wife decided to leave me.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by FellIVTheFake, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. FellIVTheFake

    FellIVTheFake Noisemaker

    Nov 9, 2012
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    i wouldn't normally think to post this here but i do confide in the forum alot and this is effecting my musical world heavily...

    ive done some bad things in my marriage. ive texted other girls flirting and stuff like that. before we were married i put myself in a situation that i really shouldn't have and a girl have me a hickey. i froze up during the whole thing and i walked away and never spoke to that girl again.

    but my wife is my only sexual partner. i would never dare to cross that line, i have no desire to. and i am her only sexual partner. but she doesnt believe me anymore because of the flirting i was doing with other girls.

    Saturday she decided to leave me. i cant really talk to her and i cant talk to her friends or family besides her brother.

    my wife is my whole world. she means everything to me. ive really been trying to make myself better the past month but since this is happened ive really cracked down on making myself a better man and father. this being said i wouldnt expect much music to be coming from me as sad as that is im really focusing on this. and im not going to give up.

    but i was wondering if anyone else had gone through something like this before any and all advice is welcomed as long as is supports the idea of getting her back. I WILL NOT GIVE UP. also to those with faith i ask for prayers for me and her both. thanks guys and again i wouldn't normally bring this here but you guys are awesome and have always go something good to say.
  2. xsze

    xsze Guest

    You are among friends, brothers and colleagues, we are big family and opening yourself up to all of us is really great gesture :mates: :hug:

    I was a cheater(sincere one, don't like lying), tasted my own medicine too, I have distance from myself to really see what went wrong, what I did wrong and all of that, but that's just my own situation, that didn't end up well, but it was the best deal as times passes by.

    Back to you, I guess she lost confidence and respect, now you need to earn it again, guess you are aware of that and you are walking that road, my advice is to keep it up and change your bad habits, time will tell and she will see the new you, no one can't guarantee that things will be the same or that she will come back, but no one is fully aware of your situation and weight of it, so keep up in becoming a better and committed father, husband and I wish you will receive forgiveness and new chance :mates:

    In meantime, write her a song, poem *yes*
  3. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    You can win her back.

    You just have to 'DUST YOURSELF OFF AND TRY AGAIN' :break: (lawl Aaliyah song so cheesy R.I.P gurl)

    Trust me man we are here to help so don't ever be ashamed :mates:

    But anyway, you have to show her how badly you want her again. You have to show her you're the man for the job and let her know everything.

    Say to her, 'Yeah I fucked up, and I've been going through some stressful moments in my life...but I'm passed that and I've resolved it, I've found my place,
    I promise you my problems have nothing to do with you, in fact you are my cure. I'm a better man now, I'm starting again fresh, cleaner and smarter, I want our child
    to grow up healthy and strong and I want to do it with you. Girl I love you and my child and that's all I care about!!! If you leave, I have nothing... I promise you I will make this work, just stay with me...we have to hold on...we can do this, we can come through. I don't want us to be one of those people that give up on life and relationships, I want us to grow old and love each other, and die warm in our bed' etc. fucking half of that I stole from Titanic anyway...

    Fucking just be articulate and confident/romantic and shit...then she'll cry and end up hugging you and you'll say 'sorry babe' etc. etc. *insert more romance here*

    Just let her know you are sorry but at the same time you are a better man and you are ready to make a massive change and difference for the better and show her a more happier world... let her know that you are a man again.

    Oh and btw, the reason why she probably decided to leave you may be that she may have done something behind your back as well in order to feel a sense of revenge...and that was the final straw for her...but you never know...so don't bring that up...it will come out after the epic romantic speech I've written for you...

    Oh and if you ever wanna get a sense of confidence watch this comedy by Eddie Murphy...seriously it will make you laugh, bring back your confidence and a major theme in that comedy is Relationships...it may be about 80's relationships, but it is still applicable today:

  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    HKPotential you always make me laugh, you are good to be around, hope Robbie will laugh too, little humor spiced with little taught love wrapped in HK thoughtful way :mates:
  5. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Much love brother :hug:
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Robbie I'm really sorry to hear that brother. You know you can always count on us mate, we'll figure this out. We've got a squad at the ready. *yes*

    When you say she left you do you mean she wants a divorce? Give us more details either here or by PMing any one of us, it's up to you. Also I'd like to mention that this is the BEST time to write music not only for the catharsis it can bring you but also because that's when fucking gems are made, you have to channel that energy into the right places. As a bonus nothing beats saying I wrote you this song and I've heard your music and really liked it so that could certainly work in your favor. :grooves:

    Enjoy this track, one of my favorites and I've picked one out with a great video that has lyrics too. Make sure to catch them:


  7. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Cant cope? Have hope, theres Dmaj7 !

