Are there any kind of Harmonics out of Natural Harmonics? (no guitar techniques)

Discussion in 'Education' started by GabsIT, Jul 1, 2021.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Overtone Singing, Christian Bollmann
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2021
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  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Probably worth noting that while Wikipedia is a source for a lot of people, no academic institution will accept it as a primary or secondary source in a serious factual document because it is regarded globally by every academic authority as unreliable because anyone can insert information. That by the way is a fact. The only way it would be considered a primary source is if the theory was about Wikipaedia. The only documents you will find with wiki links exceeding 10% of the bibliography or referencing in them are those either rejected as official academic manuscripts or on random websites not accepted by academia as valid. Also, fact.

    *N.B (edit)Academia uses applications like "Turnitin" and "Safeassign" to name but two, that detect when someone has not cited correctly, used images or quotations without giving proper credit and considers it plagiarism and is automatically failed if submitted without correction. These applications also detect the over-usage of bibliographical resources like Wikipedia and instructs the submitter to get rid of the excess ambiguity or fails them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2021
  3. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Thank for this, actually I was looking for it to post it

    Yes, lol I read it wrong, thanks for the info, interesting, there are some interesting notations that could help me for what i am doing
  4. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    I assume you're referring to my post.

    First, I'm not an academic, nor could I ever be one, I'm too dumb for that :)
    Second, while I agree that wikipedia isn't a reliable source, you can always check the sources. In this case, the chapter relevant to the tuning come directly from Kyle Gann or Young himself. Like I said, I'm dumb, so I don't really know if Gann himself is a reliable source, or Young for that matter.

    That Galvez dude is amazing btw :bow:
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Sedaa - Mongul Nutag (live @Bimhuis Amsterdam)
    - Horse head violin - dulcimer instrument with 120 strings - overtone singing
  6. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    @triggerflipper No not at all :)- I am saying if people follow similar rules but simpler on a forum or ANYWHERE and all they have to say is something like "Thanks to 'Mr.X' for supplying or 'Thanks to the website '' (wherever they got it i.e.)for the information and nobody can ever challenge them and they'll never risk getting in trouble, ever. :)

    Not you at all I noticed there are a LOT of wiki links on this entire site and people putting stuff up without giving credit. I am doing everyone a favour and saying take the extra 2 minutes to thank the source :)

    - it's also respectful to whoever created it. :) if it's good enough to be used as an example, it's good enough to be respected.
  7. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Not even published research, Wikipedia is just an encyclopedia but between encyclopedias it's quite more accurate than any existing other (there is a published paper on this lol), still is much better that the average website or blog. Also worth to mention thinking by principles than by analogy that is what I am literally doing about music.

    I am doing a lot of research about music harmony, maybe I am enlightened ^_^ I have visions of worlds and music, while most of music is not so different there is specially unique ones, so I have been years looking for special music, I had the thought to creating my self using Daws but I knew this will cost me time that I didn't have, then while using daws I discover music programming in Max and this opened a whole number of possibilities, then many things from childhood make sense, I created my own instruments, I grow up full of music around as in my family there are many professional musicians (I am the only engineer alike) so making music by programming what I have in my mind make total sense instead of playing an instrument.

    I identify as other worldy many compositions of Yoko Kanno, some of Zawinul, and others form Gurtu, special melodies or tonal landscapes that are similar to the music that I want to listen, I think there is much more
  8. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    You might be interested in Mickey Hart's work then.
  9. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest


    if you are doing a pedagogical work or historical don't forget either a footnote or mention in your appendices about Edison and the first audio recording :winker: - It also indicates to whoever is reading it that you have looked at whole picture. Even if the mention is not part of the whole, stating that it falls outside of the scope of your document covers that while showing your research :) PM'ing you.
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello @GabsiIT ... Very inspiring and profound thoughts, You and some others here in the forum are real lights in a darkening time .. Love - Intelligence - Creativity - Spirituality. I added something from "Klaus Schulze" - he inspired me, I came to the synthesizer because of his music. Kindred in spirit ...

