Camera for 500€

Discussion in 'Working with Video' started by sirwicked33, Jul 7, 2021.

  1. sirwicked33

    sirwicked33 Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Hello Videopeople,

    I want to ask for your advice regarding the best possible budget used cameraoption.

    I had the old blackmagic pocket cinema, not the 4K, in sight but as they get more rare I wanted to ask you, if you may know any underrated but awsome camera models.

    The budget is around 500€
  2. odod

    odod Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    sony ZV1 is really good tho, you might want to check it
  3. recycle

    recycle Guest

    You will be disappointed with the features of a $ 500 DSLR, unfortunately you will have to spend a lot more to get something that satisfies you (remember that then you will have to buy the lenses too). For such a low budget the only advice I can give is Gopro. Also don't underestimate the power of your smartphone camera: it often happens that the images from a phone are better than any low budget DSLR (especially if you have a last generation iPhone / Galaxy)
  4. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Just like there are no best synths there are no best cameras. What are you planning to do with your camera? Are you just looking for a body for 500 and have extra budget for the lenses? Or do you need everything in that 500e budget?
  5. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    That's a good advice I think. A lot of good phones are much much better for viedo filming on a hobby/youtube level than cheap video cameras.

    If your target is a more semi professional look a good used DSLR plus a budget/used zoom lens as a starting point would be my way to go.
    Good used higher class DSLR become chaeper atm because more and more people sell their DSLR gear as they shoot their photos with high-class phones.
  6. sirwicked33

    sirwicked33 Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I want to shoot videos with 1080p, for music videos. An older Sony Alpha DSLR would be certainly enough. What I am asking for are hidden gems in todays market situation, if you are aware of any. To detail out what I mean: used gear, maybe 5 years old as I am not a fan of super high resolution. The optic of the sensor is important, thats why Im currently looking for a Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema from that era.

    For example the Sony Alpha 7.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2021
  7. johnw

    johnw Kapellmeister

    Feb 11, 2012
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    For less then 500$ you can get an Insta 360 OneR Twin Edition . This have an 4K module and you can film , in 4K 30/60 fps , 1080p 30/60/120/240 fps , in LOG and color grade after ... This is what I'm using right now ...
  8. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    IMHO a really hidden gem is the Sony RX100 series.
    Starting from the RX100 IV, you can shoot 4k video at 30fps and lower resolutions at higher frame rates.
    This camera has an excellent quality zoom lens which is faster than typical DSLR kit lenses, more or less making up for the difference in sensor size.
    It still has an unconventionally large sensor (for the size of the camera, that is) which is quite capable when shooting low light video. Image stabilization works well hand-held but not for action sports when mounted on an MTB or your helmet or something.
    I love it, it can shoot both high quality and low noise video as well as excellent still pictures.
  9. sirwicked33

    sirwicked33 Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Thank you! I will definetly look into this one. It seems interesting, also because smaller cameras need cheaper gimbals.

    Indeed a fine piece of gear. Thank you for this very useful tip!
  10. Owan

    Owan Kapellmeister

    Dec 13, 2017
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    There are many questions you need to answer first.
    What do you need this camera for? Talking heads indoor videos? No stills?
    What's the lighting and what's your situation in terms of available lenses?
    There are plenty of options you can choose from, but first you need to make this clear.

    If it's for Youtube and if you wanna go for a high quality as I understand, you want an interchangeable lens camera with an APS-C sensor or at least an MFT sensor, smaller sensors are bad in low light situations. 1 inch sensors do work for interior recordings too, but they're inferior to the bigger sensors. Consider lens costs as well, this will massively increase the body cost depending on what lenses you buy.

    But being honest, it's all about the lighting. If you already have a bmpcc camera, try to improve your lighting situation first.
    Maybe you don't need a newer camera then. :D
    I don't know about the lights you're using, you need a great 3 point lighting that consists of a softbox or keylight, a backlight and a hairlight for instance. There are many more options.

    If you definitely wanna go for a new camera, 500$ is tough, so you may consider saving a bit more and go for a far better purchase at around 750-900$.

    If I was you, I would choose a studio indoor talking heads camera with the following features

    - 4k 30 frames with great phase detection autofocus in video mode, many cameras only have a poor contrast detecton autofocus
    - no recording limit of 30 minutes for internal recordings if you're not directly recording to your PC
    - Sony RX 100 series cameras do overheat quickly when recording in 4k, so be careful
    - neutral picture profiles for color grading options if you plan to grade in post, but this is just optional
    - many great lenses at a low cost, go for something with more than 35mm, don't you a focal length of 16mm or less
    - you don't need any kind of stabilization if you mount it to a fixed arm or tripod whatsoever, don't waste money for these kind of features

    A matching budget camera would be a Sony A6100 or you better wait for the upcoming Sony ZV-E10 which will appear over time soon. The ZV-E10 will ship with a kit lens. This is a good starting point and it's 900$ for the kit.

    A great lens for the A6100 is the Sony FE 35mm f1.8 lens, this is great for indoor studio recording because of the wide aperture and it's sharp.

    There's also an A6100 kit available with the exact same kit lens for around 750$.
    Both the body and the separate 35mm lens will be around 1000$ in total, for sure depending on your country.

