ReFX old (discontinued) plugins and other archive

Discussion in 'Software' started by 5xq, May 9, 2021.

  1. 5xq

    5xq Ultrasonic

    Nov 2, 2019
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    This thread exit because ReFX is dumb (they delete all of their old plugins like wipe it from internet) but also for fun and nostalgic. They also block us from using to get their old plugins aswell. So if who have their old plugins just upload it to the Sister site so all of those "old but gold" plugins doesnt get lost. :)
    (also dont need to be plugins, just everything like presets, banks, ect for those lost plugins related to ReFX)

    So let me start first. Here is the list of plugins I think exit but almost impossible to find or lost:
    ReFX - Beast (close to lost) (thanks to Awake for remind me)
    ReFX - PlasticZ (close to lost)
    ReFX - JunoX² (exit on AONW but impossible to find)
    ReFX - Alpha JunoX² (Alpha version of JunoX² ??? or just a another version of the JunoX² ?)
    ReFX - JunoX² for MacOS (so macos user dont get mad at me:rofl:)
    ReFX - Vanguard (Still available on the sister site and also RUTK)
    ReFX - Slayer (close to lost)
    ReFX - Quadrasid (close to lost)
    ReFX - TBL (close to lost, still available on VSTPLANET)
    ReFX - Claw (close to lost, still available on VSTPLANET)
    ReFX - Trasher or Trasher II (?????)
    Steinberg - Xphraze (Made by ReFX. Still available on the sister site). Thanks to Jameshow

    Also this is not all reFX discontinued products, if you know more then help us down in the comment!

    List detail of the plugins (thanks to BEAT16)
    Last edited: May 22, 2021
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  3. awake

    awake Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    You've forgot the Beast.
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  4. Jameshow

    Jameshow Ultrasonic

    Apr 3, 2021
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    Last edited: Jun 11, 2024
  5. MolotFx

    MolotFx Kapellmeister

    May 3, 2020
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    I have all the plugins from the list, where can I upload them?
  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    reFX - Junox² VSTi - (Analogue / Subtractive) No Longer Available // Released 01 Mar 2002
    reFX - PlastiCZ v1.1 VSTi - (Synth) No Longer Available // Released 19 Sep 2002
    reFX - Slayer v2.6.1 VSTi (Guitar Plugin) No Longer Available // Released 12th July 2002
    reFX - qudraSID v1.6.2 VSTi (Synth) No Longer Available // Released August 2001
    reFX - TB (The BassLine) (Synth) No Longer Available // Released 2002
    reFX - Claw v1.0 VSTi (Analogue / Substractive) No Longer Available // Released 15.10.2002
    reFX - Nexus VSTi (Rompler) No Longer Available // Released 2006
    reFX - Trasher VST (Lo-Fi ) No Longer Available // Released ?
    reFX - Vanguard VSTi (Analogue / Subtractive) ) No Longer Available // Released 19th February 2004
    reFX - Beast VSTi (Analogue / Subtractive) No Longer Available // Released 19th June 2002

    Beast by reFX
    This monophonic lead/bass-synth screams like there is no tomorrow. The distortion, delay and reverb make sure it is heard throughout the whole jungle.
    Four oscillators are fed into two filter-units, two distortions and then into the basis-panner.

    - Monophonic.
    - Four oscillators with PWM.
    - Two resonant filters.
    - Basis feature for Ping-Pong effects.
    - Distortion, Delay and Reverb.
    - 64 presets.

    TBL by reFX
    TBLMultitimbral Bassline synthesizer with very low cpu usage.

    * Monophonic
    * VCO (Pure Triangle, Dirty Saw, Pure Saw, Pure Square, Dirty Square) - Morphable
    * VCF (LPF 12 db/octave)
    * VCA
    * AD Envelope Generator
    * Accent, Portamento(Glide), & Distortion
    * 4 part multi-timbral
    * Full MIDI control of all parameters
    * All parameter saved with song
    * Very low CPU consumption
    * Sample accurate timing
    Price: Free

    reFX - qudraSID
    quadraSID offers far more than a simple emulation of the SID chip. Enriched with many new functions e.g. an arpeggiator, four LFOs, wavetables and four times oversampling, this software instrument offers unlimited sonic possibilities, and surprises even the most experienced SID professional by its flexibility.

    reFX - Claw
    "Claw is a monophonic synthesizer with breath-taking possibilities. The sound production is identical with reFXs' Beast with the difference that Claw has only one oscillator (Beast has four). Pulsating basses or cutting Leads - Claw is flexible and offers a pressureful, penetrationable sound, which satisfies your needs. Claw - accept the challenge and let nothing frighten you anymore!"
    reFX - Junox²
    Alpha JunoX² is the reincarnation of DashSynthesis Alpha JunoX, ethical and legal issues aside. Anyway, its got a new GUI, bug fixes, more presets, is currently available for Windows but will be available for MacOS shortly and costs $30 (Introductory price).

