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Discussion in 'Studio One' started by mrrnr, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Last edited: Apr 24, 2021
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    PreSonus Sphere say:
    You also get a library of masterclass videos, collaboration tools, monthly live streams, exclusive Studio One features, presets
    created by audio legends, tons of loops and construction kits - and new content and enhancements are added every month.

    Tons of it and more every month! How much life must you have and play all the presets, the day only has 24 hours. In my opinion, the company has to make money and stay in the market - so they always have to invent new business models to make money.

    The market is actually saturated and of course the best prevail. However, the market participants are limited.
    A lot of sales psychology and marketing because we want your money and your Data.

    Better buy a good textbook made of paper.
    I think we have the absolute presets - samples overkill!
    Okay, we'll keep the best and wipe the rest off the hard drive.

    Year 2000 -> We don't have enough VSTi / VST / Samples / high quality software.
    Year 2021 -> We already have enough! Now everything is of high quality.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2021
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  4. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    I'm a Reaper user, I had to collaborate to a project based on Presonus S1, so I paid for the Sphere for some months.
    With Sphere you get S1 with all add-ons and all libraries made by Presonus and other apps such as Notion and also you get access to their cloud service to store and share your files and to get additional workshops and tutorials.
    Additional libraries are ok, but who needs that additional content?
    S1 is ok, but they are keeping adding new services that to me are not necessary, while they are not fixing existing bugs or missing features. When I realized that I can't use multiple inputs on effect such as Toneboosters EQ4, I contacted the Presonus support and they told me to open a feature request, for a funcionality that is vst3 native, so to me it's not a feature request, but more a bug fix. Also that ridiculous import time for MP3 files, 8 minutes for opening a 2 hours MP3 recording.
    I also miss the availability of screensets recall.
    When I watch Presonus workshops or tutorials, it looks like they are targeting unexperienced users, they show how to do basic operations as if it were something never seen before. There's nothing wrong on doing that, but the hype is too much.
    If you are unsure if S1 is for you, you can try Sphere, it should be free for the first month.
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  5. thedarkbird

    thedarkbird Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2020
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    I like Studio One as a product, but I have a problem with subscription services. Especially when you use them to create something that you may revisit some time in the future.

    Imagine creating an album with Sphere, then over the next few years you switch to another DAW, and let's say 10 years from now you want to revisit that album you made with Sphere: you need to reactivate your subscription and get that money rolling again.

    Software you bought, you simply reinstall and you're done.

    Some don't have a problem with that idea. Good for them. But I do :)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2021
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  6. alexbart

    alexbart Producer

    Mar 17, 2013
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    This is opinable, imagine your 10 years old software cannot be used on your modern computer and you don't have access to the vintage one.
    But even with a paid subsription, there is not certanty that after 10 years the user will be able to load a project on the current version.
    The best practice at the end of a project is to export all audio and midi for future use and DAW independent ,with or without paid subscription.
  7. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    The more I analyze the online subscriptions, the more I realize that they are designed to favorite the developer in the long run. The longer the customer stays, the more profitable the online subscription platform is for the developer. Let me explain.

    The price for Studio One Pro is $400. Every 2 years PreSonus issues a new version which will cost around $150 dollars. Therefore, if you purchased your Studio One today, by April 2023 you would have spent $550 dollars in order to have the latest version. By 2025 you would have spent $750, and by 2027 the amount would be $850 which will guarantee the latest up-to-date version until April 2029.

    With the Sphere platform, in order to have the latest up-to-date version of Studio One Pro by 2029 we would have paid $1432 dollars. That is $582 dollars more than purchasing Studio One with the added benefit of being able to use
    • Award-winning Notion composition and notation software
    • Every PreSonus plug-in
    • Every PreSonus Studio One Add-on
    • The complete library of Notion sound expansion Add-ons
    • Collaboration Workspaces with live chat and inline comments… shareable with anyone!
    • A library of Masterclass videos and live streams with two of each added every month
    • Expert chat with Studio One and Notion experts around the world
    • Exclusive Exchange content by featured PreSonus artists
    • 30GB upgradable Cloud Storage
    • Free software updates and upgrades as long as you’re a member
    Are the above added benefits worth paying an extra $582 dollars over a period of 8 years? That is the crucial question at this point. I personally don’t think so. The only benefit of Sphere for the Studio One Pro user is, in my opinion, in the short run.
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  8. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Last edited: Apr 24, 2021
  9. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    You need to be online for installation and activation and you are required to go online once every 3 days to maintain an active membership.

