wife decided to leave me.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by FellIVTheFake, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. LV-426

    LV-426 Newbie

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Monaco Europe
    A woman of lost, 10 friends recover ! :hug:
  2. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Wow Alraun really hit that one on the head, I was actually meaning to post the same exact thing but I've been rather busy. I've found when you realize that your relationship with your wife isn't about her so much as it is about you that new perspective can help you thrive. What I do in a situation where I want to try to get someone back is I make my desire to improve not about that person because that's just part of the equation, I make it about me. And the most important thing is if all your efforts are in vain you can look at yourself in the mirror and say that you gave it your best and you've at least learned something and risen to the challenge. All in all it is your best chance at getting her back. What I do is I completely rearrange my lifestyle and make sure to include a change of food, exercise, sleep schedule, meditation, contemplation, visualization, etc. if those areas have been lacking. Once you get acclimated to that for a few days the other stuff comes naturally. You just automatically know what to do and say, you're in the flow. You know those days when everything flows? You have to build that state and then all the other stuff usually gets sorted. Don't underestimate this technique man, just do it and take it seriously. If you're serious about your wife and child then you should be serious about this. And remember to be grateful for what you do have in your life which is still a hell of a fucking lot.
  3. Azrael

    Azrael Newbie

    Oct 30, 2013
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    Does she come back?

    Frankly, if she hasn't changed her mind and still hold it against you because of a stupid (and innocent) seduction game, then you haven't lost so much... other than a sexual partner.

    "In our vows we said forever and I meant it."

    Wrong. The real deal was: "...from this day forward until death do us part."

    Outdated Judeo-Christian moral law which was enacted at a time when life span didn't exceed 35 years...
  4. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Hi guys,
    I know this is a quite old post, but I would like to say something I believe most of the times, that's what happen.

    A big difference between a guy and a girl, whenever there is a big issue like that, is the fact that when it's about the woman that has made something bad and asks, begs, cries, do anything she can, there is always 1 little chance that we, weak dumb hearts, just come back and give it/her a little chance. For the girls, even when we're already alone, away, doing our new life, they do know most of the time there is still a little chance for us to come back.. most of the time...

    But when it's about the girls... when they decide to leave us, that isn't a simple decision they took 5 minutes ago. Actually, everything is already prepared, decided, for weeks, or even months, she has everything well prepared, she already has her plans, and most of the time, she already has another dick to FCK her. That's why, very often, we can come up with 1 billion flowers, poems, apologies, promises, everything, we can even point a gun on our head and threat her that we will pull the trigger, well, in many cases, that insensitive animal will go as far as letting us do it. And if she asks us to not fire, it's because she doesn't want to clean up the blood.

    So yeah, to sum up, when a girl asks a guy to stay, she still has a little chance for that to happen. But when it's the guy who begs her to forgive us, or return home, etc etc, in 90% of the time, she won't love the guy anymore, hate has replaced love, her heart became a stone, she has everything planed since several months, chances are that she already has a guy that eats that fking delicious p-ssy, and no matter what we may say, or cry, or whatever, she can't care less about it.

    Yes, they're cruel 'animals', or stones. They can all be romantic, sweet, tender, sensitive, etc, like the whole society has painted her all... but when it's about to being an insensitive soulless heartless human being with 0 feelings, well, they can be really champions at that.

    And the worst, is the fact that women are always seen as the poor victim. Even if it's a huge batch that has fcked the 120 neighbours the couple has,will the guy is hard at work, to feed her and the kids, while she is fking everything that has a dick, or hanging out with her friends, or posting shit on Facebook or doing video calls almost naked, well, the lawyers will still give her reason, will say she is a poor victim, the husband is a son of a bitch, etc etc, and the guy will be forced to give her most of his cash when they divorce, because, she is a poor victim.

    And they can lie much better than guys. A woman can be married, the guy goes to work, during 20 years, and during that time, she will be meeting other guys... and do like it was nothing... everything was normal.. and lie all those years...
    Clever animals, I would say :)
  5. Pm5

    Pm5 Ultrasonic

    Oct 20, 2012
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    She doesn't belong to you - proof : she left.

    Your vows of marriage ? - you broke them first. nice to remind that you "belong" to each other. You also promised fidelity to each other, even if you didn't sleep around, sexting and kisses is still cheating. I think there's a right for incident ( being super drunk and gettin' aroused and ... shit happen ... but unless you're drunk 24/7, it's not a party gone wild situation)

    Fact is... you're ok to let it get clumsy as long as she doesn't know, and you can keep her.

