Final track in my "one a day" challenge

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Lenny Belardo II, Jun 7, 2021.

  1. A compilation of my track a day endeavours.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2021
  3. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Track 1 - Very well produced technically, but not my cup of tea. Feels a bit ploddy.
    Track 2 - Started the same as track 1 but then everything from 1:08 changed and really enjoyed everything from that point onwards.
  4. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    up up and away
    love track one...
    nice #2 too.
    great and FAST job!! @:53 on trk 2 there is high pitched noize.
  5. Just a reverse whoosh. Lasts less than a second. Thanks for acknowledging the style of track 1. I like the challenge of arranging for strings.
    And YES speed is critical. No lingering over a decibel or a frequency. Just arrange, play, mix and finish. Average time.... four hours each track.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2021
  6. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    up up and away
    I'm not up to your level yet, but I'm fast too. I attribute my speed to my years of improv. soon I'll be posting....
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    @Lenny Belardo II You are doing it every day.
    While a lot of people may not agree with me, I cannot criticise anyone with the motivation to try and do at least one decent tune per day and succeed. That puts you in the less than 5% of the population and possibly the only one on this forum. But that's only my opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2021
  8. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    up up and away
    more like 0.0005%, Lenny is a rare diamond. 98% are sheep. 0.5% are potential leaders.
  9. samsome

    samsome Guest

    aren't u on audiojungle or somewhere to sell these? also if you want to try
  10. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    up up and away
    come on guys Lenny is in Australia he doesn't need money! Those kangaroo burgers have to cost something though.

    You are very humble!!
  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    So what is the remaining 1.495% ? :rofl:
  12. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    up up and away
    those are the people who voted biden.
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    @Lenny Belardo II I think in "Track 1" the "breathing noises" of the singer can be heard. Can you leave it like that or change it. Otherwise I find your music pretty free and open without constraints. It probably reflects the country or region in which you live and are creative. Keep it up....
  14. I'm not on anything. That's not completely true, I take valium.
    I tried the whole Distrokid thing. Total waste of money. No plays, no listens, no Shazams.
  15. I'm never sure about removing breathing. I do a lot of my own vocal work on another project and I sometimes remove inhales, then when mixing I notice that it no longer sounds like I'm performing the song, just pasting in "takes" in a way I consider it a natural part of singing.
    You may be right about the region in which I live. We do have a strong roots music scene where musical perfection or clean hair or deodorant are not welcomed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2021
  16. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I'd agree with that though "She'll be right mate" only goes so far before you have to shower. :rofl:
    The au naturale in music definitely applies.
  17. I'm not pointing the finger at you @BaSsDuDe but what do I need to do to get just one damn like? I have eight songs, a fair number of plays but not one like!!
    About showering. If you know Katoomba you may know the bathroom temp was just above freezing this morning. I said two Hail Marys and one Our Father and absolved myself of todays ablutions.
  18. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    You do have one like now, and I know Katoomba well. There comes a time when you can smell yourself and you have to brave it :rofl:
  19. flush with your foot

    flush with your foot Platinum Record

    Apr 12, 2017
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    I am in favour of allowing sighs, breaths (unless the person singing is asthmatic ......)
    beautiful region Katoomba, and your productions are very nice, I thought I would have done this or that differently, but now that I know where you live, your music takes all its value!
    Thank you for sharing.
  20. Thanks for listening. Yes sir Katoomba is a great town. Small population but loads of murders. I'd leave but I want to find out if I'm next on someones hit list.
  21. Since listens are dwindling to almost zero, I'll cease doing these tracks and return to other projects.
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