Instruments Loading As Demos

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by BradCutter, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. josenacha

    josenacha Producer

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Don't say that lol, I know you like it and you really need it. Regards
  2. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I like to make myself believe I can help people, especially since the virus, with one of the special gifts in life that keeps on giving: Music.
    It's good to be for others who we needed when we were younger, or when we've needed help.
    And I still help people who don't like me due to my way and maybe how I am with my astuteness.
    What is "it"?
    The world needs love. That's it.
    I don't need to affirm my existence in this way, no.
    Hey, can you respond to my Inbox message from a day or two ago please, brother?
    Last edited: May 16, 2021
  3. BradCutter

    BradCutter Member

    Apr 19, 2021
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    Smoove Grooves, I wish I was sure of what I wanted too.
    I tried to ask for help with what I thought I needed...I just didn't know what I needed.
    You want me to apologize for wasting your time? I'm sorry.
    But what the fnck man, I did thank you for the help you gave and offered and said that I appreciated you taking the time.
    That is as sincere as I could get.
    "Makes me not want to help here anymore." Well I am sorry you feel that frustrated by me.

    I was going to PM you today and thank you again for your help.
    And also tell you I dumped both the Kontakt portables, found a full Kontakt 5.6.1 and Kontakt 6.5.3.
    And thought I'd give those a try.
    I loaded them both and added libraries to the 5.6.1 and they showed up in the 6.5.3.
    Not all of them loaded, some said Kontakt was too old for the library and a few simply would not load.
    But the majority of what I wanted worked and Kontakt loaded into Cakewalk and the instruments worked fine.

    So you did help me after all. Thanks again!
  4. BradCutter

    BradCutter Member

    Apr 19, 2021
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    Smoove Grooves, left a couple messages for you on the inbox.
  5. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    Hey @BradCutter! It's very strange that you weren't able to get Portable working, as it's usually easier to make them work than the non-Portable ones. But it's good that you were able to get at least a few things working.

    But it's not necessary to do so. On Mac, yes, but not on Windows. You don't need to have Kontakt v5 to load libraries in v6, as the Add Library button is present.

    Most instruments should load up in v6.5.3. It's expected that not everything will load in v5.6.3, as it's a few years old. Which libraries didn't load at all? Being specific about the libraries would help a lot.
  6. BradCutter

    BradCutter Member

    Apr 19, 2021
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    Kontakt v6.5.3 does not have the Add Library button, maybe it does on the Mac but not not on my Windows version.
    That's why I added v5.6.1 as I've read about doing that, otherwise I have no idea how to add libraries to v6.5.3.
    Asking how to do that is how I originally got in trouble here.
    It's late so I'll look into which libraries are not loading and post them tomorrow.

    You got the message about the 403 Forbidden error on your list?
  7. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    There should be a button named "Manage Libraries" in v6.5.3. Is it present or not?

    And also, by any chance are you using bobdule's Native Access hack?
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
    • List
  8. bobdule

    bobdule Audiosexual

    Dec 28, 2014
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    i re patched some files without the useless button modif. the add library tool can be used externally.
    it is more simple and give less files to install. you only need the Kontakt patcher, it contain the add library tool inside.

    the prepatched setup enable the Library button switch, the patch only not.

    it is a all in one small interface now.
    this one also clean VR Licenses and beta vst3 to enable/restore the download in native access.
    it make the next update will be seen. the beta trial show 14 days left now.


    the autoplay menu builder file used give 1 suspicious detection at virustotal.
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    From page one, Brad. just saying! :bow: It's been very confusing.
  10. BradCutter

    BradCutter Member

    Apr 19, 2021
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    OK, Yes it's been very confusing for me too.
    No, I am not using bobdule's Native Access hack. I do not know what's it's for or how to use it.
    I understood very little of bobdule's above post. That is my main problem, not knowing or understanding much of this stuff, and probably the source of your frustration with me. I am slow and it may have to do with my age and the stroke I had...sorry, I am trying to do my best.
    BTW, I thought you were bobdule...Duh!
    Yes, v6.5.3 does have a "Manage Libraries" button, but it does not have a "Add Libraries" button, v5.6.1 does.

    A list of libraries with issues:
    Session Guitarist - Electric Vintage Library...Does not load into v5.6.1, BUT shows up in v6.5.3.

    These load into 5.6.1. But do not show in 6.5.3:
    Sponge Bass
    Ilya Efimov Acoustic Guitar Strum
    FluffyAudio Simple Violin
    Ilya Efimov TC Electric Guitar
    Prism Modern Pop Drums

    That's what I have so far.
    I have not tested all in Cakewalk yet.
  11. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    There we go! Finally a list of "problematic" libraries!

