99% of music today is made with auto tune n it's still a pile of steaming garbage. (Video)

Discussion in 'humor' started by droplet, May 21, 2021.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    We want to hear you and also the small and big mistakes because that's what defines you as a personality. Those who make the music don't understand how weird it all sounds. For me this era is a weird one. Practice the text by heart and go to the park and sing it in the open air without electronics maybe a few bongos for the beat or a classical guitar and you will see how you make people happy. If you are that good and have a recording in the studio that has a mistake, you are welcome to use Melodyne alos sound correction.

    A lot of modern music sounds like a rubber band, a tool (scaler) is used from a nice C major chord so that it just doesn't sound greade! C becomes something like a C7. Just mix your things with an EQ, some reverb, some delay, some compression. The harmony is the union of opposites to a whole - generally the agreement, unison, unity, symmetry. Here, with harmony, which includes “every spatial coexistence of tones, the order of the interrelationships”, often a generalization of chords (multiple sounds) is meant; the “harmony” in C major can e.g. B. can be realized by the chord C-G-e-c1, but also by c-e-g, e-g-c1 or others. Chords in which tones occur that are also overtones of the fundamental are perceived as "harmonic" in the narrower sense; a harmony of thoughts and feelings in interpersonal communication. The term "harmony" is used particularly where, in addition to a certain regularity in the arrangement of individual objects or their parts, one believes that there is a sense of value, to be noted.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021
  2. grabme

    grabme Kapellmeister

    Dec 26, 2012
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    I cant listen to any of it as it does my head in, not heard anything I like in decades in the pop world apart from stuff like the Gorillaz but would be interested in hearing something modern that doesn't suck if anyone could recommend something.Back in the 80 and even early 90s your parents wouldnt necessarily like your music but they could tolerate it or sing along to some of it as some of it was a throwback to the past. I liked the stuff my parents liked in the 60s and 70s but how many parents today can actually tolerate their kids music? I think the whole industry needs a great reset.
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    As long as there is money to be made with the junk, there will be.

    Question: But the music business has changed a lot ...
    Answer: That was never fun, but it was definitely better in the late 80s, early 90s, when there were still semi-independent record companies and people who wanted to find talent. It's like this: bands like us probably wouldn't even get a record deal these days. That alone shows how the music business is doing today. Sometime in the mid-90s, record companies started being run by accountants, and that's why shitty pop music rules the world today - because it just sells the best.

    Question: Will that ever change again?
    Answer: No, it just keeps getting worse. There will always be good music, always an alternative to what radio and television want to throw down the throats of 13-year-olds. But shitty pop music is always going to get shitty. It already sounds like nobody is involved any more. It's just computers. I really think there is a computer program with seven different elements, two different melodies that spits out new songs - for Miley Cyrus or One Direction. I tried to write the worst song in the world with a friend once and we did the top 10 in the US for it, which was really hard work, by the way. And then it fell like scales from our eyes: It's just a formula. It's just the same song over and over again. There are real talents out there in pop music as well. Only those are then caught in the clutches of the record companies - and turned into computers. That's creepy.

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2021

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    Good talk about the basics of tonality, bad example.

    The Weeknd can actually sing and is one of the few contemporary performers that doesn't go into heavy autotune and does mind pitch errors here and there.


    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    lets not bring this shit into this forum. twice in one day is a bit much, keep it on 4Chan, Parler and the Stormfront forums. If you want to start talking about "Final Solutions" and "Great Resets" take it somewhere else.
  6. mr.personality

    mr.personality Producer

    Sep 18, 2017
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    fart > burp
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  7. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    you cant see this isolated its intgrated issue of common society and economy
  8. Arghspace

    Arghspace Guest

    Wow, I'm actually kind of surprised how clueless many of you are.

