Windows 11 is here

Discussion in 'PC' started by metaller, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    it shouldnt be called smart 'defrag in this case
    others just call it ssd optimazation
  2. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    When you think you've seen it all after the epic GPU shortage... :rofl:
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  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Oh I agree totally. The word 'defrag' was used that I replied to. Some SW actually does call it that when it is really just file placement reallocation. :) probably because they come inside some defragmenting applications where yo uselect SSD.
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    @BEAT16 @Xupito

    I should not laugh but a TPM module shortage is ironic really :rofl:
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  6. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    defrag is from the analog hdd time. ssd or sas drives still "digital" .. there was a time musicians had "records" which are for me "old" HDDS wif hardware wafer layer... ssd or sas drives still like "mp3" Digital style. no need or defrag, or? :)

    there will be custom bios hacks (normally 6 month) after a release of new microsoft os, and stable hardware. There are (hopefully) many hacks than which can add a "legacy" mode to the bios software.... (hopefully) :)

    there will also be windows 11 hacks to deactivate some of the main stuff.... we will see what this threat is in one year about.
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Unfortunately you can't hear my laughter - they almost invented olfactory television maybe someone can invent such a button for the forum, laughter, applause and boos.

    Oh Windows 11 ... what is what is it not Oh oh Oh Oh ... need that ... No, we in the auto industry gread some short-time work because they run out of chips. Now the run starts, Microsoft 11 oh something new - fast fast fast, oh TPM sold out - oh Cpu is not unsupported oh what now help ....
    Today everything is totally electronic in such a car. Also totally vulnerable. We have a Smart car from Mercedes, if it doesn't start the ADAC comes and pushes it away from the lantern - then it starts again. Hahahhahha finally there is a laugh. I think Microsoft and Bill Gates bring a lot of laughs ...!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
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  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Security is a state of mind. here's a scenario for you. There are two computers. One is a high powered Windows 11 machine and plugged into the Internet. One of the greatest hackers in the world in another country wants what you have on one of your computers. Your other computer is an antique Pentium 1 running Windows 95 that is not plugged into anything other than having its own keyboard, mouse and monitor. The valuable data is on the Windows 95 machine. Can the hacker get the data? No. In this scenario, for possibly the only scenario it would be, the Windows 95 machine is more secure. :rofl:The hacker would have to fly to your country and break into your house to get to it. The fact Win 11 works on an i5 with compatibility check disabled for secure boot and TPM is a testament to something needing to be readdressed by Microsoft. :rofl:- They need to stop feeding incorrect information. There is a HUGE difference between 'cannot run on Machine X' and not recommended.
  9. notrace

    notrace Producer

    Jun 19, 2011
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    That's the one I searched all over for and no one has it in stock. I finally put an order in for it but the next day cancelled it because the place I ordered from weren't sure how long it would be on back order for. I then also discoved I'd fail the CPU requirements here so I said F it and cancelled the TPM 2.0 order. Hopefully, they'll hack these requirements out of the final release!
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Federal experts warn against TPM 2.0 with Windows 8 (03/20/2013)

    Windows 8 is an unacceptable security risk for government agencies and companies, government experts warn after documents that are available online. So-called trusted computing is a back door for the NSA. The BSI denies this.

    "Confidentiality and integrity not guaranteed" I

    Instead, Microsoft could determine which programs can still be installed on the computer, make programs that have already been set up unusable, and help secret services to control third-party computers. The responsible experts in the Federal Ministry of Economics, in the Federal Administration and at the BSI warn unequivocally against the use of the new generation of trusted computing in German authorities.

    "In particular, on hardware that is operated with a TPM 2.0 with Windows 8, unintentional errors by the hardware or operating system manufacturer, but also by the owner of the IT system, can lead to error states that prevent the system from continuing to operate that in the event of an error, the hardware used can no longer be used in addition to the operating system. Such a situation would neither be acceptable for the federal administration nor for other users. In addition, the newly implemented mechanisms can also be used for acts of sabotage by third parties.

    Windows 11 and the trouble with TPM 2.0
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  11. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Actually hackers prefer Cube OS i guess :) i think you have to root your "hacking attacks" you get to your machine to some folder which i call "KINDERGARDEN" a place where hacker can look around, and let the rest of the system unblown. Put some "Confidential PDFS from CIA" free side there and give them what to dig for.

    Depends on the rooter Hardware you use, no need for defender stuff or firewall, i think. :) choose your browser wise, look at some nightly builds for it, there are so much great tools out there that has nothing to do wif the mainstream stuff.

    Same is for IRC Tools, and Videochat stuff. Some of the Tools still from 2006 but work really great, and can simply be customised.

    If there is a system attacker, give him some things for his work :) some of them still 11 years old, and diggin for gold. Give them a place on your system, that can be interesting for them :) i dont "go for hacking pro" or stuff like that, but this should be a better solution than black or whitelists defenders etc....

