Izotope subscription now - Ozone "Pro" is better than advanced - you MUST subscribe

Discussion in 'Software News' started by SimonD, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. Karate Grownup

    Karate Grownup Producer

    Jul 4, 2020
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    This is such a shame that Exponential Audio joined this f*ckery.
  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

  3. Ariel Gonzalez

    Ariel Gonzalez Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2020
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    Somewhere Out There
    it seems to be like the creation of something compared to plugin alliance o plugin collective i guess
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    We can hope
  5. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    You can trust the last 4 pages of us chatting, yeah! Not "may"; "is"!
    Like, what were you thinking?
  6. tori

    tori Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2018
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    I think without NI, it would be a really dumb plan from iZotope.... Their products alone are nothing special, and they don't really have much different products, and.... most people just use ozone anyway. With NI a subscription makes a little more sense. But it's still not really good, Plugin Alliance or even Slate offer much more...At least for mixing. I'm exited to see, what NI adds to the table.
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    So let me get this correctly, instead of taking the thread author's topic as the focal points of my replies, the entire world should be reading multiple pages of what has come before, especially yours?
    We're around the same age man, suggesting that because someone does not read four pages of replies in detail, does not make them any less worthy of making a comment that is similar. Suggesting they are any less than equal is not a good look and can be easily misconstrued as a superiority complex. Entire polls and concluded analysis at the highest levels are summarised by the concurring data. I am too busy making music for a living even under COVID, to sit and read multiple pages of every single thread I visit. I do, however, follow the concurring data without making fun of someone who echoes their findings similarly to others just because someone else has said similar things.

    P.S. critical thinking involves not trusting anything a person reads on a forum or social media and checking for themselves, so trusting what is said on a forum? Are you kidding me? :rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2021
    • Interesting Interesting x 1
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  8. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Which, regardless of if it's been graphics software, VT editing softwate, or music production software, we have been given these things to use (licensed; we don't own them) SO that we would have to eventually relinquish more if we wanted to move forward with them.
    If it exists with Adobe etc, it seems all will follow. Due to pressures from the 'unseen'.
    Well yeah, you already stated that in your first sentence.
    So you are another who misuses the expression "that said".
    You would do better to find out what it means.
    With that being said, this is good to know so I can dechipher you properly.
  9. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    You are intelligent so what is the point of correcting anyone as long as you understand them????
    This is an informal forum, not a doctoral dissertation and if it was, in context 'That having been said' is more correct. Not the Quora academically unacceptable versions of English Grammar. Is it really that important with casual communication to correct anyone? They're simply trying to be understood as we all are. Additionally, if you think I am a new person you would be gravely mistaken. If you go back to the Audiosex CD, you can work out how long I have been here. Same name as on the CD.
  10. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Just the original post would have sufficed for you. I suggested no such thing. That's you. I'm suggesting you not believing it is strange.
    Considering you were one of the first to answer the thread on page one!
    I didn't comment in the thread.
    ...Trusting that your reply #6 would have assumed that the OP was telling the truth, because you already answered it. Here it is:
    And then 4 pages later you suddenly wonder if it's all real and challenge it! lol.
    Telling us who already know, this:
    Well done!
    Please do, yes.
  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    No, no. That is irrelevant as a point.
    The expression, or even "that said", means 'however'. So it was misused AS I SAID.
    So that others can understand them properly too, and the person can go forward and use the expression PROPERLY! lol.
    It's my language, I will help people use it properly if they can't.
    Especially, and in fact only, here at AS.
    And being misunderstood and sounding less intelligent than they are.
    I think nothing about you. Why would I? I am "gravely" nothing.
    Oh that thing. I didn't enjoy it. Yeah, I believe you mate. On a public forum and all:
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
  12. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    So to reiterate, I should have read every page when nobody directly replied? I am replying to you because you did. That is logical.
    You missed the point. did you understand them? Yes. Then that is all that matters on an informal forum.
    This is not an academic journal, or a thesis or anything that requires a diatribe with a plethora of verbosity so it is unnecessary, full-stop.
    That having been said, in academic writing, it indicates that the writer intends to show loopholes that do not align with what they just stated, otherwise, they would say 'To reiterate' if they intended repetition. Irrelevant isn't it?!
    Repeating, you understood them. To reiterate, that's all that matters.
  13. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Neither did I all that much, but I contributed something and that is all that mattered and it was the only track that had all real musicians on it on every part, for whatever that's worth.