    Before I go any further, let me explain you the following. Since you're new to Kontakt, you might not have known about this.
    There are two types of Kontakt libraries:
    1. Kontakt Player format library
    It means that this library must be registered and activated with Native Access. The buyer of such a library does not need to buy a license for Kontakt full, it can work with the freeware Kontakt Player.
    These are the libraries that you need to Add to Kontakt in order to use them. The libraries also appear in the Libraries tab of the Kontakt interface.
    Example: Session Guitarist - Electric Vintage Library

    2. Open format library
    It means that this library is not in the Native Instruments libraries database and cannot be activated and loaded Kontakt Player.
    This type of library can be created by any user who has a license for Kontakt full, the developers of such libraries have the right to sell these libraries without any royalties to Native Instruments, but buyers of such libraries must either already have a license for Kontakt full.
    These libraries don't need to be added to Kontakt, and don't appear in the LIbraries tab. To play these libraries, simply go to where the library is placed, open the "Instruments" folder and drag the .NKI files to Kontakt interface.
    Example: Fluffy Audio Simple Violin

    A simple search led me to the root of the problem: All the of libraries you listed as "not showing" were actually Open format libraries. You were trying to add libraries which weren't meant to be added in the first place!
    What you should know is:
    1. If it's a Kontakt Player library, you need to add the library to Kontakt before using it.
    2. If it's an Open format library, you don't need to add the library and can directly load the .NKIs in Kontakt.

    So now, after knowing the difference, I believe you should be able to sort out most of your issues. Remember the type of library you're getting from now on. Releases mostly mention which type of library it is, and if not, you can simply search for the developer's product page and find the required information there. How to identify?
    1. If it says something along the lines of, "It can be used in Kontakt Player...", it is a Kontakt Player library.
    2. If it says something along the lines of, "Required FULL retail Kontakt...", it is an Open format library.

    Hope now you won't get confused between the two. :wink:

    What does clicking on it do? Does it pop up another window named Library Manager?
    Last edited: May 17, 2021
  12. BradCutter

    BradCutter Member

    Apr 19, 2021
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    Thank you, I understand the difference Kontakt Player libraries and Open Format libraries, thanks!
    Out of curiosity, why would those files I listed load into 5.6.1 at all since they are Open Format, did NI change a protocol during the passing years? Probably why they took out the Add Libraries button and switched to the Manage Libraries button.

    Yes, clicking on the Manage Libraries button in v6.5.3 brings up the Library Manager.

    Not all the Open Format .NKI files will load into Kontakt 6.5.3, at least that's my experience.
    Of the Open Format files I listed the .NKI files from the Simple Violin & Sponge Bass will not load, haven't tried the others yet.
  13. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    Then I see no problem. It works as it is supposed to. You're supposed to add libraries to Kontakt using the Library Manager. Click on the ADD button, a new window titled "Add Libraries" will pop up. Click on the Browse button there, and navigate to where the desired library is stored. If the library is a Player format library, it will show that the library has been found. After you close this window, your list of libraries in the Library Manager will refresh and show your newly added library. Once you're done adding libraries, click on the SAVE button at the bottom.. Once you restart Kontakt, you'll see the newly added library in the Libraries tab of Kontakt.

    That's strange. What exactly do you mean when you say "will not load"? Is there some kind of error? If yes, then a screenshot would be really helpful.
  14. BradCutter

    BradCutter Member

    Apr 19, 2021
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    Thanks for the info on adding Player Libraries with the Library Manager, that is helpful and I will try that.

    What I mean by "will not load", is when I try to drag and drop the .NKI files onto the right side of v6.5.3 it shows the universal "not allowed" circle with a slash through it.
  15. rollerball

    rollerball Platinum Record

    May 27, 2020
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    Let me know how it goes. It should work fine, and if it does, it will solve all the problems you've had since the beginning. You can maybe even switch to Portable versions in the future.

    That's very strange and I've never had it happen to me before. Even if you're using an older version Kontakt, it never shows that "not allowed" icon. It allows you to drop the NKI, and then pops up the message saying that your Kontakt version is too old.

    However, there's another way to load NKIs into Kontakt. At the top of the interface, just to the right of where it says "Libraries", there's a button labelled "Files". Click on that, and it will show you a list of all your directories. Navigate to where your library is stored, and click on the Instruments folder. Just below that, there will be a panel listing all the NKIs in the directory. Simply double-click on any NKI, or drag it into the Kontakt interface.
  16. BradCutter

    BradCutter Member

    Apr 19, 2021
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    I haven't tried adding a library with the Library Manager yet, but I believe it will work.

    Loading the .NKIs by the method you outlined above works!
    I will have to look into making groups of .NKIs, like I mentioned a few days back, as a way to file them so you don't have to reload each one whenever you reopen Kontakt. You just open the group and they all reload.

    Thanks again Brother, you have me well on my way to where I wanted to be!