Slates Virtual Microphone System what hardware mic you use?

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Betty Rubble, Jun 14, 2021.

  1. Betty Rubble

    Betty Rubble Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Since I have the software for Slates VMS could someone suggest to me a microphone that would be just as good slates (for cheaper) or one that's better than slates (for around the same price)? Or if i want to use the
    VMS software, should i buy the slate microphone, as the best candidate?
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2021
  3. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I'd use a share sm57. because it sounds like high tech snake oil to me. :guru:
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Antares made a microphone modeller when systems were still all 32bit trying to emulate every known quality microphone ever on the market to that point.
    T-racks Mic room does much the same thing.
    As much as any manufacturer says, emulations certainly improve the sound of a cheaper microphone and in some cases can make a moderately good sounding mic sound far more expensive.

    However, I am yet to hear any software actually respond in an emulation like any of the top range Neumann microphones. The only thing I have heard come close at a cheaper price is another microphone, the Rode microphone and even that is still not a Neumann.

    As for suggesting: A lot of people report decent results with an SM58 and all the AKG microphones and the slate that comes with it. Ultimately, it is each to their own. I would be interested to find out if anyone tried it on a Rode microphone which is modelled on a Neumann.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2021
  5. I have the ML-2 which I use to mic up my guitar cabs. It comes with a limited number of models, which I must say don't radically alter the tone of this little pencil mic. I'm glad I bought this before I considered the ML-1. I bought a Neumann instead. It only has one sound. Neumann.
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  6. Betty Rubble

    Betty Rubble Member

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Well i guess i'll just use my Sm7b then.
  7. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    I am a big fan of free buy to rent with stuff like that. doesn't it just strike you as somewhat of a gimmick immediately when "their recommended overpriced mic" suddenly does all these new things no-one has ever thought to do with microphones before?
    For a few hundred bucks, I'd really like to hear about them. :)
  8. izotope666

    izotope666 Member

    May 4, 2021
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    I sometimes use my Neumann TLM 102 along with the Slate VMS Software. It gives some unique sounds to an already good microphone.
  9. db100

    db100 Kapellmeister

    Jan 16, 2016
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    You can use any mic really just for the effect. Of course then the mic models are not really accurate but if it fits it fits..
    If you want it accurate usw a mic that uses an edge terminated capsule from 797 (dont know any specific model now)
    I had a slate mic and eq matched it with my 3u audio warbler and its working flawless.

    I also have build myself an townlabs sphere clone which is working almost 100% like the original (the original has very low self noise and thd and also incorporates a sepcific eq in the circuit but that can be compensated by with a specific eq curve in front of the actual mic modeling plugin).
    I also build a manley ref c clone with the capsule from a 100$ mic which is the same as used in the ref c. Circuit is not tube tho but sound is identical to the point where you could use them as matched pair..

    You could also check out audiotestkitchen and find a cheap mic that sound like the slate..

    ATK is great. All those myth about mics gets busted there. Like the myth that top dollar mics are always soo much better than cheap chinese ones.
    Test the 100$ st151 against the manley ref c for yourself. Sounds 99% identical. The 1% difference comes from the open headbasket design of the ref c. And then test against the 10K sony 800g. Such a tiny difference too. Just a liitle bit difference in HFR which i bet would be easily matched by eq..

    Theres also a website which has compared behringer b2 against neumann u87ai and when a certain eq setting was applied (the same that is incorporated in u87 circuit) the mics sounded the same to the point that you cannot point oit which one is which in a blind test..

    I know people will tell me im crazy or that i just cant hear the differences or whatever makes them feel better about the matter. Especially when they shelled out top dollar for a mic that should be so much superiour to "cheap chinese crap"..
    But go to ATK and listen for yourself. That site really has opened my eyes (or ears)
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  10. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    exactly @db100.
    I think these "special function" scenarios with software and paired headphones/microphones,etc. are the kind of thing that just approaches diminishing returns on your money, rather quickly. The cost difference is usually just not worth the small benefit. (if even measurable). I have no problem with expensive new or vintage microphones at all. But for something that relies more on the basic technology behind the device like this? It's like putting a 2000 dollar leash on your dog. It's almost like they know people in the audio world will buy anything, so it's easy to be leary of products like that...