    Do not underestimate the frustrating Level of a 10-19 year old boy, if he got blocked by target system.

    Some of the Brainiacs just need another PC Solution like hacking... Give him stuff like the DEMOSCENE. ( to get these energies maybe for good choises.

    Most of you dont have to much fear about all that. They are just doing some work, or Music, Graphics, or zBrush Sculpting stuff.

    Better learn f.e. firefox Plugins like tampermonkey which you can do so much stuff with.

    Learn your router bios to control learn to inject hardware by modding CPU driver that is not fitting to your windows system. I am always talking about windows, i guess linux mac os have some similar solutions, but its not my cup of cof.

    There are Custom BIOS Stuff for Samsung smart TVS etc. out there (Tissen 3+) also like Mainboard Modding stuff, and i guess there will be in the future for the upcoming hardware, too.

    I like all "new" and really helpful innovations, but most of the OS are still "Bugtesting by Consumers", and this should not work this way for me.

    Most of the "NERDS" do just not understand how Handys or Blue:Black:Green:(put color here)berries work. The List of collected information today is so huge, so my way is to start from scratch. Router Modding is better than every Firewall for me. A "new" innovations, which i cant find in windows11 (Except the KI) and "mostly" unness pseudo-secure stuff that is in some cases still to much.
    I a lot of cases these Secure stuff work fine, all these things are just my opinion since the XCOPY -Amiga:C64 times.

    A newer System or "new-fat" Audio plugins never made me to a better musician, or get me more jobs. For me its better to learn how the stuff works, on the basics. But i can also understand that guys say "should up old fart, i will trust the new system!".

    If there is no way to get a Quantum Computing system, for cheep, i never looking for a new OS like a drug addict... :)
  12. demberto

    demberto Rock Star

    Nov 27, 2018
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  13. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Snide governments, snide democracy's, snide corporations, snide wars, snide freedoms and of course heaps of snide upgrades...

    The very fact that, with a bit of ingenuity, windows 11 can be successfully installed/run without enabling TPM 2.0 etc, highlights the fact that these so-called security 'requirements' are not at all necesssary for end-users, but merely desirable for microsoft and its industry/government partners - presumably to pursue ever-greater corporate supervision/subversion/control of citizens personal computer use.

    Improved kernel scheduling is the only killer feature on 11 and i personally am quite content to wait for the inevitable public beta bug fest to die-down & for an hacked/optimised, telemetry-free, daw-friendly version to eventualy hit the web before i'll even begin to consider 'upgrading'... I guess i'll just have to limp-along with my dinosaur windows 7 (that btw works faultlessly with full nvme etc) system in the meantime...

    Only dumb turkey's say let's vote to make Christmas every day.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  14. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    By default TPM is not some automatic DRM chip from hell, that's up to someone to implement and it wouldn't really change things for where 3rd party solutions already available. TPM is a crypto processor / secure key enclave.

    Microsoft is saying they require TPM to enforce "Virtualization-Based Security" (VBS) which does have end-user benefits, namely application isolation, filesystem encryption, and sandboxing (I'm not counting VMs in general as consumer application though it affects them as well).

    They explain their reasoning here:

    While I agree that for most people it doesn't bring anything "new" to the table, any increased security for the non-tech literate is a big fucking bonus in my book. Us techies can disable this if we want. Though I'm already using it for BitLocker (and tried it with LUKS) and have since 7. Not to mention any corporate projects where it's been required for yonks.

    I'm neutral on this change, I don't think it's 1984, but I'm not convinced it should be a requirement either. There's no reason why it could not have been optional, or automatically enabled if available.
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  15. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Mostly i'd have thought it's to try to circumvent the spectre chip flaws and to enable the android OS to communicate/interact natively in windows.

    Indeed it's the ignorant and the tech illiterate who are most preyed-upon by everyone nowadays, not least of course by big business itself.

    Imho all the useful features of windows 11 (with the exception of enforcing TPM ) could/should have been a windows 10 upgrade.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
  16. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    No disagreement here. Most of the "good" (in my opinion) UI changes have been in PowerToys for a while already. Now that the insider betas are out we should start seeing some benchmarks soon.

    And as a side note, though we will never see it, I wish we would have some tunable scheduler parameters to optimize stuff for low latency operation.
  17. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    As a general observation: Isn't it curious that those who are most vociferous in 'improving' security are historically the very people most likely to undermine it in real terms?
  18. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    Google / Project Zero springs to mind.
  19. Free Agent

    Free Agent Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Turkey & Ukraine
  20. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I think you said it best earlier when you suggested it should be an option. I have no issues with any security. I only think it is an issue when a company forces their will on a majority without giving them any other options. It's like black markets. They become more prevalent when governments ban things people want. I would not be surprised if Windows 11 became the most hacked O/S in computing history.