    How do you not realize that Auto-Tune and pitch correction are not the same thing? Auto-Tune is a bona-fide AUDIO EFFECT. It's not supposed to sound natural, it's not supposed to correct a singer's inability to stay in key or to be an aid. It's literally an effect with a certain kind of sound that may or may not be desirable for the project you're working on. Pitch correction are things like Melodyne, where you go into a clean vocal and correct mistakes in such a way that the listener can't actually tell that it's happening.

    One day you'll hopefully stop the ignorance and realize that Auto-Tune is an effect, just like Distortion, Flanger, Chorus etc.
    I'm not saying that I'm a big fan of how it sounds personally, but the comments some of you are making are ridiculous.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2021
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  9. waverider

    waverider Rock Star

    Oct 8, 2018
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    ok so this is probably an unpopular opinion but i personally would consider autotune a blessing for anyone who does vocal production. i personally would love to sing but can't do it for the life of me, and just knowing that there exists software with which i can make a mediocre take at least somewhat bearable, has a pretty big empowering effect. also, for producers, these tools are life savers when you can't get another take from a singer, or if you have to stick with a mediocre recording for whatever reason. it can make a drastic difference, and it can turn a meh recording into a passable one.

    on the other hand, i can relate to the distrust against singers nowadays. unless you hear a person live, and fully acoustic, without any amplification or sound system, you will never know if they used autotune or not. like it or not, that's just the way it is nowadays. if anything, learning about autotune and similar plugins has made me appreciate the incredible skill that goes into singing properly.
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    OK, I deleted it, otherwise the discussion will still be political.

    Music development - is the music getting worse and worse?

    Profit, Coal and Prestige
    One of the main reasons why music is deteriorating nowadays is definitely in the economy. A nice play on words. The accountants and corporations are set to maximize profits. It is “only” about sales and profits. Who sells the most and has the most media exposure ?!
    "Sometime in the mid-90s it started that record companies were only run by accountants, [...]"
    - Scott Ian, anthrax

    Music for the sheep
    The masses just don't take the time to find good music. Maybe she doesn't have it either. You hear what is being played in the media and thus get used to certain sounds. The familiar has easier access because you already know it. Something new, on the other hand, takes time to establish itself. For the extensive announcement and the breakthrough of a new act, the Youtuber speaks of a budget of around 500,000 - 3,000,000 dollars. A risk investment for profit-maximizing companies. That is why you stay on the safe side and offer what you already know. Keyword: It all sounds the same. So those who don't conform to the norm tend to have a harder time being commercially successful.

    "I make rap for the sheppards and not for the sheep"
    - R.A. The Rugged Man

    Does streaming make music worse?
    Why is it said that streaming music lets the quality of today's music go down the drain? I'll say now, it's because of today's oversupply.
    The mentality used to be different. There was a limited supply of radio stations and music itself. The people, including radio presenters, took their time to listen to songs. So the quality prevailed. Because the small nuances can only be heard when you listen repeatedly. You went to record stores and bought a maxi, maybe even the album. You could hear that for weeks. However, you only bought one or two. If you had more gravel, maybe three. But that's it! You don't buy 50 or 100 albums at the same time. Thousands? The offer was limited and people liked to force themselves to listen to every single song on a record.

    After all, the album cost money and you only had this one disc in your CD or record player. Who wanted to walk to the CD player every three minutes? So the music grew in one and the senses were sharpened for good music.

    "... and that's why shitty pop music rules the world today"
    - Scott Ian

    Today's oversupply
    With the internet and huge data storage facilities nowadays, people have the ability to access billions of songs at the same time. This is exactly the selling point of music streaming services such as Deezer, Spotify and Co. In connection with the reduced average attention span of approx. 5-7 seconds due to the flood of information, you click away what you don't like right away. (Song intros dropped from 30 seconds to now only 5 seconds). The singing starts earlier, the songs are played louder (loudness) and the chorus starts earlier and is repeated more often. Incidentally, this is also one of the reasons why such template songs wear out quickly. It follows: The music is getting worse. It is no longer handcrafted, but mass-produced for the sheep. Mass-produced goods have never lasted long.

