reFX Nexus v3,v4 and v5 (Mac/WiN) workarounds, fixes, crashes, etc

Discussion in 'Samplers, Synthesizers' started by ArticStorm, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    165,59 gb.
    Just follow the release instruction.

    1. Exercise.
    We all know that we should be getting regular exercise. However, most entrepreneur lead busy, rushed lives, and can't always find the time to fit physical activity in. The trick might be to think of it in reverse: you can't afford not to exercise if you want to live a long, healthy, productive life.

    Exercise not only benefits your brain health and cognition, it can also improve your memory. In the long run, it can even protect your brain against degeneration. If that isn't reason enough to get into a regular workout routine, who knows what is?

    Related: Why Food, Sleep and Exercise Are Critical to Success

    2. Drink coffee.
    Many people start their days with a cup of coffee, and it turns out this ritual could actually benefit your cognitive functions in the short term.

    Caffeine, of course, helps to keep you alert. However, it can also help you to stay focused on repetitive and tedious tasks, and will even boost your intelligence, including your reaction time and reasoning.

    Obviously, the effects of coffee are not permanent. However, it can make your brain work more efficiently until that caffeine high wears off.

    3. Get some sunlight.
    Sunlight and exercise can sometimes go hand in hand. This mostly depends on what part of the world you live in, how much sunlight is available at different times of the year and how realistic it is for you to spend time in the outdoors.

    Getting too little sunlight is not good for your brain. Higher levels of vitamin D in your system allow you to perform better, and can even slow down the aging of your brain.

    Too much sunlight can be bad for your skin, but if you aren't getting enough, your brain functions may suffer. Of course, you can always take vitamin D supplements if you find that you aren't able to get outside as much as you would like to. Just remember to take supplements in moderation.

    4. Build strong connections.
    It has often been said that the entrepreneurial journey is a lonely one. As it turns out, that may not be good for your cognitive functions.

    If you often feel lonely, it can actually result in psychological and cognitive decline, as these feelings can have a negative impact on your sleep, increase your blood pressure, contribute to depression and even lower your overall well-being.

    Most entrepreneurs know how to communicate and build connections. The key thing is to build a strong support system around you, as that will enable you to stay healthy mentally and psychologically over the long term.

    5. Meditate.
    Meditation is a trending topic among many entrepreneurs right now, and its benefits are hard to argue with. Not only does meditation reduce your stress levels, it can also prevent age-related disorders such as Alzheimer's or dementia.

    This speaks to the importance of self-care. Taking a mere 10 to 15 minutes out of your day to practice meditation could extend your cognitive longevity and allow you to reduce your overall stress levels too.

    Related: Less Sleep Makes You More Likely to Catch a Cold, Study Finds

    6. Sleep well.
    This can be another tricky area for entrepreneurs. Early mornings and late nights sometimes come with the territory, and the stresses or excitement that come with building and growing a business can have undesirable effects on sleep patterns.

    Sleep is required to consolidate memory and learning. If you don't get enough sleep, your gray-matter volume in your frontal lobe may begin to decrease. Your frontal lobe supports and controls your working memory as well as executive function, making it particularly important.

    In short, if you don't get enough sleep, you'll have less brain in your head.

    7. Eat well.
    It shouldn't come as a surprise that nutrition plays a significant part in your brain health. Entrepreneurs are often rushing from one meeting to another, leaving themselves with very little or no time to eat well.

    You have to focus on getting the right kind of nutrition. Antioxidants and amino acids are particularly important, and vitamin E can also be beneficial. Drinking wine is known to improve your cognitive function -- assuming you consume it in moderation -- and nuts, blueberries, whole grains, and avocados are also beneficial. What's good for your body also tends to be good for your brain.

    8. Play Tetris.
    This might come to you as a bit of a surprise, but playing Tetris is known to have several positive effects on your brain. Playing Tetris will increase gray matter for a short amount of time, and it can also help with performing spatially-related tasks.

    The most interesting part is that playing Tetris after a traumatic experience can prevent your brain from solidifying those memories. That means fewer flashbacks to negative memories over the long haul.