    - 2 - 16 voice polyphonic (Selectable)
    - 2 oscillators + Sub oscillator
    - 22 oscillator types
    - 8 Filter types
    - LFO
    - Fatness control

    reFX - PlastiCZ
    PlastiCZ sounds different. With two phase-morph oscillators and AM you can coax completely new sounds from PlastiCZ.
    PlastiCZ has a simple and clearly arranged user interface, the individual modules are differently coloured from each other and all parameters are always accessible.
    Ten insert-effects give that certain extra to the sounds and offers further possibilities for extravagant sounds.

    Feature highlights:
    - Two phase-morph oscillators with AM.
    - Build in FX-unit with ten effects.
    - 128 ready-to-go presets including 40 presets by Hubertus Maaß.
    - Up to 16 voices.
    - Very easy to use.

    reFX - Slayer
    Slayer is a physical modelled virtual E-Guitar + AMP + Cabinet + FX:

    - Emulates 3 different pick-up types with 9 string variants.
    - Guitars material and size can be changed (good for acoustic sounds).
    - Built in AMP/Cabinet simulation (6 Amp models & 6 Cabinets).
    - 16 effects "pedals" (eight pre-amp, eight post-amp) including "Wah Wah", Tremolo, Phaser, Chorus, etc.
    - Effect-pedals can be moved around to change the signal-processing order (Drag 'n' Drop).
    - Up and down strumming is supported (up, down, alternate and velocity).
    - Playing-aids for instant gratification.
    - 64 presets.
    - The effects section is also included as a separate effect plugin.

    reFX - Vanguard
    reFX have released Vanguard which "combines the good old analog synthesizer idea with the latest technology: all analog devices of classic synthesizers are emulated by high-quality DSP (digital signal processing) functions. reFX spent a lot of time programming the synthesis functions as good as possible: the result is a warm and rich sounding synthesizer plugin with all the benefits of today's digital technology".

    However, Vanguard is more than just a simple synthesizer. It is equipped with 31 different type of oscillators, including uncommon digital oscillators with fresh modulation options. There is also a huge selection of filters: 13 filter types are onboard with different slopes and including a new kind of combined dual-filter variations.
    Vanguard also features a trancegate, arpeggiator, delay and reverb. The trancegate is a 16-step gate to create rhythmic gated patterns and the arpeggiator comes with inspiring patterns and several play modes.

    Vanguard costs 89,99 EUR/USD and is available as a VSTi for Windows and Mac (OS9 and OSX). Owners of the the discontinued JunoX2 synthesizer will receive the function reduced Vanguard Lite loyalty version for free and will be able to upgrade to Vanguard for only 59,99 EUR/USD.

    Feature highlights:
    - Advanced analog-modelling synthesis with 3 oscillators and up to 32 voices.
    - 31 different oscillators.
    - 3 low frequency oscillators.
    - 13 different filter types with resonance.
    - 2 ADSR envelopes with several modulation targets.
    - Amplifier section with drive.
    - Flexible and easy to use arpeggiator (not available in VANGUARD LITE).
    - 16 step trancegate (not available in VANGUARD LITE).
    - Built-in delay with four different types (not available in VANGUARD LITE).
    - Built-in reverb (not available in VANGUARD LITE).
    - Temporal effect parameters are tempo-sync'd to the VSTi host.

    reFX - Nexus 2
    EXUS2 is a next generation ROM synthesizer of the highest quality that can turn your musical dreams into a stunning reality. Forget about stereotypical, boring, stale, old sounding ROM synths and embrace the power of NEXUS2 to evolve your productions to a new level of greatness.
    NEXUS2 explores new sonic territory delivering complex, ultra-fat, contemporary soundstorms that sound as good as the most expensive and best hardware available today. A powerful and flexible architecture is the foundation that supports the immediately useful and spontaneously engaging design of the instrument. Every aspect of NEXUS2 was built to produce music of the highest quality, quickly, with the least amount of fuss.