    Many of us can relate to you bro. One of the only I was 100% true to left me for cheating with groupies... even thou it never happened (in that 1 relationship - figures...).... if I was smart at that time I would have used EVERY resource available to me in order to let her know I never cheated on her.

    Perhaps you can prove to her using such things as

    1. Parents (explain to them and see if they can get to her)
    2. Professional (family counselor - there are many that TRULY want to help relationships and some accept donations only !)
    3. In between contacting family (yours AND hers) put it in writing..... score it... let her hear how feel about her.... even with no words - taking the time to communicate sometimes makes a difference...
    4. Cry.... women love guys who cry... try it... worked for me about 28 times already ! :beg:
    sounds odd... but as males we are stereotyped as being strong.... sometimes a woman just wants proof that she makes a difference.... and if she already walked out the door.... trying a new - YET GENUINE - approach may give results....

    but im no expert.... so take from these ideas what you can....
  8. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Man, listen to "Loreen - Do we even matter " (is both, masterpiece song and also meanful) u'll understand from it...
  9. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I wish I could give you a good advice, but I don't have any experience because I've never had girlfriend.
    Yet one thing should work - give her time and then try to talk to her again.

    Persuading her that you're the one may work, making songs as well, but it didn't solve the problem. It's sometimes better to have an argument than to store the hatred for years to come. Be 100% honest and ask her why she really wants to leave you, why she doesn't trust you any longer. Listen to her version how she feels it, then tell yours with all the details. Keep asking her and you'll eventually hit the core of the problem.

    Sometimes people think that their perception of a relationship is the only one. Relationships are however mainly based on emotions and different "viewing angles".

    Hope my post will be any of help to you

    That's the most helpful advice in any emotional situation. :mates: To date I cannot understand why are boys taught not to cry, that's the lamest, most stupid thing anyone can teach you. "Big boys don't cry" they say :snuffy: , but WHY???????????
    Expressing your emotions through tears is genuine, it's very hard to fake. It lets you 'live' that emotion to the fullest extent. If you cry after some heartbreaking situation, it actually sets you free.
    I was also taught not to cry, with that, I've unconsciously created blocks that sometimes prevents me from doing so. Fortunately for me, those blocks don't exist anymore.
  10. geolad

    geolad Newbie

    Oct 26, 2013
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    It does not seem that you love her, but that you need her.

    Is this really true and honest? You give no reason why your wife has left you.

    Why would you do that? Why put pressure on her?

    You do not own her.

    If you REALLY love her, let her free. It hurts, but it shows you love her and care for her.
  11. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    She is the mother of his child, it's more than enough incentive to make it work.
  12. xsze

    xsze Guest

    geolad, they have kids, marriage, we are not talking about any kind of relationship, he made mistake, he is well aware of that and he want to make things right, being a better person, father and husband, she is clearly disappointed and her brother is only connection they have left, he don't wanna give up on them, they have history and I hope future, present is like this, but that's just bump on the road, some man learn from their own mistakes, I can bet after this our brother Robbie will be best father and husband in the world, now he appreciate everything he have, glimpse of loosing everything is too damn painful, guilty conscience too, everyone deserve another chance, forgive to be forgiven (sorry english is clearly not my native language) *yes*
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Actually that was spot on X. :thumbsup:
  14. iswingwood

    iswingwood Producer

    Jun 7, 2012
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    Hey bro...you can get her back! But you'll have to spend money on DNA testing to prove there is no other female DNA on your Penis. Let science prove you right. And if you do get her back, don't play around anymore...especially if she is hot.
  15. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    hell yea, that's right. :rofl:
  16. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    We can spam her mail, with request "Get back to your husband" :bow:
  17. geolad

    geolad Newbie

    Oct 26, 2013
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    They are BOTH aware of that.
    Conventionally most marriages do no split up because of kid/s.
    Love is not mentioned anywhere, only ownership.
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Let's DDOS her into submission. :rofl:

    No but seriously it saddens me that so many good folks here are struggling. :(
    I think with any of the tribulations we face we need to realize that pain is a greater motivator than pleasure ever could be and this is obviously of evolutionary advantage. I think the key is in using that knowledge and letting inertia work for you. An escape velocity so to speak.
  19. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    MY comment above was a joke. My true opinion about it is, that we can not help. This should be fixed between these two, without any ideas from other people. He know his wife so probably he know also how to talk with her. I can just say, I feel sorry. But I can't help.
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Of course it was a joke, you didn't think I took it seriously did you? And I don't agree with you, people can help. You know how I know? Because I've been doing it with everyone I've ever met my whole life.