    Yes, the music is getting worse. The internet, the oversupply and the resulting need to attract attention in the capitalist world are to blame. In the past, only good music sold. Those who had no musical talent at the time could not assert themselves. Today such music is a niche and has to be searched for in a time-consuming manner. Really good songs with compositional depth and “lyrical intelligence” have to grow. But once you as a listener have overcome this hurdle, you enjoy better music. Because for sure there is. Rarely in the charts. To say anything else would be incorrect. Gifted composers are unlikely to achieve huge commercial success.

    The tactic of a talented and astute artist could be to get attention at the beginning of his career with mass-produced goods and then to sell the fine pearls with his name. That would be something. When a lot of musicians join in, we see a trend towards better music again. Alternatively, a time-giving pandemic would also help (Updated January 16, 2021). Is the music getting better because of Corona?

    Source: https://www.bosshoore.de/musikentwicklung-wird-die-musik-immer-schlechter/
  11. korniceman3000

    korniceman3000 Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Auto tune is like bell bottoms, spanx, and leggings... Not really necessary but desired by all when popular. Like most fashion trends, they will go in and out of style. How it looks and feels (or in this instance, sounds), will all depend on how it is applied.
  12. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    Using Autotune for correcting errors = OK.

    and that's it's original function.

    Using Autotune as an instrument = meh.

    and that's coz autotune is an instrument in the same sense as a cube is a wheel.
  13. Will Alter

    Will Alter Member

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Another producer clickbait sucker here.

    You must be listening to the wrong music! There is so much great stuff out there that exhibits no plastic pretension whatsoever. Look in different places. Anyway, Autotune was never meant to make bad music better... its tuning not taste. Fix a wrong note and it still might be the other kind of wrong note.
  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    No, really, you don't. When I sing ears bleed :rofl:
    Now seriously, I get your point. I wasn't talking about applying to all the voice track though.
    I'm pretty sure Auto-Tune can be used to correct pitch. Just a wild guess.
    Good luck with that attitude.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  15. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Autotune or pitch correction is a fundamental tool for tuning voices (or even instruments) sung / played with an unwanted pitch. Over time there have been producers who have begun to use it creatively, especially on singers, generating that vocal trend that we all know very well.
    Today I could not imagine a mixing workflow without this useful tool, whether it is used invisibly or in an extreme way makes no difference.
    One of the artists that I find makes a creative and fun use of autotune is Pogo: he plays beautiful songs making them sing to the characters of the Disney movies
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  16. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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  17. Denali

    Denali Noisemaker

    May 22, 2021
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    There's a false impression and that is many people think that music means singer and singing. Vocal is just a source of sound, like other sources but it's just more complicated.

    In my opinion, the reason for the low quality of music should not be looked at in tools or how to use them, but to find out the main reason, you need to examine the low musical literacy of music producers.

    How many music producers have music literacy? Less than... % but unfortunately, it doesn't count much in considerations and I don't know why.
  18. Negro

    Negro Kapellmeister

    Jun 1, 2021
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    N E G R O L A N D
    the hate train
  19. Denali

    Denali Noisemaker

    May 22, 2021
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    I don't think anyone likes hate. Everyone wants to enjoy hearing music, but when they feel that pleasure has become hard, they look for reasons to make things better.

    They explains the reasons, but I don't think there will be much change. Because both the listeners' and many producers' ears have been accustomed to the current prevailing atmosphere, and somehow it can be said that satisfaction among them is high.
  20. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    When did the ability to sing in tune become synonymous with good music?

    Ian Curtis sang like a transvestite dock worker downing her fourth bottle of expired cough syrup for breakfast yet Joy Division's first album is better than sex with most people.

    Celine Dion burst out of her mama's womb hitting all the right notes in seven million octaves but I'd rather listen to the thumping slow beat of my cat's poop hitting the litter box every day (at the rate of one poop per day, it should be 0.00069444444 BPM)
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