Need help with frp Bypass on Android Please

Discussion in 'Mobile' started by ThugLife, Oct 22, 2020.

  1. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Hey everyone :)

    Can someone Please help me out with a 100% proof way on how to Bypass the frp Protection on a huawei mediapad t5?
    I have no clue on how to do that.
    I know this probably might seem suspicious but the Background is:
    My dad unfortunately passed away in August and along with his belongings, there was this Tablet, which to Me appears that he has bought second Hand and might have had the same Problem. I have the Bill, I have the original Boxing but when I turn it on, it tells me that I have to log into an email Adress that was once connected to this Tablet and well.. I dont know and i cant ask nobody anymore. And i think it would be a shame to make no use of it.
    Of course I already tried to Google it but it seems that all the old ways to do so have been patched.
    So is anyone in Here who can help me on this topic Please?

    Thank you all in advance :beg:
  3. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Tried it once again with several different Methods but all patched. Really no one in Here?
  4. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Have you tried flashing stock firmware?
  5. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

  6. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Thank you very much for your reply. I really appreciate it. No, I honestly tried nothing like that, I have to admit that I really dont know much about Stuff like that.
    So far i have not tried anything involving 3rd Party Software or connecting to computer.
    I tried several Methods from this Page
    But I follow every Step but every method involves steps that I can not get to anymore, meanIng that options/Buttons that are supposed to be available arent there anymore. So I guess they have been patched.
    Nevertheless, I followed your link and had a look at dc unlocker. But my device unfortunately is not listed among their supported Devices. If it was, I would pay those 15€/$.. no problem but I dont wanna spend it for nothing just to find out it doesnt work.
    What do you think, should i give it a shot, even if my device is not listed? :dunno:
  7. deeppvddles666

    deeppvddles666 Member

    Feb 24, 2021
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    Hey man, a little late to the frp crackin' party, sorry for that, but have you gone ahead with the purchased bypass method already? If not, and this is esPECIALLY if your device is not listed as supported, I would not recommend it. Haven't checked the link, but XDA is held in the highest regards, as far as android forums go (think of it as the equivalent to this place), and they normally frown upon FRP unlocking without looking, I am guessing one slipped by the mods and is a scam, but there are legit unlocking services on ebay, as well as scammers.

    Either way, the art of FRP unlocking comes down to three methods, mainly: 1.) Figure out a new method yourself, by sheer luck, reverse engineering, educated tinkering/hacking, OR (still on #1, here) be shown by someone else how to do it, who has discovered it thru this method of "fucking around". These usually, ALMOST always get patched, quite quickly, and this is due almost entirely to the fault of whatever dickhead blabbed and spread it on youtube and showed the world. Sometimes patched same day.

    2.) Find a legit unlocking service. Often times this is a sketchy seeming guy who needs to remote into your pc to do this, but for ~$35 and maybe 15 mins of your time, depending on what phone you've "inherited" (if true story, my deepest condolences, it's just, people always use that story to explain. These google locked devices that they have, but again, I mean no disrespect) this could be very well worth it.

    and 3.) Thru either hardware boxes ($100-$300+++) such as OCTOPLUS Box, z3x, UFI dongle etc etc, or thru software emulators of these boxes, along with the actual software that is cracked. Best route to go imo, I'd you plan on doing this a few times, even.

    Shit, sorry, the other "so obvious that I forgot it" method, and also partly already mentioned by Haliax above here, 4.) Flashing stock, downgrading, flashing combination file (most successful, usually I think), or any combination of these things, plus some other "moves", using Odin (the almighty flashing software, probably still v3.13).

    Sorry for the long comment, hoping if someone else runs into a similar issue, they can get some type of use, or at the least, price their options, from it. But also, if you still have the phone, while I have never cracked fro on a Huawei, feel free to message me and I can assist you in finding the right firmware and such to flash it and get past frp :) (not offering a paid service, help is free).
  8. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Hey @deeppvddles666

    First of all, there's really no need to apologize, I really appreciate you and your precious time. No, I didn't proceed any further, as it seemed so suspicious to me and nobody told me if I should. I have to admit, I really dont know nothing about this Stuff.
    My device, the Huawei Mediapad t5, really Wasnt listed by that time.
    How can i then tell the difference between scam and legit ones?