    NEXUS2 features a world-class 32 step arpegiator with note-transposition, an agile and simple 32 step trance gate, industry leading reverb licensed from Arts Acoustic, and a sophisticated modulation-matrix that will help you sculpt the sound.

    NEXUS2 provides you with everything you need to create your next hit, including a comprehensive 4GB library of over 880 sounds covering a significant sonic territory and driven by a very friendly internal librarian to find the exact sound you need in the heat of the creative moment.
    Features like search, favorites, and categorization are standard not only in the factory library but in all available expansions. You will never feel lost or confused searching extensively and wasting time, you will be able to pinpoint the sound you are after within seconds. You won't run out of sounds quickly either as NEXUS2 offers an impressive array of 25 expansions covering a wide gamut of contemporary music styles and produced by the worlds top sound designers. So Whether you need the most powerful dance lead sounds to set the club on fire, or a full gregorian choir for your next masterpiece, NEXUS2 delivers.

    All of this may seem like it would be quite demanding on the system resources of your DAW, however, NEXUS2 is very frugal with the CPU and careful with your RAM. You can load multiple instances into your sequencer without worry and because NEXUS2 is coded with love and care for the end user you can rest assured that many instances can be used on modern systems simultaneously without sacrifice.

    NEXUS2 is also a very accessible instrument with contrast controls and several skins available which can change the appearance from black, to blue, to C64 beige, you can be sure you will find NEXUS2 not only a joy to hear but also a pleasing aesthetic vision.
    NEXUS2 includes these four different skins, so no matter which host you use, NEXUS2 will always look it's best and fit right in. Each instance remembers which skin was selected, so you can even use different skins for different tracks. How about using one of the black skins for the drums, but Cobalt for the bass and the white for the melody

    reFX - Trasher (FX)
    ReFX Trasher II is a nice tool if you want to mash-up your sounds.
    Reduce bit-depth, samplerate, add filter and distortion.
    All parameters can be LFO-modulated!
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
  7. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    Used JunoX2 (the one with the blue GUI) and Vanguard a lot in the past with Logic Platinum 5.2.0 :yes:
    Still have the dll files. When I made the switch to Mac I used Vanguard 1.8 until it wasn't compatible anymore due to 32-bit limitation.
    So it brings back memories!
  8. Direct drive

    Direct drive Producer

    Dec 16, 2020
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    Legacy vsts are the best! shove ya 64 bit
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
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  9. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    audioz dot download in the archive section
    use just and put the link in a

    or pm pirat maybe for do it for you

    hopefully it end up also on rutrack for keeping it alive
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  10. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I think they sell only Nexus right now. Vanguard isn't availible on their site.
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Thank You for the Information. I fixed my posting.
  12. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    AudioZ, PM me if you need help for this. :wink:

    (Discontinued, does not mean these are not still the company's property, so we cannot allow links for download here :sad:.)
    Last edited: May 9, 2021
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  13. Xentero

    Xentero Newbie

    Jan 2, 2021
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    amazing I hope we will see those on sister site
  14. MolotFx

    MolotFx Kapellmeister

    May 3, 2020
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    Refx and Steinberg also released X-Phraze
    PS. I found all the plugins, but 8_ReFXJunoX2v1.51 does not display the installer window (
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
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  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I have send you a PM.

    You need the " jBridge " Tool. The " Junox² " is a 32 Bit Plugin.
    Put the " Junox².dll " into the:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPlugins (or) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steinberg\VSTplugins
    Then use the " jBridge " Tool.
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
  16. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Vanguard is great, I think I might even have had skins for it too.
  17. Howard Carpendale

    Howard Carpendale Platinum Record

    Feb 2, 2021
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    pls send it to
  18. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    In Vanguard there was a melody preset used by (or at least the same as) Tiga & Zyntherius - Sunglasses At Night (Shockers anthem 2002). :guru:
    Used JunoX2 especially for those rolling basslines that were recognizable for hardtrance music early 00's. Damn, that was fun to play with now I think about it.
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  19. MolotFx

    MolotFx Kapellmeister

    May 3, 2020
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    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Everything is tested and works. There are also some banks of presets, I also found several cines. Good luck with your creativity!

    pm me for link - pass:
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
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  20. hexer1337

    hexer1337 Member

    Jan 3, 2021
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    Are these plugins worth it?
  21. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I love this track! Yeah. With bandpass filter sounds like beginning arp LOL. Preset "ARP Phone Tipps MS" in Vanguard.
    Do You know more tracks which used Vanguard?

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