Looking for alternatives and experiences with Super Collider, Overtone, Sonic Pi, Max

Discussion in 'Software' started by GabsIT, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    I have been testing many of the alternatives, and so far I don't know were to head, the alternatives are pretty different, languages are weird, software buggy, etc.

    I will add my experiences review first and then what I am looking.

    I started with Max for Live, there are plenty of pretty functional plugins made in Max for Ableton you can see the code and do interesting things that then can be easily incorporated to any track, inclusive there are massive plugins as the Magenta studio for live, just making a short mention, Magenta Studio is part of Google AI labs, a musical use of Tensorflow project (Machine learning) that is currently used in so many different and interesting ways, see this, it's called fruit genie that is a side project of Magenta.

    The issue with Max is that is not free, it's quite bloated with GUI stuff, and it's heavy in use of resources, also I am looking for something where the coding is the starting point. doesn't matter if there is no GUI at all, better.

    Then I started to use Super Collider, much faster coding than in Max, at the begging it was cool but then I started to notice many bugs, for example KeyState function is not working at all for around 2 years and after checking Github there is a massive amount of bugs and the project seems going very slow if not dead, also the programing language sclang it's pretty odd in comparison to python, C++, Javascript etc.

    Overtone I saw many videos about live music coding and it seems all cool, but then realized it's using super collider engine and the language is running over java virtual machine and it seem just a heavy make up for java guys (I dislike Java) so I didn't tried...

    Sonic Pi
    then while looking for Overtone examples I found that one of the guys that was part of Meta-eX developer/musician/teacher leaved Overtone and started Sonic Pi, Sonic Pi language seems pretty uncluttered also the community seems much more active, but then while trying the tutorial many things doesn't work at all.

    Alternatively I tested the browser approach in Firefox PC and Android and Timbre.js inspired by Super Collider using The Audio API of modern browsers, cool, actually I did some programming from my phone and uploaded in a test webpage so have 0 dependencies, but the project is archived from 2018 so no more development, there are many Audio Javascript libraries but are more focused in players or games or are too basic.

    I am still testing JavaScript libraries and I will check other alternatives to PC app as Pure Data or Faust.

    As Background I have 15 years of development experience in PHP and then in Python, C++ and JavaScript, Node.js and some other death languages.

    I don't mind to learn a new language, what I am looking is for an active community of developers / musicians, compatibility to run in any DAW and/or Web Browser, and well not a buggy thing, I was also thinking to just do things in native C++ but I do prefer the community, open source approach.

    Well I will keep testing stuff.
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  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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  4. GabsIT

    GabsIT Producer

    Oct 29, 2020
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    Nice, I just checked some comments in the thread and something like that is what I was looking. Many Thanks
  5. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you are welcome and if you have something to add in the topic above feel free to!
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