    I'd really love to find an own way through that, but I dont see myself doing it, as I just dont know anything about reverse Engineering, coding and Stuff. I've never played around too much with mobile Devices, Android and Stuff.

    No problem Dude, I understand your suspicion, I know this might seem as a made up Story, but it really is the Truth. There's even a bill for that device but ad far as I can tell, he bought that device 2nd Hand, as the bill is under another name, and had the same problem, as he might have never been able to Activate it, as it asks for the email Adress from the first owner. And thank you for your condlences. :mates:

    I'm so Sorry that I dont really answer your questions but I dont really understand what that all means, such as Hardware boxes and flashing.
    But I really dont mind paying something, its just that I want to be sure that I pay for a working Service, not for scam.

    Thank you very much for offering your help, as well as your comment and Sorry for my big knowledge gaps on this topic.
    I'd be very happy to have your help, as you seem to know much more than me. :wink:
  9. deeppvddles666

    deeppvddles666 Member

    Feb 24, 2021
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    Hey again man - sorry for the wait, I'm still new here and just starting to come around every so often and saw you replied. So usually if you were to pay for the service, you'd want to find someone trustworthy to refer you to someone or some site, possibly reddit or xda as they're "
    peer moderated", which doesn't mean shit at the end of the day when you get scammed for $50 but it's better than just picking a random site with the letters "FRP" in the URL haha.

    I was actually about to ask if you happened to live in the US near me, cause it was looking like it might be a long mission ahead of us...however i stumbled upon this on XDA just now---->

    [edit - shit, should probably mention: the thread is in regards to unlocking the bootloader, so, in their case for either root, installing custom roms, or both! But, and I'm just going off some later comments in that thread, but it looks like mainly what happens thru that process is that you physically short out the "test point", and while doing this, plug your phone/tablet into the computer, and it bypasses the normal boot and takes you straight to, what I'm guessing is their OS's version of recovery mode. Which just so happens to have an "unlock frp" option, ha! So from there if you wanted, you could even just straight rooot the device, carrier unlock it (if it is carrier locked, even) via custom firmware, or whatever! Keep in mind this will probably/maybe wipe the device though, i haven't read the entire thread, but i think i saw someone mention that there was an option they skipped with the "potato" software, and they were able to keep their data. Okay enough word vomit good luck homie, hmu with questions or lmk how it goes if you just end up going for it! peace]

    and holy shit man, the Chinese be fuckin' wild with their engineering! Besides being in awe that someone even figured this out (HAD to have been an employee who leaked it...right?!), I'm actually thankful that you asked for the help, because it seems that this has been confirmed to work on a number of Huawei devices!

    I've never owned any Chinese phone other than a few of the OnePlus's (currently a 6, but they're all solid), but have had my eyes on a few Huawei's and this takes away my apprehension on buying used from eBay and receiving an FRP locked device - actually will most likely buy one that way on purpose on the cheap. Not sure how comfortable you are with taking the back cover off and messing with stuff, but if you aren't, it looks like someone else on XDA had a connect for an unlocker that was ~$15, which is cheap...but like i said those topics are sort of hushed around there, so there was not another comment after his...

    But really this process looks super easy and simple, very low risk as long as you just follow the directions. Let me know if you have any questions about it m8!
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2021
  10. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Hey dude, it's all good, take your time, we all also have a private life and shit to do. Thank you so much for coming around to help another person in trouble. well, if your following suggestion doesnt work - i might consider registering on xda. i got you on that. i'd never spend money on a random site. that's why i was rather asking twice. but thanks for clearing that up

    again, that's just so kind of you. unfortunately i'm from germany. that's why it's hard to understand everything and express myself on such a topic where i don't know much about anyhow.
    But that link looks promising. thanks again for finding this one. so i'll need to take off the back cover and then this test point needs to be soldered? or just connected to what? the usb connector? is this where you plug your cable in? i'm so sorry for asking so many dumb questions but this would even be hard for me if it was written in german. i'm really not sure if i understand everything right. sorry for giving you hard time.
    but other than that, i'd love to give this option a try as soon as i know what to do exactly.

