Certain Libraries will not now appear in Kontakt 6.5.x and Logic

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by michaelv, May 3, 2021.

  1. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Hi all, I have a rather frustrating and puzzling problem, which I hope someone might solve.

    I use Kontakt legit and Kontakt..."otherwise"; this particular issue concerns, um, "otherwise". Since updating to K 6.5.x some of my libraries will not appear when launched from Logic. They worked fine in K 5.x.x Also, my library pane is now a library pain. Many libraries are not staying where I instructed them, by locking their .plists in the Preferences. Not sure if this is connected. It's a bit of a mess.

    So, in my screenshot, this is taken from K 6.5.3 standalone. However, if I launch K6.5.3 in Logic 10.5.1 those two libraries do not appear. I've tried many things. I add libraries in K5.6.5, as prescribed, and until K6.5.x all was OK.

    I'm not sure if this is to do with Logic, and if there might be some Logic-related file I might have to trash. I've tried many things, to no avail. I trashed the xml files and reinstalled the offending libraries, restarted in Safe Boot, zapped pram,did recovery boot.I even tried changing the SNPID number in the nicnt file, but nothing seems to work with K 6.5.x within Logic 10.5.1

    So, I hope someone out there can help, please. Thank you in advance for such a great forum.

    Last edited: May 3, 2021

    Attached Files:

    • K6.png
      File size:
      78.5 KB
  3. InTheChips

    InTheChips Ultrasonic

    Nov 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Go to the sister site and search for "Kontakt Scripts Kitty". Run and everything will be fine.
  4. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Appreciated. After some reading between the lines, head-scratching and self-professed ingenuity, I found it, and without having to part with my credit card info! Now all I have to do is figure out how to use all these command lines....

    PS. I have already succeeded in getting those two libraries working in standalone, but not when Kontakt is open in Logic. Not sure how this is going to actually solve that issue. And also not sure how it would fix the librarys' orders getting scrambled, but I'll continue to investigate.
    Last edited: May 3, 2021
  5. michaelv

    michaelv Noisemaker

    Dec 30, 2013
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    BLOODY HELL,it worked! I ran the add library script with Kontakt (6.5.3) open in Logic, completed the process and the missing libraries appeared. I actually closed the plugin and reopened and found them. Most grateful for this. Now if only someone would sell a library ordering tool that worked, I'd be first in the queue to buy. Will be looking more into this aspect. I bet this guy could do it.

    My eyes are poor, so seeing libraries in the main pane is so much better than trying the read the tiny text in the file and quick load locations.
    Last edited: May 3, 2021
  6. Nivesh Maheshwari

    Nivesh Maheshwari Newbie

    May 28, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Hello michaelv I have the same problem. I downloaded the add library script but dont know how to use it, can you please share the method.
    Thank you in advance
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  7. Viscount

    Viscount Newbie

    Jul 29, 2021
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    New to this so bear with me...

    Kontakt 6.5.2 I can get running (on Mac) but 6.5.3 seems to be in demo mode. It is the MoRIA version which usually works but this one doesn't.

    Is there an easy way to download the "Kontakt Scripts Kitty"? All the searching I've done leads to sites that need a download account.
  8. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
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    Just been told about the Kitty Scripts, and have downloaded.
    Have the instructions here too, which mention:

    ''you will be prompted for the folder with library. Choose the one that contains the library's .ncint file''

    So Open the ''Add Library.command'' script

    This opens fine but with the last lines of text :

    osascript: can't open default scripting component.

    Invalid Kontakt library path

    Press Enter to continue...

    When I press enter it goes to :


    Saving session...

    ...copying shared history...

    ...saving history...truncating history files...


    [Process completed]''

    - Am I doing something daft? where do I get to add the folder of the Kontakt Library with the .nicnt in it?
    I can't seem to point it to the folder of the problematic Kontakt Library? :(
  9. ted2020

    ted2020 Noisemaker

    Feb 27, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Following on from my post above, the 1st part of the script when launched, says :

    ''the default interactive shell is now zsh.
    To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.''

    Does anyone know what this means, and how I do this safely?
    So i'm guessing the script runs correctly from then on, after this?