I had to clear my head

Discussion in 'Work in Process' started by Lenny Belardo II, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. Mud Jones

    Mud Jones Platinum Record

    Sep 20, 2018
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    N.Y. USA

    nice enough song but imo it sounds generally too over processed and the vocals get lost at times, that's what stops it from soundling like the radio, imo.
  2. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Spoken like a true artist that always find thier owne story super borring and notworth mentioning. and nothing could be further from the truth :)

    I don't find that borring at all to listen to your story. it just leads to so many more questions i wanna ask and know more about you. Like how did you get started on the keyboard, and when did you know that you had a calling for music. when did you take the leap and left the old safe way of graphics design and started the adventure of pressuring music. - we could deffo hang for hours and talk about real stuff and share stories.

    for instance, i used to be a graphics design and art director. making anything from typography and logo design to magazin and album covers and making userinterface designs, down to making all kinds of merch designs etc. and all kinds of things on the interwebz for the longest time, untill simular things happend where i hated the job and all that. had the worst depression for years. stoped making any visuals of any sorts since. the music started calling me home to the roots where it all started. i come from a musical family, but somehow i just had to try going a different router in life than everybody else before me, before i whent home.

    why are you still doing music?
    what made you start in the first place?

    those question i often try to answer myself, to remind me of the past. to make me keep on going.
    somedays i dont have a answer and i schrug. and make some crap music
    other days i just KNOW it. and the music really "plays"

    remembered a vid i watched some time ago that had helped me with making some clarity.
    One could watch this 14min video, where this guy talks about:

    the 3 C's

  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I believe what you are thinking or considering, is normal for any musician who has spent decades working their craft.
    A lot of social interaction talks of peace, happiness and comfort zones. Stepping away from the contentment these imply, to facilitate the continuance of creating on a plane that is perpetually new every day is probably not a reality. It could well be that you actually are in your comfort zone and the creative musician within you that is within all of us who try to create something new is asking whether you are stagnating because you do feel comfortable? If so, my take is that when I get to these places, I would not worry about it and be content that I have not lost the desire to do better tomorrow than I did today. :)

    The mere fact you are questioning your own direction I do not believe is anything other than a great mindset as a path to new or expanding directions.
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  4. Strat4ever

    Strat4ever Rock Star

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Many of us fall into this rut of never being satisfied with our creations.
  5. Excellent video. Thank you. I think one of my problems is with contemplation. I don't take time to absorb new things fully. I emulate rather than create.
  6. I wonder who really thinks "that track is perfect. In fact it's more than I expected it to be. It's beyond perfect!" I hear faults in everything I do and everything I have done. I even do it with bands I love. I hear an album track, then a live version and think "I wish they'd put that section on the album"
  7. Thank you for your generous support. I truly value all comments. Just taking a few minutes to listen to what comes out of my little studio down here in Australia means a lot to me. With your suggestions in mind I'm trying to find a middle ground. Somewhere between AOR and modern pop. I've left vocal errors in with the intention of redoing them when I know the melody and cadence better. Please forgive me.