    well this sounds great. to me it seems that neither my dad nor i were ever able to get past the frp, so losing data really is absolutely no problem and i already made a factory reset several times, so the data would be wiped anyway. i'd just love to make use of this device. i really don't understand why this frp thing has to be implemented like that, cause i don't know bout you but do you have an idea how many email adresses i've had and couldnt recover for whatever reason?... and making an electronic device unusable for a legit owner, just because he forgot the password, doesnt have a way to recover or just doesnt want to confirm a random email adress with his phone number and so on - and make this potentially perfectly working device electronic waste is just a pity. i'd go to the police and have them confirm that the serial number is not reported as stolen. no problem. but well that's another thing, sorry i'm drifting off topic.

    i'm glad to read that this at least had some value to you, too. i've also never owned a huawei device myself. to be honest, i thought every android based phone was the same, software wise.... there you can clearly see how much of a noob i am on that topic hahaha
    and i honestly have no idea, if i think about the old fashioned nokia devices i'd say taking off the backcover is not a big deal, even for me but i think thats not the case, this might be glued to the device or something like that? well i don't know, i'd be willing to try that, as if i don't it's also not gonna work, but i'd at least love to make sure that i can further proceed through the following steps, so that i don't take off the backcover and then don't know how to "short the testpoint". so if that's a even better solution, i'd have no problem on spending 15$. i'd just love to live near you and have you do all that and give you way more bucks :)

    well this sounds promising, so if you believe that even a noob like me can do this, i will definitely give it a try.
    i really really appreciate you and your help dude. i hope that sometime i can return the favor.

    you're new here, but you seem to be a good win for the community. great to have you here :wink::wink:
  11. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    Well a method works if you can open the bootloader the company stop offering bootloader unlocking also official service center can reset the device if you can prove it is not stolen same goes to other brands phones tablets etc.if the frp is active and you are the owner official service will reset it under a minute
  12. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    This Sounds promising. I have a bill for that device, the only question is: would they accept that if it's not my name on this bill. He bought it second Hand.
    But if they would, that would probably be the easiest way. Thank you for that useful information :wink:
  13. deeppvddles666

    deeppvddles666 Member

    Feb 24, 2021
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    unfortunately, they absolutely will not accept that if its not your name. In fact, im not entirely sure where he's getting this info from, because you can even outright buy a phone on ebay, have your own name on the bill,and aint no "official service center" is gonna do that for you. Unless we just don't have official service centers over here, cause i'm not sure what you, a Verizon store???

    Thing is, if it is YOUR device, rightfully and legally so? Then why the hell is there someone else's google account locking the phone? 99% of FRP locked devices are stolen devices, and for that 1%, unless you can show that it's your actual email address somehow, and your dumbass just forgot the password lol, then you're still outta luck. (sorry for makign up that statistic, but its probably close) I FRP unlock phones on the side both as a service, and buying them on ebay to resell myself. I am straight up TOLD they are stolen most of the time, when not on eBay.

    Go for the shorting method dawg. It's super easy. Included a drawing for you lol, the orange and blue thing is just a jumper wire, any old cable, like a phone cord, cut to like, 3 inches or so. Strip both ends off so you are left with metal on both ends. Then, follow their instrructions, and "short" the test point in that picture to the metal shield in my picture. Shorting it, is just making two parts of a circuit touch, where they normally shouldn't/wouldnt, thus making eelectricity flow to somewhere extra you want it to go, or avoiding (i think in this case) somewhere you DONT want it to go. xda.png
  14. MetaCastle

    MetaCastle Guest

    @deeppvddles666 somewhere where i live there is official services for some of the brands of phones, tablets the carriers import some of them are authorized to service multiple brands also the shorting technique is neat not everyone can unglue a device back panel
  15. deeppvddles666

    deeppvddles666 Member

    Feb 24, 2021
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    @MetaCastle word i hear you. I suppose we do have a shadier phone dealer in town who owns his own store, that was advertising on the radio a while back, that he would "bypass" any iphone's icloud lock (seems like a sketchy thing to announce over radio but) - lol for $250, PLUS you had to drive to the nearest Apple store, which from here, is 400 miles away... So i made a counter advertisement on FB marketplace offering the service for $50, and called his ass out for it. Not sure who all he got to report me, but i was kicked off FB marketplace for "life", which ended up being around 8 months, apparently. But i can see smaller shops doing it for sure, just gotta own a few of the hardware boxes and you're set! I've thought about doing it myself as a full business. Crazy that official Verizon/whoever stores near you are doing it though, boggles my mind, since they (well, okay phone manufacturers, rather) are allowing the FRP/google lock on the devices in the first place!

