Ableton with... Sample Tank 2, Colossus, Kontakt...

Discussion in 'Software' started by omar, Jun 20, 2021.

  1. omar

    omar Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Hello people!
    Problem with ableton paired with vst like Sample Tank, Colossus, Gold orchestra and Kontakt that I have never solved. I open one of these vst on a midi track, .... several of his musical instruments open at the same time, each one assigned to a midi track channel. In those midi tracks I can't put effects that come from other plugins. How can I do? I tried to create wav tracks combined with midi ones but the effects are not heard. Thank you
  2. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    If I understand correctly you want to have multiple outputs from one instance of Kontakt (I don't remember how it's done with Colossus etc...). It is like having multiple individual instruments on tracks, so that way you can assign effects to those.

    If you just assign a MIDI channel to an instrument inside Kontakt, that is not enough. That is for Kontakt to receive MIDI. You have to set up the outputs - in Ableton you must use the "External instrument", but first you have to set the outputs in Kontakt properly. This video is quite good at explaining it:

    If you still can't fix it just let me know. :)
  3. omar

    omar Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    hi, your video is very clear and also works with Colossus, but I still have this problem: if I put an effect like walhalla reverb, fabfilter equalizer or I try to adjust the volume and pan as you can see from the attached photo these do not give any results ...

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  4. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Hey, I can not tell for sure, but there might me a problem with the "routing" of the Colossus. You probably hear Colossus on its main (or some other) channel. Put a MIDI clip on the 2 External In track (the one you are showing) and let it play. The yellow dots (MIDI) and then the green meters (audio) should indicate activity on that same track.

    Do it without the effect at first. Can you hear the instrument at all? If you hear it AND it is going through the right channel (watch the small meters and/or mute the other channels) then the Valhalla should work too.

    You can try it with Kontakt first so you can follow the video exactly. I'll check if I still have a copy of Colossus - could try it on my test PC.
    Sorry, that's all I have for now..
  5. omar

    omar Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    hello, everything works perfectly I can hear all the 4 instruments I put on colossus (see photo) setting everything as the video says. Unfortunately, the video does not explain how and where to put plugin effects such as walhalla. In the situation that I show you in the photo the walhalla as well as the pan and the volume of the "2 external" track did not produce any effect on the midi track I entered. The valhalla works only if I put it on the track "1 Colossus" but by doing so then this reverb can be heard on all 4 instruments that I have chosen in colossus.
    It's not a colossus problem because the same happens with kontakt and sampletank2

    Attached Files:

  6. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    I believe the MIDI is ok, but your audio OUT from the multi (instrument) seems to be set the wrong way.

    80s E-Piano receives MIDI on CH4 but you are still sending audio to stereo 1/2 (the first track in Ableton). In fact I think you are still routing all your audio/instruments to the 1st track..
    ..and this confirms it. Probably the volume/pan also works on all instruments the same.

    You should instead have it set:

    1: Cambot, MIDI 1, audio 1/2
    2:... MIDI 2, audio 3/4
    3:... MIDI 3, audio 5/6
    4: 80s E-Piano, MIDI 4, audio 7/8

    From this I can see the E-Piano is routed to audio 1/2 (the strange "fork" icon). It should be 7/8, like this:

    Now, the Ext. Instrument should follow the same pattern:

    - 1st track: Leave the (Colossus) track as it is (it will be midi to:1 audio from:1/2)

    - 2nd track: Set the Ext. Instrument
    MIDI To

    Audio From
    Colossus 3/4

    - 3rd track: Set the Ext. Instrument
    MIDI To

    Audio From
    Colossus 5/6

    - 4th track: Set the Ext. Instrument
    MIDI To

    Audio From
    Colossus 7/8

    That should bring you closer but if you miss something it just won't work. Just remember, the MIDI part is not enough. You have to fix the audio routing. I hope you can change Colossus audio output for different instruments easily (I don't remember how it's done).
  7. omar

    omar Member

    Feb 17, 2016
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    Thank you! That was my mistake, I had left 1/2!
    I still have a little problem though ....
    a project where so far for each track I have always opened the kontakt (or the colossus) every time. From the ableton midi track I had already adjusted the pan and volume very well. Now for each of these tracks I closed kontakt and put the external instruments link. The final wav for these tracks sounds louder and the dough is no longer the same despite the pan and volume values are the same. What happened?
  8. RobertoCavally

    RobertoCavally Rock Star

    Jan 20, 2021
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    Glad you solved it :wink:
    I really don't know what is going on.. Of course, the routing has now changed. And the way to control volume also. You have at least three points where you control Vol/Pan (let's say, with Kontakt) - on the instruments, with Kontakt audio outputs and with Ableton volume/pan. So, who knows.. Anyway, check that you are not sending the same audio out from two sources.

    btw, I quickly set one group: Kontakt with 3 instruments (and outputs) and second group: 3 instances of Kontakt with one instrument. Same midi, same instruments, all default. Seems the two groups are the same volume..