What video game are you currently playing?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ( . ) ( . ), Mar 7, 2019.


What type of gamer are you?

  1. Oldskool

  2. Newskool

  3. Indie

  4. Annoying 12 yr old

  5. Annoying Millenial

  6. Annoying Old Fart

  7. Annoying Middle Aged

  8. ‘I only play FPS’

  9. B*tch IDGAFuUUUUK

  10. Battle Royale skank

  11. Competitive Virgin

  12. Gamer Gurl

    0 vote(s)
  13. Gamer Gurl that shows tits on twitch for attention and virgins wallets

  14. All of the Above

  15. Microtransaction Whale

    0 vote(s)
  16. PC Elitist

  17. Console Peasent

  18. No life troll

  19. 'I have better things to do in my life like letting everyone know how I have better things to do...'

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Need for speed world all the way, its almost 11 years old and people managed to rebuild it server-sided as EA pulled the plug and it even runs better as with EA running it (there was no server code ever released, people have reversed it)
    I probably spend way to much time in NFSW as it was released till its end ...

    And thats about it
  2. wuzzle

    wuzzle Rock Star

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lesser Galactic Co-ordinates: Earth (0.0.0)
    Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, and Elite: Dangerous.
  3. Futurewine

    Futurewine Audiosexual

    Oct 4, 2017
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    Sound City Labs
    yall dont want to miss lotro realm.. :shalom:

  4. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I just want to be a contestant on The Price Is Right.

    I've thought about this moment for days now & it always ends with me winning a trip to Mexico then driving there in the 80s Pontiac I won.

    I would slurp the absolute milk out the milkshake from my brand new Whirlpool milk wisko that I won & make Gretchen regret she overbid on that toaster.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2021
  5. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    recently i started the second week of postal 2 on windows, which wasnt available for mac at the times. quite well thought and funny story.
  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I'm surprised i never answered this. I guess i'm old as the muds under the snow in Everest lol, nevertheless here goes:
    I played a lot of adventure games when younger like Larry, Gabriel's Night, Myst series. They 're the last ones in my list the past 20 yrs although i loved the Siberia series. I also liked and still do puzzle games. I had a crush on platformers which evolved to action adventure later.
    Most rpgs (since 1983). Used to play Board, Pen and Paper rpgs too. Anything D&D based or like it, c-rpgs, action rpg, hack&slash, dungeon crawlers, the whole lot i guess. My fav rpgs in no particular order are Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Defender of the Crown (Atari ST), Elder Scrolls series, Witcher, Vampire series, Divinity series, major dig on Grim Dawn, Fallout series, Mass Effect series, Planescape Torment was one of my favs also. Diablo & Dragon Age series. Not a big fan of J-RPGs (ie. Final Fantasy) but i loved Jade Empire. Dark Souls gets to my nerves, game for masochists lol. I'd rather go through the whole fkn Myst series and fill a whole notebook writing notes.
    A lot of strategy turn based and realtime. My fav was Command & Conquer series but i 've played through most like Age of Empires, Total War series, Warhammer, Warcraft/Starcraft etc, even nerdy ones like Caesar (another masochistic one, at least it has a map lol).
    I'm a sucker for Heroes of Might and Magic, i have em all except the first one. I also like Spellforce series a lot.
    Some 4x games like Civilization.
    Specific shooters like Wolfenstein (love the new ones btw) and early COD, Medal Of Honor. Killing Nazis is one of my fav e-sports lol. I did enjoy Doom and Quake in the past, "arena" shooters kinda bore me the last years though.
    A good deal of action adventure, i 've played all Tomb Raider games, Assasin's Creed. Btw, i just love how Assasin's Creed evolved to be a RPG. I enjoyed Control, Mirror's Edge. I like Prince of Persia since forever. Old school action adventure like Legacy Of Kain/Soul Reaver series. Love me some open world action like the GTA series. I had something like 1500 hrs alone doing the cab driver in GTA 3, listening to radio stations and smoking blunts.
    Action/shooters with rpg elements like Bioshock, the first Deus Ex (2 and 3 too, but those are rpg).
    I love stealth games like the Thief series (i have 'em all, i think it's probably the most spine chilling it can get) and Splintercell, Metal Gear Solid. Major dig for the action adventure Dishonored series, it gives you enough freedom in gameplay and map design so you go guns blazing or completely stealthy and both are viable. Love Hitman series too.
    I like some tactical turn based like U.F.O. , new Desperados 3.
    I 've got many more that i dig but the post already got too big, so i ll leave it here :)
  7. akbarz

    akbarz Kapellmeister

    Sep 28, 2017
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    Hell on Earth
    I'm playing: immortals fenyx rising. It's like: breath of the wild. but with so much fun and interesting storytelling.
    but shame, my cracked version crash every 1 or 2 hours.
  8. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    It all started with Collosal Cave and ended with Cyberpunk 2077. Played a few others along the way (in no particular order): Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, Avalon, Knight Lore, Xenon, Gauntlet, HHGTTG, Leather Goddes of Phobos, Fish!, Bubble Bobble, Pacman, Lemmings, Doom, Quake, Baldurs Gate, Never Winter Nights, Far Cry V, Hitman
  9. Ed Jachimowicz