    @ThugLife you have any luck with that, or with the shorting method, yet?
  16. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    @deeppvddles666 First of all let me apologize for my very very Late reply. I've been in the middle of moving from one condo to another for more than 2 weeks now and still aint finished yet cause my Boss put me on a 6 Day week at exactly that time. I'm so damn busy atm and far from being all set up.
    Thanks to you, that picture and your explaination made it perfectly clear. I just didnt try it yet. I have a friend who has some kinda Shop for smartphone repair and i asked him if he knows how to do it. He said he does, so I guess i'll let him try it first or try that method together with him as I think he might know how to unglue the backcover and put the glue back on. Only downside is, that I need to find an opportunity to get to his store when he's there, so its currently a Bit difficult.
    But I guess i might get a chance within the next week.
    I'll let you know for sure soon as I Made any Progress.
    Again thank you so far homie
  17. deeppvddles666

    deeppvddles666 Member

    Feb 24, 2021
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    shit man no worries! I was just curious! Heat gun, evenly applied (couple inches away, to be safe!) to the back side of pretty much any phone will do it! Or a hair dryer, such as i have to use because i'm naturally unprepared and like to have to improvise (not really but thats what always seems to happen!). But dope that your homie has a shop you can goto/use, i'm sure he'll have the correct tools and make all this a breeze! Good luck to you my guy
  18. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    You have every right to be curious. Be sure soon as I got it, first i'll let you know.
    Thanks for all the Support and your advice.
    I'd also have to pick the hairdryer. But well maybe my homie got the better tools. I Hope it all gonna work
    I'll keep it short for now, but I Hit you up soon as I had the time to go there.
    Thank you for everything so far
  19. alidonkaka6

    alidonkaka6 Noisemaker

    Dec 22, 2021
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    hello there, everyone

    That picture plus your explanation, thanks to you, made everything crystal obvious. I haven't tried it yet. I have a guy who owns a smartphone repair business, and I asked him if he knew how to do it. He claimed he does, so I'll either let him attempt it first or try that way with him because I believe he knows how to unglue the backcover and re-glue it. The only drawback is that I have to find a way to go to his store while he's there, which is currently challenging. real estate istanbul
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2022
  20. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    I don't suppose you have access to your late fathers email accounts?
    His estate should be able to obtain access to any of his email accounts since he has sadly passed away...
    Search his email and see if he registered the device and then request password reset to be sent to relevant email!
  21. marianathony

    marianathony Newbie

    Jul 13, 2024
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    I'm really sorry to hear about your dad's passing. It must be tough dealing with all this while trying to get his Huawei MediaPad T5 up and running. Let me walk you through a way to bypass the FRP (Factory Reset Protection) on it.

    First, you'll need to download two tools that are known to work well: vnROM or addROM FRP Bypass Tool. These are designed specifically for all kind of android devices

    Here's what you need to do:

    • Download vnROM bypass FRP, you can download it from here. or search for addROM on google
    • Use a USB cable to connect your MediaPad T5 to a computer where you've downloaded these tools.
    • Once connected, open each tool one by one. Follow the instructions provided by the tools to bypass the FRP lock on your tablet. It usually involves a few simple steps like clicking buttons or entering commands.

    Sometimes these processes can take a little time, so be patient and follow each step carefully.

    These tools are safe to use and have helped many people in similar situations. If you need more detailed instructions or run into any issues, don't hesitate to ask for help. There are plenty of forums and communities online where tech-savvy folks can guide you through the process step by step.

    I hope this helps you make good use of your dad's tablet. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out.
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