Someone - AudioSex (AudioSexedAlbum)

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Someone, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    so finally I wanted to get this track out in the open. I made it for the album. I tried to fullil all the rules, but I never master so I didnt master this track either. The track is in full 24bit quality etc, and set as a free download.

    Feel free to leave any kind of feedback, would be much appreciated. And if it just sucks please tell me...

    Im feeling like mentioning that I didnt do the vocal myself... Its cut together from samples made by Corscica_S' girlfriend, you can find his profile here:

    Everything else, instruments, melodys, beat etc is done by me. So dont worry HK *yes*
  3. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Man, this was just perfect chillout stuff for me on this Sunday evening. Really like the synth comin in @ 2:10.
    Good work. I've got no complaints, I'm simply diggin this :grooves:
  4. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    this is really good shit man :) A perfect intro track for the album. LOVE IT :)

    The kick could be a bit more stronger and more interesting, especially on the lows, maybe a nice countermelody could pop in and out here and there...

    but still really good.

    If you can get this perfectly mixed and mastered by the date, it's a defo yes *yes* :wink:

    This gives me great confidence for the album :D

    I wanna see more great tracks like this from our active members *yes*
  5. Bonogoss

    Bonogoss Newbie

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I am sorry to say the Drumset sucks !!! Dont take it personaly . Particulary this shity Christmas bells ...And what about that Rolling snare !!! + nothing happens in this song ...Sorry dudes for this bat comments. And I think you are using a lot this sidechain trick or sometnhing like stutter edit, I think its too much ...Once again sorry 4 this bad feeling about your song "someone".
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I fixed your Soundcloud Someone, always remember to remove the s in https to get the widget. I really enjoyed it but I think you could use some contrasting material later in the track, perhaps a short pad breakdown.

    Wait until you hear Frito's masterpiece Starve To Death which in my opinion is the best thing I have heard so far. Of course that is not knocking anyone else's songs. I'm listening to it as we speak, it's so fucking creative. It takes you through the whole range of human emotion. First I am choked up, then I'm jazzed and then he drops the healing. Simply sublime. :grooves: And the kicker is that he wrote it while living on the streets, a testament to the amazing person that he is.
  7. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Glad you liked it *yes*

    Thanks man *yes* Will think about your feedback

    Well I would love some feedback from fuad on the mix, but I guess I have to write a PM :rofl:
    But sorry HK, I dont want to master it. May sounds weird, but I wanna focus on mix, and if I can afford professional mastering some day thats great. But who knows, perhabs fuad has some tips for me :dunno:

    Defiently, so far not many posted stuff. I know some are working on something...
    I would like fuad to drop something in, hes talented. And Xsze could share something with us too *yes* Perhabs we have to "motivate" them a bit :dunno:

    No I dont take it bat, and not bad either :rofl:
    You hate things I like (not about this track in particular, I mean in general), so I dont think your comment is something to feel bad about.

    I wondered why it didnt work, thanks for fixing it :wink:

    Will think about it, thanks for the feedback *yes*


    So far thanks for the answers, without intending of sounding selfish or not satisfied or whatever, I would love to hear some more opinions. People listening and writing nothing means either they didnt care about it at all or they didnt like it. Didnt really thought about this kind if stuff before, but now I put something in the open for you guys...
    And hey, you could hardly write something more negative then MPFree, so just tell me what you think *yes*
  8. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    if u can find someone to master it that would be great. It's one of the requirments so...
  9. swing

    swing Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    You have a really nice melody here, in a nice tempo. Really catchy.
    I think the air textures, delays and sine-basses are the soul of this track (with your main melody).
    Drums are a little dry and static/rigid (in terms of velocity/'feel'), at least the more promiment hits. This a production decision and it´s really personal but I´ll give you my opinion: maybe you can get the same vibe just with hihats, cymballs, the air clouds, brushes, a rounded kick and a soft rim-click aro snare, so you can have a more open overall sound with breathy highs and less strong-stand out interference in your mid range, where your melody lives.
    I think you can have a more long washed intro/build up before entering with the full beat set, and also the strong snare fills. Your percs in 1.27 work well with the main beat.
    If I were you I´ll leave a more solid snare -and beat- (and the fill entrance) just for the end of the song, with the grit synth sound used in 2.11 and a more full pad-ambience, so the song is growing by the end and the vibe is not so predictable (up>down>up>down>up...).
    You can also automate some filters to hide stuff and leave sometimes the voice almost alone, just floating between some pads and the rest more distant.
    Sorry for not being so technical. I can´t say much about mastering because I´m a newbie, that´s why my comments for the album are more based in production and arrangement (don´t get mad HK), so take what helps you, if there´s any.
    The mix sounds clear, and I think you have more space for creating contrast with huge reverbs and lush modulation at your sides. Play around and have fun a little more :wink: You can´t go wrong, the song has a nice color and personality.

    **I´ll leave this just because is inspiring, and to say good night.
  10. Synthetech

    Synthetech Newbie

    Sep 7, 2013
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    I liked it, thanks for sharing.

    what would I change? I would do something different with the snare drum especially the drummer boy part. And in the second half I would change that lead synth to something else...
  11. rflip

    rflip Noisemaker

    Sep 12, 2013
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    google me
    I like it, but the only thing I whould do something about is that clap, for me it feels a little too dry and don't fit the mix you have done.

    I don't know if what I just said made any sense but that's my 0.5 cents :rofl:
  12. highrolla

    highrolla Newbie

    Jul 2, 2013
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    good job!

    disagree with hk about the lows-sound round n full to my ears

    agree with hk+cat about the countermelody but not a must cause it works well without imo

    mixing wise i would try to lift the hole thing up a bit

  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I was relistening to this and I really enjoyed it. Thought it complimented the other tracks really nice in what we got so far. Like highrolla said it was smooth...real smooth. Got that vibe that a lot of us have always tried to instill in this place. Also I know we still have a lot of people that still need to submit their entries and I'm waiting on alpha3 (possibly), BoyLearnsArcane, carl, cola verde (hopefully), frito and thisis theend at the very least but I think we're going to have a lot more submissions.
  14. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Add fuad to the list, I talked with him via PM asking for feedback, and he said he wanted to submit something too.
    Still hoping for some other members to submit something...
  15. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Yeah I know there will be a healthy amount of submissions and I look forward to fuad's track too. Exciting. :grooves:
  16. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    All the regulars here should try to submit.

    I actually really love the rework SirSillySausage did for my track 'The Scene'. If he could finish it off I'd love for that to go on the album as well. And if he needs help with the mastering I'll do it for him also...

    You guys gotta listen to his rework it's actually really nice...

    I hope One Reason will work on something as well...
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