Pop music is getting worse and worse

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by BEAT16, Jul 4, 2021.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Pop music is getting worse and worse

    Nürnberg - It has been more than 30 years since guitarist Scott Ian (50) founded the metal band Anthrax. Together with Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth, the band belonged to the “Big Four”, the big four of particularly fast Thrash Metal.

    But times have changed, as Scott Ian said in an interview with the dpa news agency on “ Rock im Park”. Nightly gigs like at the festival in Nuremberg - the band played here at 1.00 a.m. - are tough. “Actually, I'm in bed at ten-thirty in the evening. I have a three year old child - I won't stay up much longer. " At the sister festival “Rock am Ring”, the musicians would have laid down again at 9 p.m. - “so that we can hold out”.

    Question: It was definitely different 20 or 30 years ago, wasn't it?

    Answer: Even then we never played so late. Who will go on stage at this time, please? We're not a fucking rave band. Metal shows should be at nine thirty. Then metal is best - from half past nine to midnight.

    Question: You have been playing at festivals for decades. What has changed since then? How has the audience changed?

    Answer: I think it has become a much younger audience. When we played the “Monsters of Rock” festivals with Iron Maiden at the end of the 80s, the hard rockers, the metallers, were much older. Back then, the people who wanted to see Maiden were also as old as Maiden. However, if that were the case today, it would be a pretty boring audience. Festival culture has changed a lot, I think. Who today, over 35 years old, still wants to crawl out of a tent in the morning and wash in a plastic bin? When people ask me if I would go to a festival, I say, yes, if there is a hotel with room service. Camping? No way!

    Question: What about anthrax ? Has the band also changed over the years?

    Answer: I like to think that we have grown up as people and better as musicians. But basically we still work exactly as we did 30 years ago. It's very simple: try to write the best songs possible and have as much fun on stage as possible.

    Question: But the music business has changed a lot ...

    Answer: That was never fun, but it was definitely better in the late 80s, early 90s, when there were still semi-independent record companies and people who wanted to find talent. It's like this: bands like us probably wouldn't even get a record deal these days. That alone shows how the music business is doing today. Sometime in the mid-90s, record companies started being run by accountants, and that's why shitty pop music rules the world today - because it just sells the best.

    Question: Will that ever change again?

    Answer: No, it just keeps getting worse. There will always be good music, always an alternative to what radio and television want to throw down the throats of 13-year-olds. But shitty pop music is always going to get shitty. It already sounds like nobody is involved any more. It's just computers. I really think there is a computer program with seven different elements, two different melodies that spits out new songs - for Miley Cyrus or One Direction. I once tried to write the worst song in the world with a friend and we got the top 10 in the US for itlistened to, which was really hard work, by the way. And then it fell like scales from our eyes: It's just a formula. It's just the same song over and over again. There are real talents out there in pop music as well. Only those are then caught in the clutches of the record companies - and turned into computers. That's creepy.

    ABOUT THE PERSON: Scott Ian is the co-founder and guitarist of the US band Anthrax and made a significant contribution to the establishment of faster Thrash Metal in the 1980s. With anthrax, he has sold around ten million records worldwide. Scott Ian is married to the daughter of Meat Loaf.

    Source: www.welt.de/newsticker/dpa_nt/infoline_nt/boulevard_nt/article128845906/Pop-Musik-wird-immer-schlechter.html
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  3. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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  4. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Somebody should plot a Graph comprising..

    Technical Proficiency:
    In modern music I imagine there's been waves of technical proficiency, like a progressive increase in Jazz, then a decrease in Rock,
    which eventually got super high in the late 80's, then came a little bit down in the grunje/trash era, to the actual Broad range plateau..
    That's only some styles ofc, but I guess all styles could arguably have its own progression that could be roughly plotted, and then even averaged..

    Creative/artistic Quality: Same thing, music got more and more elaborated over time, having a broad peak from around mid 70's to late 90's or early 00's.. from then the level has been going down progressively, at least in modern popular genres..
    But ofc other styles have been less affected like Jazz or Classical & Soundtracks where the level has more or less maintained, etc etc..

    Technological Accessibility: at the beginning there were very few Studios, then they popped like mushrooms,
    but since the coming of digital audio and home computers, internet, etc.. Music production has democratized considerably in a technical level, and so on..

    Even if it was very rough/unprecise, I bet there would be interesting things to see in such graph..