    Edit: Read this from Presonus

    You must connect to the internet at least once every 30 days so that Studio One and Notion can verify that the membership is still active. The software will deactivate if it is unable to connect to the internet within 30 days. The software will automatically reactivate upon launching it, once it is able to connect to the internet.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2021
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  10. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Thx Pirate,,Very well written and explain here.. In the Short run is very attractive offering.. In the long run not so attractive offering which im not really concern with at all.. I Cant speculate down the long road, but in short, maybe its worth at lease a one Month trial Run.
  11. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Okay I can do that, every other 3 days.. Those days in between go Offline in Recording sessions..

    Is this doable? Pirate, or one has to be online in a recording sessions with S1?
  12. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    You dont have to. You can use it without issues but every 3 days you need to get back on the grid. When you are online 24/7 Presonus is automatically checking your credentials if you opted in.

    Edit: Read this from Presonus

    You must connect to the internet at least once every 30 days so that Studio One and Notion can verify that the membership is still active. The software will deactivate if it is unable to connect to the internet within 30 days. The software will automatically reactivate upon launching it, once it is able to connect to the internet.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2021
  13. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Curious, Have you used PreSonus Sphere Cloud Base Subscription Service, Pirate?
  14. FrequencyModulation

    FrequencyModulation Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2020
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    Unless it's "rent to own", it's a scam. Period.
    The more people will fall in this trap the worse it will get in the long run. Look at game industry now as prime example.
  15. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    I beta tested it and tried it out when it first came out last year. I dont have use for it because we have a S1 Pro license and every Presonus plug-in and Add on we need. I can't rely on availability of internet connections or running the risk of having a subscription cancelled without warning for no apparent reason. No way Jose! Give me a license I can use perpetually and I am happy.
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  16. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    From a year ago, Maybe there's been improvements as of date on the Subscription Cloud Base Service. So with that, I'll just do a one Month Trial and see how it goes..

    Thx for your input Man, You been very helpful.

    Thx Again
  17. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    scam is a harsh word to describe it, but it's the right direction anyway. as already posted, the developer ends up ahead. there are probably more advanced business reasons, like looking at current income vs operating costs and smoothing the programming labor hours out rather than a huge spike before a new release and then laying a bunch of programmers off...or whatever. I'm sure it makes sense to someone but I'm not a bean counter or an accountant. Purchasing the software and being done with it is easier and makes more sense for an end user. It's cool that they offer it as an option, though. A one-off collaboration like Alexbart described is the perfect situation for that, and especially with DAW software, because it is usually the only thing between you and someone else being able to work together efficiently.

    I will add/admit, I have never really needed more than the 30 day demo to decide about buying a DAW. You can do all the technical research first and just quickly check out what it sounds like, features, the workflow and feel of the interface in a few hours. They all have their own quirks and bugs, and it's pretty rare to find a complete dealbreaker (other than macOS compatibility) that there is no acceptable workaround for.

    It makes a deal with the devil (Apple) come out like a bargain. "Buy our computer, you can have Logic for half what Cubase costs and years of free updates, and we'll add anything you want because we have programmers sitting around with their thumbs up their butts waiting for work. because the devil always has more money than god."

    sorry if tldr, but I agree with @The Pirate.
  18. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Go to the Presonus forum use Sphere as search term and read the horror stories before you make a decision.Send me a PM for details.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
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  19. mrrnr

    mrrnr Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Much appreciated..
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2021
  20. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    what percentage of users are those horror stories though? most s1 users I know speak suprisingly well of it.

    in this particular instance, it seems like they don't have enough confidence in their own product to charge you 200$ outright, having to compete with free options like Reaper. Like they are almost begging for more user base...but it's also a way of getting some users locked into using their hardware too.
  21. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Do you think I keep track of that? Nevertheless, when members complain that their account is geting blocked for no reason that should serve as a warning. PreSonus is known for doing that. They had done it to us in the past. Therefore, it does not matter if it is one or two or three. What really matters is that it can happen to anyone. Do you want to be that person? Does the OP wants to be the one?
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