    If you have a smartphone or tablet with you at all times, then incorporating a little bit of Tetris into your day should prove to be pretty straightforward. Just don't get carried away and forget to work, too!

    Happy now?
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2021
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  2. Warry12

    Warry12 Member

    Apr 1, 2015
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    This.... it's listed on most scanners as trojan... can it still be fake??
  3. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Ok braggart, now I'll download 160gb: if the presets don't work I'll come to your house with the computer and I'll force you to install it
  4. VisionSierra

    VisionSierra Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2019
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    I need some help, please!!. I got Nexus 3 installed it opens up as a plugin in Logic but I cant get the presets the show up in the UI. This all I get every time I add Nexus 3 on a track. How do I get rid of this error and make the presets show up? I have tried everything I know, maybe I'm doing it wrong. I don't know :dunno:

  5. keygen.exe

    keygen.exe Producer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Isnt the v3.3.9 is also out for mac?
  6. keygen.exe

    keygen.exe Producer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    maybe they managed to crack the 3.3.7 too and they just posted it.
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  7. hani king

    hani king Platinum Record

    Oct 25, 2017
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    i asked refx themself about using presets ,they said no you must use only the expansions
    im legit user ,but they dont want users to use old presets or 3rd party presets

  8. vuuru_keg

    vuuru_keg Platinum Record

    Oct 24, 2018
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    only version ive seen for mac is 3.3.7, even when the post says 3.3.9
  9. jadacrook

    jadacrook Newbie

    Mar 10, 2020
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    **Anxiously waits for someone to be the Guinea Pig and test it out**

    Have the missing XP's Like LoFi* etc appeared yet. Ive gone through all of the presets already XD
  10. Pollice verso

    Pollice verso Rock Star

    Dec 5, 2015
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    1. Copy plugin files to your plugins folders: (Components, VST & VST3 folders)

    2. You can put the (Nexus Content) folder where ever you want. Just remember to modify the path in step 3.

    3. Motify settings.json in reFX > Nexus folder using a text editor.

    Change from:
    "library_folder": “/Applications/NEXUS library/”,

    It should look something like this, for an example:
    “/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Nexus Content/“

    4. Put the reFX folder TO: /Users/Shared/

    5. Open your DAW, Scan for new VST’s

    A pop-up screen will show up telling you that NEXUS3 is registered. Click OK

    You’re done!
  11. Pollice verso

    Pollice verso Rock Star

    Dec 5, 2015
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    Captura de pantalla 2021-03-27 a las 22.20.03.png
  12. keygen.exe

    keygen.exe Producer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Tested it, it says 3.3.7
    *LINK* removed, read the rules.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2021
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  13. Roboto

    Roboto Producer

    Sep 9, 2013
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    In case you're wondering, Mac release seems way safer than Windows release . Or at least doesn't contain any of the shenanigans of the Windows version (no custom licensing, no VM-wrapping)
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  14. Duamutef_MC

    Duamutef_MC Noisemaker

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Hi guys. Thank you for releasing this after so many years.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2021
  15. VisionSierra

    VisionSierra Kapellmeister

    Sep 9, 2019
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    Have you gotten the presets to show up in the UI? For some reason I am having a lot of trouble with that
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2021
  16. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    So.... ... downloaded 160GB of data... then waiting 3 hours to unzip it.

    And the result...?

    Welcome to a re-skin of an old rompler with thousands of "similar sounding" patches.

    Christ almighty... all those months of those members begging R2R to crack this piece of shite.
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  17. recycle

    recycle Guest

    @Pollice verso Thanks for your instructions.
    Crack works, but It happens that no preset is showing in list. You say:
    Whatever I write in that link it does not work
    Even if I leave the default address /Applications/Nexus library/ it does not work
    I'm using the default presets included in release, I guess I have to try with the superpack
  18. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    It quite clearly says in "most other instructions" that you have to use two sets of // instead of one
  19. recycle

    recycle Guest

    double slash on mac? never seen that
  20. Pollice verso

    Pollice verso Rock Star

    Dec 5, 2015
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    You need move presets folder inside Nexus library. The release Works!
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