    (Maybe Technological Accesibility will have some sort of Log increase, Technical Proficiency more of a Lineal increase with flat top,
    while Creative quality will be more like a Bump increase/decrease centered around the 70's..)
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  5. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
  6. Dildo Baggins

    Dildo Baggins Kapellmeister

    Nov 22, 2019
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    He just comes across as an old whiny dick. Don't get me wrong, I have the same disdain for most pop music, I'm more inclined to blame other factors, rather than computers though.
  7. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Scott Ian sounds retarded when he talks about his own music, so I wouldn't expect him to give profound insight on other music.
  8. It's not just pop music. Everything has gotten bad. At one time, everyone thought that if people's knowledge increased, the quality of everything would be better, but unfortunately it didn't.

    Knowledge without good intentions and humanitarianism will not lead anywhere. Unfortunately, we live in an era where knowledge, rather than being useful to human beings and reducing human suffering, further exploits the conditions and strikes society as much as possible under the pretext of gaining more power and wealth and false positions.
  9. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    Aged people, like myself, listen to music with nostalgic ears. Pop music resonates with people of young age who associate their life experiences with what the radio in the past or playlists nowadays play. When we grow older, we stick to the memories. Then as years pass by, nostalgia gets in the way of taste. Generation gaps negate the music of a different era. Pop music has always been formulaic and easy on the ears, from 60s pop to today's trap songs. I remember the mid 80s when Madonna was considered a trashy artist, the ruin of music. Now she's a pop icon and her songs are classics in their own merit.

    The fact that computers and AI assisted music making is the norm is just a matter of using the tools available at the time. In the 80s, drum machines put a lot drummers out of work initially until they realized that something was lacking and pop music started using drummers again. Both forms of adding rhythm are perfectly valid today and no one questions their usefulness in music making.

    Just an opinion.
  10. The music is gone. Now all that's left is just kick and bass and the singer's ear-scratching voice.

    Kick and bass used to be mostly used in war in the past, but now they are the dominant sounds in music. It shows that instead of progressing, we are regressing, and the souls of the dead in the past wars have been summoned, leading people to war and bloodshed.:sad:
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  11. Tob

    Tob Platinum Record

    Jun 4, 2019
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    We live in the age of the super tonic melodies - super boring, the least creative possibility. In the last 10 years, it feels like every pop song uses the super tonic as a melody.
    We are so political correct we do not want to offend anyone, the music reflects that - super tonic melody - the least offensive possibility! :winker:

    Super tonic massacres

  12. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    I wonder what these people are going to listen to in later life, are they honestly going to want to listen to the pap that they listened to in their youth when they are in the 40s and beyond?
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I have a question:
    "Is there such a thing as musical idiocy"? "Is there irreparable damage to the brain"?

    I read that 40% of young people in Asia have lost some of their cognitive skills (learning, academic achievement, intellectual development, reasoning and experience). So 40% is lost, thanks to cell phone - tablet and CO. How are people supposed to listen to something else, after all they only do what the others do, they want to belong. The remainder of the brainwashing is provided by the television and radio.
    It can also be that the brain says someday, enough for me,play some other music or turn the radio on a different station.
  14. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    economic plastic down cycle + keeping ppl dumber and dumber

    also there is a difference in motley crew pushing the sex drugs thingy to peak cause of vacuum and nowadays -nowadays under 10 aged children get early sexulated
    if you undstand german watch the interview with Elite Banker Florian Homm
    i mean the part about his childhood the r bio and of the enlarging of the dynasty

    there is a reason every market got turned into shit and that everything gets a marked which should not
    to much to say to say it proper with my english but yeah....
    EDIT like there is a reason he did not get260 years , instead not even 1,5 on parole
  15. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I think that has been happening since our great grandparent's time and perhaps before then.People as they become older become more open to appreciating many things they did not in their youth and similarly, fixed in some things too.
    It becomes like the Mark Twain saying, "My parents were really stupid when I was 14 and I cannot believe how intelligent they became when I turned 40".

    I can only apply this to stubbornness. Nobody does themselves a favour by negating something they know is good deep down. That stubbornness can often be generated by peer pressure and tends to be more applicable to someone while under peer pressure. People grow out of it though, mostly.

    It is possible for anyone to appreciate the quality of any music if it is good even if they do not like it. That is a choice though some call it idiocy to deny themselves that. Who knows?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2021
  16. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    Last edited: Jul 4, 2021
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