Change: CC1 Modulation -- >Then "LEARN"

    What kind of midi keyboard do you have?

    Assigning CC#s to knobs or switches

    You can use CC#s (MIDI control change messages) to control the knobs or switches of the Polysix from an external MIDI device connected to your computer. In order to do this, the knobs or switches must be assigned to the same CC#s as are transmitted by your external MIDI device. When assigning a CC# it is convenient to use Learn mode, which automatically assigns the knob or switch to the CC# received from your external MIDI device. If you want to save the control number assignments on your computer, choose the “Save Controller Map...” command from the KORG logo menu.

    If you’re using an external MIDI device to control the Polysix software in stand-alone mode, the software will be controlled on all channels 1–16.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021

    Attached Files:

  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    it is working for me. Click the 3 dots, show controller assign. Go to whatever parameter knob, right click it, and select CC1:Modulation to it. The mod wheel will then be linked to that parameter.

    I think some of this plugins behavior is accurate reflection of the hardware, rather than a bug. The original unit has the Modwheel hardwired to the VCO.

    When you click Show Controller Assign, you will see that the External Modulation section parameter knobs do not show a white box underneath them. This probably means you can not assign a controller to them from the plugin gui , because the Modwheel is default linked to the VCO. (or something to that effect). first time looking at this plug :dunno:
  8. shake_puig

    shake_puig Producer

    Jun 15, 2011
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    I'm using Ableton 11 on Windows 10 with a E-Mu Xboard 61

    I CAN make the mod wheel work with other parameters BUT the modulation wheel is not moving nor reacting and the Pitch bend does. The "learn" prompt doesn't show up either and can not be automated which would be useful, I will try and make a video to show it properly.
  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thanks ! See if the values match. Is the wheel in the upper right corner of the PolySix / Can you post the Settings Picture ? [​IMG]


    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
  10. shake_puig

    shake_puig Producer

    Jun 15, 2011
    Likes Received:
    @BEAT16 my settings are the same

  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    - The midi channel should be on channel 1? - Dirty Modwheel? - Possibility of a factory reset?

    1.) Driver Update ?

    Xboard Control Software V1.0.1.10 for Creative Professional E-MU Xboard 25, Xboard 49, and Xboard 61
    Dateiname: EmuK_PCApp_L6_1_01_10.exe

    2.) Re: EMU XBoard 61 faulty mod wheel problem

    Post by sisbrains » Sat Feb 27, 2010 2:06 am
    Problem solved!

    After nearly buying another XBoard on Ebay for just under £100 (but thankfully I held back, because I thought I still might find the solution), I searched through the manual...

    Page 40: To Select one of the X1 or X2 Functions:
    1.Press the Edit button. The Edit LED illuminates.
    2.Select X1 or X2.
    3.Adjust the data slider or use the Octave Transpose buttons to view the
    4.Press Enter to select the desired function.
    5.Select the desired value using the data slider or the Octave Transpose buttons
    (except with CAL).
    6.Press Enter to confirm your selection. Press Home to cancel the operation.
    Calibrate Sub-Menu (CAL)
    When you select CAL and press Enter, you are taken to the CAL sub-menu, which contains calibration functions. To select a function, use the data slider to select a Calibration function, and press Enter. To cancel, press Home.
    This feature enables you to calibrate any control on your Xboard, one at a time, optimizing your Xboard’s action for your playing technique. After you select the CCM function and press Enter, all LEDs on the Xboard turn off (except the display, which says “adjust a control”). This is Calibration Standby mode. What you do next depends on which control you want to calibrate.

    To Calibrate a Controller Knob, Mod Wheel, or Data Entry Slider:

    1.Sweep through all possible values without pressing harder either direction than you normally would. As you adjust, the display shows raw control values, reverting to the name of the control you are adjusting.
    2.Press Enter to store the calibration, or press Home to back out of the process. You are returned to the Calibration Standby mode.
    3.Press Enter to calibrate another control, or Home to finish.
    To Calibrate the Pitch Wheel:
    1.Sweep through all possible values without pressing harder in either direction than you normally would. As you adjust, the display shows raw control values, reverting to the word “Pit” (as in “Pitch Wheel”).
    2.Let the Pitch Wheel spring back to its normal position in the center.
    3.Press the illuminated Snap Shot button. The Edit LED should say “Ctr” (as in “Center”). You can repeat this step as many times as you want.
    4.Press Enter. You are returned to the Calibration Standby mode.
    5.Press Enter to calibrate another control, or Home to finish.
    (Just in case anybody out there has the same problem, and doesn't want to trawl through the manual).

    By the way, the "X2" key is one of the keys on the keyboard itself - the ones on the lower end of the keyboard have functions written above them.

    I am so happy! I was just about to spend a fortune on another XBoard, and sell mine off for a fraction of its worth, as 'faulty', and now I've fixed it in two minutes!
    I also solved the problem whereby it was defaulting to MIDI channel 1 on startup - I must have accidentally set up keyboard patch no.1 with it transmitting on MIDI channel 2, and hence every time I turned on the keyboard, I had to adjust the MIDI channel output back to 1. I just followed page 25 of the manual and resaved the patch, this time with it outputting on MIDI channel 1.
    So everything is fixed, my XBoard is working beautifully, and it works a treat with Proteus X - all 16 main parameters are already mapped to the control knobs, it's wonderful!!!

    Source: http://forum.vintagesynth.com/viewtopic.php?t=54531

    3. MIDI Panic Button (7 + 8)
    If you press both Octave Transpose buttons simultaneously, the following MIDI messages are transmitted on all 16 channels: "All Notes Off", "All Sounds Off", "Sustain Pedal Off". This eliminates all "note hangups" that occur when a synthesizer receives a note-on message without the corresponding note-off message
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2021
  12. shake_puig

    shake_puig Producer

    Jun 15, 2011
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    After @BEAT16 advice I investigated a little, it was the MIDI controller that was sending the wrong CC message. Also to automate pitch bend and the modulation wheel you only can do it on a clip level and not arrangement.

    1- My MIDI controller (E-mu Xboard 61) had the modulation wheel assigned to CC 080 instead of CC 001 (Polysix's modulation CC as seen above in a @BEAT16 response), so I had to change it.


    2- I also didn't know how to automate it but I found I only could do it through MIDI clip.


    Thanks for the help! I will mark this post as solved.
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @shake_puig, nice to hear that you were able to fix this.