    Joe Zawinul & Trilok Gurtu 25 Festival Jazz Frankfurt 1994

    Klaus Schulze (born 4 August 1947) is a German electronic music pioneer, composer and musician. He also used the alias Richard Wahnfried. He was briefly a member of the Krautrock bands Tangerine Dream, Ash Ra Tempel and The Cosmic Jokers before launching a solo career consisting of more than 60 albums released across five decades.

    Klaus Schulze - Ein Schönes Autodafé (Studio 1993)

    Klaus Schulze - Kontinuum (2007)
  11. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Many thanks for the music recommendations, I love it!

    You know what I am actually looking about "synthetic harmonics" is that while harmonics happen naturally in nature, it doesn't happen in the digital world specially when playing just sine-waves, I knew that saw, square and other waves are composed of many other waves or harmonics.

    When testing with sine-waves I realized that it's very hard to me by ear try to pitch anything else than octaves or fifths, inclusive fifths are hard to locate without any harmonic reference, so that is why I realized that when playing pure sine-waves, any frequency that is not near the unison or the octave sounds quite arbitrary or ok, that is actually pretty interesting, then I have the thought that music have this strong frequency pattern directly associated to harmonics by their origins, so, what happen in the case harmonics frequencies are different or in other unusual pattern? (as 23322332 mentioned with metallic series) for sure all the perception of what is humanly harmonic will probably change, So I just needed to know that other possibilities exist in nature and in fact there are a lot of studies about harmonic oscillators and in quantum physics it's one of the few things that is almost exact, so this is not just about sound but about anything vibrating, any kind of waves, in other post I did mention about and it's very well explained in this video

    I already found many interesting things that from a musical perspective could help but related to this post what could be done is to emulate a series of natural harmonics using only sine-waves and then change the ration while matching the octaves and or the fifths or testing with other series, In theory this kind of digital instrument with a different arbitrary set of frequencies emulating all the rest.

    I think something like that could sound natural while unnatural too, maybe this could happen as sound traveling in water or in air with other gas composition with other properties than the oxigen/nitrogen that we are use too.

    I already commented in another post that arbitrary frequencies separated by the same x number of hertz will sound strangely harmonically while avoiding the dissonances near the tonic, in minor relation the octave and much minor the fifth...

    Also I did a test and this kind of test need to be done in good headphones and speakers/mics as apparently everything will try to add the natural harmonics, I tested with the embedded speaker of the laptop and in fact the speaker add 3 harmonics while in digital there is none, also a notable mention I can see in human voice, my own voice more than 20 very easy to spot harmonics, so interesting that human voice has so many harmonics, anyway probably other instruments could have even more, I don't know right now.

    Notice that all that I am talking I will release it with a DIY demo in Javascript so you can play with your browse and maybe get inspired to try something new, today I incorporated another audio library, actually I am trying 4 audio output libraries Web Audio Api, ToneJs, HowlerJS, and TimbreJs I will try to figure out how to import some examples into a any daw, probably using midi and picth bend.
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  12. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    An entire Album of Yoko Kanno there are two songs that are quite differences to anything that I listened before 32:50 Earth Resonance and Prophet 34:42 the other songs go from rock, techno, classic, jazz, flamenco, celtic, so many genres, probably she is the best living composer in the world.

    I get into Kanno music by Ghost in the Shell anime music, this song is quite simple and it's based in other song while quite particular and uplifting, she is like a shape shifter can get into any musician style and compose so similar

    Anyway this is the most notable for Jazz musicians, it fooled everyone I asked without exception and badly some of my friends insisted that I was wrong, Yoko Kanno reincarnating, creating something new as it was PM itself.

    From Trilok Gurtu - Believe, also it's so different while particular to many of the Gurtu's songs, I think it's the rhythm that make the melodies particularly rare as traditional Indian music it's usually in these unusual rhythms 7/8 11/8 etc.

    this is also interesting both Gurtu and Zawinul love this kind of African voices, probably much more influence coming from Africa music, check 6:20 where African Hindu voices start
  13. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    The harmonics are so clear, never listened something that clear, amazing.
  14. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Check this out, I still not find what i am looking, but I found the spherical harmonics, a visual representation, the maths and applications are overly complex, but this is happening everywhere, at atomic level these harmonics are happening naturally, for my understanding while the shapes are pretty rare, it seems they have a direct relation with normal harmonics in a string, or maybe the normal are presents and also others.

