Fuzzpilz - Oatmeal v38.1 VSTi - Fullpack - ReWorked - 32 Bit - Free

Discussion in 'Software News' started by BEAT16, May 16, 2021.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Fuzzpilz - Oatmeal v38.1 VSTi - Fullpack - ReWorked - 32 Bit - Free

    Fuzzpilz has released Oatmeal, a freeware two-oscillator subtractive synth VSTi for Windows.
    15th March 2006 (No Longer Available)

    A Sound Miracle - the oatmeal sounds really fantastic and with the larger GUI of Limeflavour, it's good for the eyes too. Packed full of all the sound banks, thanks to many fans of the Oatmeal, it has been resurrected.

    Thank you MaliceX for your work. I put the larger Lineflavour Skin into the Download.

    Oatmeal is a two-oscillator subtractive synth.


    Two oscillators:

    • Waveform: sine, sawtooth, pulse (square), triangle, user, and "user PWM".

    • Amp: Amplitude of the oscillator.

    • Tpitch (aftertouch > pitch): The effect of note velocity and later pressure changes on the oscillator's pitch.

    • Pulsewidth, PWM rate, PWM depth. These are ignored unless the waveform is "pulse" or "user PWM", in which case they set the base pulsewidth and the modulation rate and depth.

    • Trans (transpose): Transposition of the second oscillator relative to the first (i.e. the voice's pitch).

    • Detune: Constant frequency shift of the second oscillator.

    • Touch (aftertouch > osc amp): The effect of note velocity and pressure changes on both oscillators' amplitude.
    Noise (white or bandpassed):

    • Amp: Noise amplitude.

    • Touch: The effect of note velocity and pressure changes on the noise level.

    • Resonance: If this is 0, unfiltered white noise is generated. Higher values increase the resonance of the bandpass filter, making the output purer.

    • Transpose: Transposition of the filter's center frequency relative to the note.

    • Filter type.

    • Double (filter doubling): If this is enabled, two copies of the filter are run in parallel. See the "split", "mix", and "speed ratio" parameters.

    • Cutoff: Cutoff or center frequency of the filter.

    • Track (keytracking): In octaves/octave: if it is 1, an increase in the voice's pitch of one octave will cause the cutoff to increase by the same amount.

    • Reso (resonance): Resonance of the filter (if applicable).

    • Split: If doubling is on, the second filter's cutoff frequency will be this much higher than the first's.

    • Mix: If doubling is on, this changes the output amplitude ratio between the two filters.

    • Touch (aftertouch > cutoff): The effect of note velocity and pressure changes on both filters' cutoff frequencies.

    • Mod (envelope modulation): Strength and direction of the filter envelope's effect.

    • Velocity: Effect of note velocity on the envelope modulation depth, not on the filter cutoff itself.

    • Filter envelope: For details, see the envelope block below.

    • Speed ratio: If doubling is on, the second filter's envelope will move at this rate relative to the first's.

    • Attack: The time it takes for the level to reach 1.

    • Hold: After reaching 1, the level stays there for this long.

    • Decay 1: The time it takes for the level to reach the breakpoint; however, if the breakpoint is set to 1 (0 dB), this is skipped.

    • Breakpoint: The point reached after the first decay phase (see just above to see what happens if you set this to 0 dB); immediately followed by.

    • Decay 2: The time taken for the level to change from the breakpoint to the sustain level.

    • Sustain: Sustain level.

    • Release: Release time.

    • Type: Hard clip, soft clip (tanh), sine (which can produce fm-like timbres or, failing that, horrible noise), or asymmetric.

    • Mode: This sets where the distortion is applied:
      Global: i.e. once, after summing all the voices.
      Per voice: after the filter.
      Per voice: before the filter.
      Double: i.e. per voice before the filter and then again after summing the voices.

    • Oversample: Oversamples the distortion to reduce aliasing.

    • Pregain.

    • Limit: The level at which the signal is clipped (or the amplitude of the sine).

    • Postgain: In double mode, this is not applied to the per-voice distortion.

    • Mode: Sine, Ramp, and FM are essentially the same thing with different LFO shapes. Irregular is a bit different: the delay times of the voices vary randomly within the given range.

    • Mode (aga.

    1.) Install

    1. Unrar / Unzip

    2. Copy & Paste the:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugins or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\VSTplugins

    3. Use the " jBridge " Tool

    2.) Select skin

    1. Open Oatmeal

    2. Select " Skin "

    3.) Go to the " oatmeal skins "
    C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugins\Fuzzpilz_Oatmeal_VSTi_AIO_May2010\oatmeal skins\38-x

    4.) f you want the " Flavours Of Lime " Skin (Oatmeal Lumina, 12-year anniversary update!)
    Go select the "

    Free Download
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2022
  3. justwannadownload

    justwannadownload Audiosexual

    Jan 13, 2019
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    Central Asia
    Long time Oatmeal fan(sort of), didn't know it died or something. Thanks for the pack anyways!