I'd appreciate any opinions on this please. Just trying to learn but finding it difficult.

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by elvisxxl, Apr 20, 2021.

  1. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Hi.....Thanks for replying....You're correct....I'm probably trying to hide my vocal a bit....I wanted to double track it but used a "tip" I found on YouTube whereby you duplicate it then use Melodyne to slightly alter the pitch and timing...Not ideal but after spending hours on this I just wanted it to be over haha :)

    Not sure about examples but I love early Elvis, Rock n Roll, The Beatles, The Stones, Most of the 60s bands actually, Early Rod Stewart, Creedence, T- Rex Bowie, Britpop especially Pulp and Blur, Gene etc....Actually the lists too long to list ! Would be nice to emulate their song writing, which is probably more what I'm interested in rather than performing etc....

    Thanks again...
  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Everyone is their own worst and best critic and they should be. The moment you think you are amazing and have everything together, you need a holiday to regroup and get an attitude adjustment. With any tune we write, if the modus operandi is pleasing a specific genre of music buyers then you will be subjected to criticism both constructive and destructive. The best thing any composer and musician can aim for, is contentment within what they write, like a comfort zone where they know they are doing it to a satisfactory level consistently. If you are writing purely for art, or to try and find and create new music, then the only person that has to be happy is you. You know your roots, your influences and where you want to go better than anyone else. That to me, would be the focus. The end product if you are feeling short on skills, sometimes will be handed to others to complete. For example, a mastering engineer, or a mix engineer as but two examples.

    These days, everyone thinks they're an expert and nobody is. If they were, they'd never have any need to say so because they would be too busy doing it and not waste their time telling people they are, Do your thing, it's more important to get the music out there these days than to worry too much about who likes it or knows more than the person next to them. :)
    Additionally, do not worry too much if someone does not wish to sing your tunes straight away. we all have musicians we click with. The best compatibility does not always happen from a chance meeting, nor does it happen immediately. Keep asking! Someone will eventually want to collaborate on your music.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2021
  3. elvisxxl

    elvisxxl Kapellmeister

    Oct 18, 2020
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    Some good advice...Thanks :like:
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