    From easy to harder to understand

  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    All 9 Solfeggio Frequencies - Full Body Aura Cleanse & Cell Regeneration Therapy

    Solfeggio frequencies: This is behind the tone sequence (01/27/2020 5:45 PM | by Pia Heckmann)

    Solfeggio frequencies, through their vibrations and sounds, are assigned a healing effect in esotericism. There is a sophisticated mathematical, esoteric and literary system behind these tones. Solfeggio is a term from music theory. It describes the theory of sound and notes via ear training and with the help of singing exercises. In esotericism, hearing these frequencies have healing effects on body and soul. The tone sequence already existed in antiquity, but it was forgotten.

    - Solfeggio is still used in music lessons today. By singing certain tone syllables, singing training takes place.

    - In the esoteric context, the frequencies used in solfeggio are said to be able to put people into a trance and to bring the body into a balanced movement.

    - A frequency is always specified in Hertz (Hz) and describes how many vibrations per second a tone triggers. The Solfeggio frequencies are as follows: 396 Hz, 417 Hz, 528 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz.

    - Esotericists see a repeating pattern of six codes in the frequencies.

    - Based on these six codes, it should be possible to reduce the frequencies to the checksums 3, 6 and 9. Nikola Tesla is said to have viewed these three numbers as indicators of the divine, the creative power and the energy fields of the physical fields.

    - A syllable is assigned to each of these frequencies. These come from the first stanza of the hymn to John the Baptist.

  16. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    @GabsIT I doubt if this is what you're looking for either, but definitely related
    and I'll guess it's something that you would be interested in.


    This site contains many educational resources and has many beautiful simulations of many science topics.

    This 'making waves' simulation is designed to support someone learning about Fourier analysis of waves.
    Might interest you because it enables you to build and visualise complex waves by adding up to 11 harmonics.

    Can be used online or download a Java (.jar) file (regrettable that it uses Java but hey it's free and superb)
    If you sign up (free) as a student you can also download resources that teachers have posted about how they use this simulation - well worth downloading some of those to get the most out of the simulation.
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  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The pitch of the fundamental tone of the human voice is:

    - male voice at about 125 Hz,
    - female voice at about 250 Hz.

    Small children have a pitch around 440 Hz. The cause of these differences is the difference in the size of the larynx and thus the length of the vocal folds. The vocal range is 1.3 - 2.5 octaves.

    The frequency range of the human voice with its overtones is about 80 Hz to 12 kHz. Within this frequency range are frequency sections that play a role in speech intelligibility, the accentuation of vowels and consonants, as well as brilliance and warmth.
  18. Crinklebumps

    Crinklebumps Audiosexual

    Nov 1, 2017
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    Don't forget pinched harmonics on a guitar, I wouldn't like to guess how many of those there are - aka artificial harmonics. The same must be true of any stringed instrument, including a piano if you play the string itself and not the key!
  19. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Hi Thanks, yes it's useful, I found many interesting things, i am focusing in javascript libraries but usability of other apps are interesting, i am thinking in people doing microtonal music, sound engineers and anyone interested in the physical aspects of harmony and melody.

    I found the what I was looking, really there are so many non lineal harmonics, string harmonics are a big deal, but now I am aware of all the other possibilities, harmonics on 2d and 3d objects can be pretty complex and so many things could alter the frequencies, for percusion instruments circular membranes, and gongs the harmonics are quite similar, the formulas are complex but I found the ratios here

    Also I found 2 videos where people is using a big speaker changing the pitch to make the membrane oscilate in different non lineal harmonics, they then show the movement in slow motion, it's interesting. I am making sort of a demo connecting chords, with a wide range frequencies, based in all the different tunnings, TETx pythagorean, EDO, just intonation, harmonics lineal and non lineal, and some other mathemathical abstractions.
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  20. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    If you're focussing on javascript libraries, maybe contact the author of this
    The author mentioned in the comments section that the javascript source is freely accessible and he replied to one user that someone using it for educational purposes was ok. The relevant .js is definitely accessible - just from saving the webpage directly.
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