    Ed Jachimowicz Producer

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Recently finished Spiderman on PS4
    Back at TLOU Pt 2 for another round and some days I switch to CONTROL
    All on PS4
  10. GammaStar

    GammaStar Platinum Record

    Jul 28, 2012
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    Planetside2 for past 7y :wink:
  11. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    re playing all monkey island lately.
  12. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    If a game is available in rar im playing it :hillbilly:
  13. MichaelPatterson

    MichaelPatterson Kapellmeister

    Aug 31, 2017
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    Thanks, but I'm not confused.

    That's correct-- anything people want to discuss, including what games they're playing.

    But you can if they have a section for people to discuss such things, like a lounge.

    Then post in threads that have to do with music and leave the non-music threads to those who want to post in those. Chances are most people would prefer you not come into their non-music threads just to tell them you don't care about the topic of their thread.

    Right-- he asked a question. If you don't play games, then you don't have an answer to that question, so don't speak up if you don't have anything to say. There are plenty of music-only threads for those who only want to talk music. Stick to those threads if that describes you.

    If you think it's a waste of time, cool-- go to one of the threads that isn't a waste of time to you, and leave the ones that are to those who like those topics.

    No, I'm not. I'm pointing out the irony and needlessness of someone going to a thread they don't think is worthwhile for no reason other than to tell people they don't think it's worthwhile, as if anyone cares what they think in the first place. Look how much you've written in a thread you don't think is worth your time. What kind of sense does that make? If you don't like game threads, don't read or post in them. You already acknowledged that this thread is in a section for non-music discussion, so if you don't like those kind of threads, just don't go into them.

    Except that that ISN'T an answer to the question. It's its own DIFFERENT question designed to turn the topic AWAY from his question. If his question is 'what games do you play?', then the only fitting answer is a list of the games you play, not a lecture about how he shouldn't be playing games just because you don't play them.

    Okay, good- at least you're finally admitting that you came here to criticize people for not being the same as you. Nobody asked whether you think video games are a productive hobby or a waste of time. Nobody asked you to chime in on the matter. He asked what games people play, so the only people who should be posting in the thread are people who play games and thus have an answer to his question. Anything else is bluster, including what you posted.

    My post wouldn't exist if you hadn't posted first. I'll acknowledge that my post is technically off-topic also, but at least it serves the purpose of calling you out for coming into a thread you have no meaningful contribution to and derailing it by announcing to everyone that you don't play video games and don't think they should, either.

    No, I complained about people like you, who like to derail threads. And it's funny to me that you don't understand what you're saying I did, since YOU DID THE EXACT SAME THING FIRST, and I only did it as a response to you. If you hadn't done it, neither of us would be here right now.
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  14. kh_minusone

    kh_minusone Guest

    Elite Dangerous, after a one year hiatus. PvP is still unbalanced, fleet carriers are too expensive, the grind for materials never ends, etc. most of my now former friends play Star Citizen now, which I can't play because underpowered laptop.

    Sometimes I'll play Terraria too.
  15. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts
    Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2
    Pinball FX3
    Elite: Dangerous (Horizons edition)
    Prepar3D v5 (flying A320, 737, 777, 787)
    DCS World (flying F-18)
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2021
  16. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    The new Quake remaster that came out a couple of days back.

    Fucking fantastic stuff, a joy to play after all these years. And two "new" campaigns (well for me anyway), yay! Not to mention the original soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails that the Steam version didn't have, still really creepy shit.

    Nice thing that it's an one-click install, no need to dick about with source ports and getting the soundtrack from dodgy places.
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  17. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Has that got RTX, @phumb-reh, cos that would make it look cool if they did it well?

    I've got into Hades (which is a fun souls-like) again and I'm redoing most of the Souls games so I don't get too pwned by my annoying nephew; who seems to know all the lore nao!
  18. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    No RTX I'm afraid, there's the NVidia Quake 2 port though.

    Did you mean Hades as a roguelike? because that's what it really is.

    Part of me wants a PS5 because, well, you know, Demons Souls and all that... I think I'll survive for the time being though :)

    *edit:* Here's the Q2 RTX, free! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1089130/Quake_II_RTX/
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2021
  19. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Step up your game, playa'

  20. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I wish you could actually buy a PS5, even, @phumb-reh! I've been trying to get one for my nephew for ages! He's really into Dark Souls. I can't help but feel responsible.

    I thought Hades wasn't procedurally generated? Guess there aren't any bonfires either, although you can build them in the main hall? Whatever the genre, it's still a lot of fun! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