    Just another inexpensive example: If you go for a Sony ZV-1, you don't need to purchase lenses like odod said before. This is almost your current budget and it has great autofocusing features like the product showcase mode if that's important to you.

    Good luck!
  11. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    I can't stress this enough. There are no best cameras for x budget. There are no "hidden gems". It's nonsense.

    However there may be a single "best" camera for OP's individual needs for x budget. But it is impossible to recommend really anything with just "for music videos".

    If you don't really know what you need, you need to figure that out. If you need the camera to do just about everything and are just learning the craft, get a used Panasonic FZ1000/FZ2500. They are smallish sensor bridge cameras. Ok range fixed lens, take adequate stills and video in sensible light, stabilized, ok auto focus and they are easy to use. They do nothing well. Sub 500e all-rounder is always going to be a bitter compromise. But you can learn the ropes with them and eventually shoot nice footage. In the end it's mostly about the user and what you put in front of the camera.
  12. sirwicked33

    sirwicked33 Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Thank you for this detailed reply!

    First of all, 4K is not neccessary. I would shoot in 1080p or even 720p, even if many people would say that these resolutions are outdated. I dont even own any device that can display 4K.

    The camera will be used for a budget music video production. I know about lightning as I have more than ten years of different media-educations on my account and what you say is very true. Thanks for reminding me of the lightning too.

    We plan some shoots up closer, maybe even wide angle shoots and some in total view. Nothing out of the ordinary and not too fancy. But I know that the sensor plays a huge role in the intonation of the shots. So my question is, which camera, before the 4K era, has a very pleasant sensor and is currently available with lense for around 500 bucks?

    Before I started this thread my option to go was the Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema (first edition) without the capability of 4K. Do you know any other model that can compete with this one?

  13. sirwicked33

    sirwicked33 Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Nothing is nonsense, ever. Maybe for you, but never in general.

    I dont just learn the craft, I am experienced. I am asking for advice because I know that in this board many talented people with long term experience are strolling around here and might have good recommendations, as the previous people showcased. I already received good tips thanks to them.

    I am not asking for the best camera for 500€. I am asking for the best used camera for 500€, that is not from the 4K era and has a competable sensor to the Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema.

    If you look at this video and see the sample videos, you might understand what I mean with pleasant sensor:

    If you search for long enough, you might be able to find the Pocket Cinema for 500 bucks. I am asking, is there anything better out there or am I already on the right track?

  14. sirwicked33

    sirwicked33 Member

    May 30, 2021
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    Both of these cameras for example have outdated older models, that still would do the trick. Interesting thoughts in this video:
  15. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I’m not overly experienced, but I think with the bmpcc, you have something that is tried and tested, it may not have all the features you want, but MAYBE it has what you need, and the money can be spent on a better lens and then you work within the constraints??? Probably doesn’t suit the one man show you are after I terms of tracking the subject / autofocus, so maybe you need that for what you are after. Look at your workflow, but it’s a great piece of kit you have already.
  16. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Use adapted lenses or different auto lenses on your current camera
    Or buy a bigger full frame sensor with adapted lenses too.

    Buy a second hand Sony A7 (any, preferably not R if you do video) :
    you will get a WORKLOAD of adapted manual lenses
    Thin Bokeh
    High ISO (if not R models)

    PERFECT complement to BMP

    Lenses play a BIGGER role than you may think in the look domain
    And you will mainly use MANUAL focus anyway.

    Until you use tracking with auto focus
  17. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    There aren't really universal "best" products of anything especially when you are on a tight budget. Because you are going to have to make heavy compromises the "best" is all about your individual needs.

    Look, the Blackmagic camera creates really nice files with a lot of dynamic range in a well lit scene. For the money I don't think there really is anything quite like it. If I was an Apple user shooting a semi-pro webshow in a semi-pro studio with stationary cameras, I'd consider them.

    In every other aspect the Blackmagic camera sucks balls. There are ways to get around some of the suckiness when it comes to all-around use, but it will quickly at least double the cost, which defeats the point for most people with tight budgets. Anyone who expects to slap the cheap (but nice) Lumix 25mm prime lens on it and just kinda shoot around and experiment is probably going to be very disappointed with the results and their purchase.

    You are probably aware of this because you are asking for alternatives. And of course, you want both a camera body AND a lens with the 500e. What you want doesn't exist. You are going to need start lowering your "sensor expectations" or saving up a lot more money.

    This is a reasonable recommendation. If you can find some fool selling an A7 (or even the A7s) with some sort of kit lens for 500e, jump on it. However even they have their weird limitations, like everything.
  18. therealslimsh4dy

    therealslimsh4dy Member

    Jan 4, 2021
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    sony a6300
  19. sirwicked33

    sirwicked33 Member

    May 30, 2021
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    I think so too, the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema can be a pain in the ass. Either I go for a Sony A7 or a6300 or something similiar OR we dont give a damn and go for Super 8 like real hipsters for the ultimate pain in the ass! :disco:

    Leaving that aside, I thank all of you for your valueable contributions!

  20. onemanorgy

    onemanorgy Member

    Jul 7, 2021
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    know what you mean on how it sucks. And I know what you mean when you say "nothing quite likeit". I havn't been able to buy a lens yet for 4k Pocket cinema.
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