    So you took it upon yourself to correct everyone? Why?
    Go for it. How many times have been cautioned for stirring trouble?
    Quite a lot I would estimate.
    Please avoid replying in future and I will do the same.
    Thank you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2021
  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Again, trying for the second time to put words in my mouth! Nah, mate. I ain't taking that from you! lol.
    So to repeat myself again to a particularly densely populated mind of a person, you already answered on page 1.
    You knew it was real on page 1.
    By page 4 you didn't know WTF was going on and suddenly doubted the intelligence and legitimacy of the OP and the last 4 pages.
    And then you have the audacity to tell us it IS real, and give us a link.
    2 weeks after the thread was started. Flipping ridiculous! :rofl:
    What the fuck are you talking about? :woot:
    Are you alright?
    You came here on page 4 and were very strange.
    And you had already commented to the contrary on page 1.
    Please, you don't have to embarass yourself anymore.
  15. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Because I did not believe what is said on social media and a forum here of supposed experts, instead of critically thinking? :rofl:if you looked further the same story of collaboration is ascertained on many sites, just different perspectives. But no, you have to put someone down, you really cannot help yourself can you? :rofl:
    If that's audacity, then yes I will choose to critically think every time and research and ask friends who work and design the applications people put up on the sister site instead of someone who has been cautioned more than once on here for their megalomania without showing anything to support it. :)
    You just did the very thing I suggested you were putting out, an unwarranted superiority complex. Who are you? - Please put up what makes you so superior to so many people many have witnessed you crapping on. I know exactly who you are - nobody - just like anyone else on the planet. Nobody any better or worse than anyone else.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2021
  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Nobody has put anyone down! Again, what are you talking about? Are you just posting falsity about me in the hope that someone will believe your comments?
    The only person that has put anyone down is potentially you imagining and implying that all the people involved in the last 4 pages are dreaming or something! And then you thinking you NEED to tell us it's all real !? Just, wow.
    No I didn't. You seem a bit crazy with how hard you are trying the strawman thing. And you never "suggested" I was "putting out", whatever that is.
    If you perceive that, that is your reflection actually.
    Btw, all "superiority complexes" are "unwarranted"! Wtf? haha.
    Well done. You should be able to chill out now you have made this realisation in life.
    As you were.
    Ciao now.
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yeah, please explain. You won't, because you can't.
    I said just this:
    And you were so taken aback by me saying those words that you have talked nonsense about me and slagged me off for a page/5+ replies.
    I know who you are 'friends' with and you have shot yourself in the foot already by saying one thing in particular here, because you have implicated someone else...Unless you are bullshitting of course.
    So it's best you chill out now....
  18. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Then stop being a spelling Grammar nazi man.
    You are hilarious. Own your actions man - screams superiority complex. Nobody is justified - You are a little slow on the uptake - Then stop doing it and walk your own talk and you may not get cautioned as much... Evidence - Spelling and Grammar Nazi you were, and that's how this started.

  19. PopstarKiller

    PopstarKiller Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2016
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    I'm not sure if it's the result or the reason. But I guess Klaus got it right.

  20. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Isn't that what you got cautioned for on how many threads? Or was it bullying. Let's ask Ollie.
    @Olymoon do you guys let Spelling and Grammar bullies like this thing run loose? I wasn't aware he was allowed to take apart others and tell others how to spell to his standards (which aren't right anyway), or what they should and should not do; isn't telling others what to do a moderator's job? I was aware of language decorums as well? Or do they not exist anymore? Or does he have one set of profanity rules and everyone else another?
    Can this person even play or are they a troll who only seems to lurk around threads insulting people?
    Shades of Foster.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2021
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