    You fuck'd up. It can happen. If you recognize it and make the changes required and learn your lessons.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Don't harass her.
    Don't harass her family and friends, you'll only make it worse. She puts some distance as a revenge and a way to teach how it feels to be rejected. Don't break or try to sneak out of the punishment, you'll only make it longer.
    See some good friends (not hers!), try to learn from the situation (pros and cons list), think, read, call your family.
    But don't overthink it.

    After one week. (not trying to reach her, except if she got back to you)
    Write her something or get to invite her face to face and talk about it, or get a "timeout" deadline. She decides of the when and the where. Prefer a quiet and pretty place, something meaningful to both of you. (NOT HOME!)
    No need to cry if you're not usually emotional, no need to bribe her with present or shit (except some flowers or such).
    Be honest.
  6. JohnEncore

    JohnEncore Kapellmeister

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I am sure that any reply helps. Seriously.
  7. robotboy

    robotboy Producer

    Aug 23, 2016
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    People make mistakes and maybe if you just buckle down and show her how sorry you are and how much she means to you then maybe you'll win her back. Just hang in there and don't give up. My brother's wife just (rather suddenly) died from cancer and the notion of life being short has really been hitting home with me lately. We should never take the people who mean the most to us for granted because they can be gone in an instant. I hope you truly realize this if you haven't already. Best wishes to you.
  8. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    i did not read all the answers to this old post but since this is pretty common...

    its a very tricky thing to give an opinion on these matters since the whole picture of two persons relationship is complicated but there would be some basic shit to be applied.

    one, do you see having a future with this woman?
    are you not really sure. if you are not sure then you will not be able to sacrifice the appeal of other woman at all.

    two, if you do.
    where does the flirting come from?
    i mean, if you flirt you are making a pretty conscious attempt to fuck this thing up.
    this could depend on several things but one of the most common is bad company. meaning, bad friends, with bad habits.
    we all have devils but it takes a bad environment to spark life into them, bad friends are crucial to this.

    so, getting away from a bad social environment (whatever i may be in your case, for instance childhood "homies" and other shit that you dragged along in your life thinking you must have them around for some reason but who dont contribute to anything positive in your life) and common goals/supporting each other.

    those two things will get you a long way, problems are going to come but having these two in the bag will make it a lot easier.

    to get her back, that i cant answer since i dont have a clue on her, that one is like lottery. good luck.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2017
  9. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Location Location
    I'm just going to throw it out there,You want mine?

    Just a little joke to cheer up all those that are affected but such actions, regardless of who's at fault, im not here to judge.
  10. Zenarcist

    Zenarcist Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Planet Earth
    Marvin Gaye used turmoil to produce one of the greatest albums ever .. don't waste it.
  11. T2000

    T2000 Ultrasonic

    Nov 24, 2015
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    As others have said, just dont let the pressure make you give her reason to feel she has done the right thing - do the opposite; make her see what she could lose. Be strong and good luck.
  12. eheavy

    eheavy Member

    Sep 11, 2014
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    To be honest now is the best time to make music ....
  13. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Haha.. I see the new replies to this topic over 3 years old and I'm thinkin.. they probably have 3 more kids by now.. together.. or with someone else.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2017
  14. Greggers

    Greggers Kapellmeister

    Jan 10, 2017
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    guys, this thread is an ancient history. who knows, maybe they've lived happily together for the rest of their lives and died hand in hand on the same day. why so serious? :)
  15. guitarplayer2007

    guitarplayer2007 Newbie

    Jun 17, 2013
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    Hey Man I would keep close contact with her brother and tell him all and how much you love her. He is her brother and he will explain to her hoping eventually of her realizing your true love and will come back. Stay strong and keep your money...it cant buy love....
  16. Greggers

    Greggers Kapellmeister

    Jan 10, 2017
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    guitarplayer2007 do you realize you've just answered to the post made in October 2013?

    well done, old boy.
  17. nycdl

    nycdl Kapellmeister

    May 31, 2014
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    figment of my imagination
    Hang in there and take care of yourself, she's your wife don't give up. Wishing you well bro.

    HETISFRANK Producer

    Dec 1, 2012
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    Pretty solid necro right there! :cool:
  19. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    The only thing you can do in this kind of situation is learn to from it and come out the other side a more enlightened, more mature soul. Hopefully, if there's any chance for a healthy relationship after the fact, all parties involved will realize the loss and begin the process of recouping.

    The alternative is to forget and attempt to "come back strong with fifty belly dancers". A lackluster and hurtful solution, especially on the kids.

    I pray it worked out for you, brother.

    Like stated above, these experiences are food for the soul and the seeds of inspiration.
  20. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Darn it! what i want is an update!!! Did you ever get your girl back??? The suspense is killing me!

    Fellas let's all learn from this!